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jueves, 17 de octubre de 2024

80% believe US is wrong

About 80% of United States’ (US) citizens believe that our government is not representing us. Please click on the following link to watch Vice President Harris’ response to that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtT6r6PvNaE

38 million US citizens live in poverty, and 60% live from paycheck to paycheck. That can’t be proof that the US is the champion of democracy, when China has already eradicated her poverty since 2020 having 4 times the US’ population!

The US has ignored 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. That is US imperialism, and not democracy!

9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while the US unconditionally supports the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against international law! That shows that the US is a rouge state, and not a democracy.

With the majority of Americans believing that our country is wrong, it’s no wonder that the world believes that the US is the biggest threat to peace.

Can Americans put our country on the right track?  

Who supports China?

Here are the 10 nations that most support the People’s Republic of China in win-win relationships. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/1Jtx0nrjvzs

Contrast that list with the list of the United States’ (US) allies that have, on the contrary, win-lose relationships with the US. Germany, for example, was the industrial powerhouse of Europe, until the US blew up its Nord Streams pipelines that has led to her deindustrialization.

The US doesn’t even have a win-win relationship with its own citizens. While 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, 38 million Americans live in poverty, and 60% live from paycheck to paycheck. Does that sound like the US is the champion of democracy?

The US is in fact the champion of imperialism. Are you aware that the US has refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans?

After 124 years of US imperialism in Puerto Rico, two thirds of Puerto Ricans live away from our national territory, and half of those remaining live in poverty.

The global majority, not only not support the US, but also considers the US the biggest threat to peace!

The US is on the wrong side of history!

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2024

La “democracia” en la colonia

¿Creen los puertorriqueños que votando en las elecciones políticas en Puerto Rico realmente estarían eligiendo a gente para que los represente?   

Si Puerto Rico fuera una democracia, ¿estarían dos terceras partes de los puertorriqueños viviendo hoy fuera de nuestro territorio nacional?

Si Puerto Rico fuera una democracia, ¿estaría la mitad de los puertorriqueños en Puerto Rico viviendo en la pobreza?

Y, si Puerto Rico fuera una democracia, ¿por qué la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) celebra anualmente una vista sobre la descolonización de Puerto Rico?

¿Sabe usted que Estados Unidos (EU) ha ignorado 42 resoluciones de la ONU demandándole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños? https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1w/k1wb1xdn6i https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k15/k154ku9q8x

¡Ni en EU hay democracia! ¿Sabe usted que mientras 9 de los 10 hombres más ricos en del mundo son estadounidenses, 38 millones de americanos viven en la pobreza, y el 60% viven de cheque a cheque?

La democracia en EU y Puerto Rico no existe. ¡En vez de votar, hagamos resistencia permanente en la calle por una democracia de verdad!

¡Votar en un imperio es botar el tiempo! 

martes, 15 de octubre de 2024

Capitalism is the end of humanity

As a capitalist government imposes austerity on its citizens, oligarchs get amazingly richer at the expense of the majority of the citizenry who gets poorer. Therefore, austerity is synonymous to class war! Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/BCjRpvw3950

In the United States (US), 38 million Americans today live in poverty, and 60% live from paycheck to paycheck, as 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

The US claims to be the champion of democracy, but it denies democracy to Puerto Ricans. The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Capitalism is the opposite of democracy! 

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2024

US only cares about its imperialism

The United States (US) could instantly stop the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, but chooses not to, against the desire of the majority of US citizens, and against international law. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/EELkeHb2dvA

The people of the world must unite to do whatever we can to stop US imperialism. When we do, we are fighting for democracy and humanity.

Don’t try to move a mountain by yourself, but join us in doing that.

Humanity is a terrible thing to waste!

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2024

Representing Bonaire’s Marginalized People

James Finies and Davika Bissessar from Bonaire Human Rights respond to recent statements from Arthur Sealy and Willem Cecilia in a popular talk show; it has been suggested that only the Bonaire Government is positioned to represent the interests of the Bonaire people. History shows that citizen-led movements have challenged power structures, advocated for human rights, and driven significant societal change, proving that ordinary people can collectively influence progress. Bonaire Human Rights Organization(BHRO) for the last decade has provided a platform for marginalized voices on Bonaire.

The present crisis faced by the people of Bonaire, reduced from 80% to a minority group of just 32% in 2024 is leading to the rapid disappearance of their identity, culture, language, norms, and values.

The current government, made up of the same political leaders—Clark Abraham, Daisy Coffie, and Cyril Vrolijk—who in 2017 betrayed the Bonerians by disregarding their rejection of the current status, No vote, allowed the Dutch government to annex and anchor us in the Dutch Constitution and impose unequal rights on Bonaire permanently. The Bonaire government is forced to accept and implement laws made in The Hague that are illegally imposed, violating international law.

Mr. Arthur Sealy, politically compromised, was the chairman of the referendum committee in 2004, which led the referendum campaign with false promises that never happened up to today misinforming the Bonaire population and setting the stage for the tragedy of 10-10-10. Additionally, Mr. Willem Cecilia played a significant role in the implementation of 10-10-10 as the island secretary, overseeing the legal governmental process that placed us in this illegal structure.

We want to remind Mr. Sealy and Mr. Cecilia that the government's primary duty is to respect, protect, and comply with the rights of the people. Not to betray or violate their fundamental rights. We wish to emphasize that the inalienable right to self-determination, as established under international law and treaties, belongs to the people—not to the governments of Bonaire or Holland. This right was clearly violated when in the 2015 referendum, 66% of the population rejected the imposed illegal status of annexation, a choice ratified by the island parliament as a legitimate democratic decision.

This lack of respect raises serious questions about representation and the autonomy of the people of Bonaire. Trust in political leaders has declined, resulting in lower voter participation. The consequences of 10-10-10 are clearer now: local representatives are subordinated to about eight Dutch-controlled entities that decide. Voter turnout has dropped from over 80% before 10-10-10 to around 50% in the last elections, including Dutch settlers who gained voting rights after three months on the island. This decline underscores the need for BHRO and civil society to advocate for the population's rights and interests.

We urge all stakeholders to recognize the importance of inclusive representation and to support the efforts of BHRO and civil society in their advocacy for justice, equality, and just and legitimate representation for the people of Bonaire.

Bonaire Human Rights Organization

Kaya Libertador Simon Bolivar 26
Kralendijk, Bonaire

Tel: +599 786 4576 / +599 782 5664

Journalism is a crime in “democracies”

Democracy used to be different from a dictatorship, because it had a free press. People in a democracy were supposedly able to speak freely without the government throwing you in jail. Julian Assange, however, proved that the United States (US), the so-called champion of democracy” will throw you in jail if you dare publish US government crimes.  Communism is not the only thing we now have to fear!   

Not to be outdone by the US, Israel has recently arrested an American journalist for covering the war in Israel. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/3iDiKyzd8Sc

Committing genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, against international law, is perfectly fine for the US and Israel, but journalism is a crime that is punishable by death. Both the US and Israel are engaged in imperialism, and that automatically puts them above the law.

While 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, 38 million Americans live in poverty, and 60% live from paycheck to paycheck. Only 33% of Americans are satisfied with our government, while 90% of Chinese are satisfied with theirs. Thus, the American Dream has moved to China!

While US oligarchs benefit, the US consistently refuses to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Does the US care about Puerto Rico’s democracy?

US imperialism is the only thing we see.

US democracy is just an illusion!