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jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021

The US is not on our side

The following video is irrefutable evidence that the United States (US) government (USG) is not for all of its citizens. Click on this link to watch it: https://youtu.be/t58_KoGrKWo

Instead of the USG protecting its citizens, it wants to provoke a nuclear war with Russia and China over Ukraine and Hong Kong. The USG says that it is projecting their right to independence. But, it has ignored Puerto Rico’s right to her independence for the past 123 year! The fact of the matter is that only 1% of the US citizens benefit by what the USG does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

It is therefore up to the 99% of US citizens to force our government represent us. To do that, we will have to engage in permanent resistance like the ones in the above video. We must continue the resistance, until the government gets on our side. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

US greatness will depend on the degree in which she represents all of her citizens. But that will only happen when we force her to!

Get the US on our side.

Remembering the Cuban Missile Crisis lesson

The world came close to nuclear annihilation 59 years ago, when Russia installed missiles in Cuba. The United States (US) government’s (USG) position was that these missiles posed a threat to US national security.

Nuclear war was averted by the USG promising that it will never militarily invade Cuba. The USG, however, has had a blockade against Cuba for the past 60 years! The international community recently, almost unanimously, voted to put an end to the blockade. The USG and Israel were the only ones that want it to continue.

The USG is currently provoking Russia into a nuclear war by engaging in the same activity that almost caused it in October of 1962. The USG wants to make Ukraine part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. That would put the USG even closer to Russia. Russia would also consider that as a threat to her national security, and will never permit that!

The USG has made so many enemies throughout its entire history, that it is considered as the biggest threat to peace by the international community. This is an excellent example of why!

Our only hope is for the 99% of US citizens to take control of our government to make it represent our interest. Why should we all die for the 1%?

We must learn from the past!

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2021

EEUU apoya independencia de colonias de otros

El gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) apoya la independencia de las colonias de Rusia y China, pero no para su colonia, Puerto Rico.

El GEU está a punto de entrar en una guerra con Rusia y China para tratar de evitar no perder la hegemonía que ha disfrutado por los últimos 76 años.  Oprima el siguiente enlace para los detalles: https://youtu.be/mdAD4RMrjog

Su obvia hipocresía está en el hecho de que el GEU nunca ha cumplido con la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) que prohíbe el colonialismo desde el 1945. La hipocresía estadounidense se hace aún más patente al haber ignorado 40 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que entregue inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

Necesitamos que la comunidad internacional no permita que la use para continuar la injusticia. ¡Nunca podrá haber paz mundial sin justicia mundial! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

No seamos parte de la hipocresía. 

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2021

A system to make the US truly democratic

Worker cooperatives are an excellent way to convert the United States into a true democracy. Click on the following link to understand how that would work: https://youtu.be/Nh9RdaXuGQA

Expect that the 1% to fight us every step of the way. Therefore, we must educate, organize, and revolutionize ourselves!

Worker cooperatives will only happen, if we are determined to engage in resistance now, resistance tomorrow, and resistance forever!

Working for all of us!

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2021

Conmemoración Filiberto Ojeda Ríos

Un grupo de boricuas nos reunimos en las afueras de la Casa Museo Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, en Plan Bonito, Hormiguero, Boriken, el domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2021 para conversar sobre, ¿cómo podríamos adelantar nuestra independencia? Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver nuestro video: https://youtu.be/ZU0UWS4-cLs

El gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) asesinó al revolucionario boricua Filiberto en su casa el 23 de septiembre de 2005, día de la conmemoración del Grito de Lares. Todo boricua tiene el derecho de usar todos los medios necesarios para descolonizar a su patria.

El GEU ha estado cometiendo un crimen en contra de humanidad manteniendo a Puerto Rico como su colonia en contra de la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) del 1945, y 40 resoluciones del a ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños.

El GEU ha adoctrinado a los boricuas durante 123 años para que les sirvamos a sus intereses. Los boricuas tendríamos primero que descolonizar nuestras mentes, para lograr poder servirnos. Eso solo se podrá hacer aprendiendo nuestra verdadera historia. ¡Nuestra verdadera historia es lo único que uniría a los 9 millones de boricuas mundialmente para hacer resistencia permanente hasta que logremos nuestra independencia!

Edúcate borícuate y revoluciónate.   

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2021

Why can’t Boricuas solve our water problem?

The following video is about how Israel has helped in Puerto Rico’s water problem after Hurricane Maria. But the bigger question is, why can’t Puerto Ricans solve it ourselves? Click on the following link to watch that video: https://youtu.be/6RwbWf5gP2c

It would be impossible for us to do that as long as Puerto Rico continues to be a United States (US) colony. How could colonized people for the past 123 years solve our own problems when the US government (USG) is exploiting us entirely for its benefit?

The USG has ignored 40 United Nations (UN) resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Despite the fact that colonialism is a crime against humanity according to the UN’s Charter since 1945, the USG has willfully chosen to be a criminal! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

So you see, it is much bigger than solving a water problem. It is about solving a country’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence. And that will only be accomplished when the 9 million Puerto Ricans worldwide engage in permanent resistance to force the USG to comply with international law. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/   

The world considers the USG as the greatest threat to peace. World peace is only possible when we have justice for all!

We would rather do it ourselves!

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021

United States of War

The new alliance between the United States (US), the United Kingdom and Australia to threaten the Peoples Republic of China is yet another example that the US government does not govern for 100% of its citizens. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/9JO41ELzfeM

The last thing on the mind of the USG is the wellbeing of all of its citizens. How would the USG feel if China, Russia and Cuba did the very same thing at its doorstep?

The USG is the one that the world considers the biggest threat to world peace, and for good reasons!

Did you know that the USG has ignored 40 United Nations’ (UN) resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

US history proves that she is a nation of war. That is how the 1% of her citizens become richer, as the rest of us become poorer. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

A wake-up call for the masses!

Who represents all the people?

The United States government (USG) says that China is its biggest enemy. The USG accuses China as being authoritarian.

But the fact of the matter is that the Chinese’s government represents 100% of its people, while the USG represents only its 1%. So, which nation could prove to the world that she believes in democracy? Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/v17s-LKeoQw

A German 2020 survey says that the USG is the biggest threat to peace. Is democracy what you say or what you do?

Democracy beyond the propaganda.

US sanctions only accelerate her decline

The 1% of United States (US) citizens is causing the US’ decline. Click on the following link to learn about one more way this is being accomplished: https://youtu.be/FeaqWYDRY0o

Where is US democracy if 99% of her citizens are ignored?

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021

Sustained resistance for radical change!

What is the significance of the 10th anniversary of Occupy Wall Street? What did we learn? Click on the following link for a discussion of that: https://youtu.be/GxSUYDka6jw

We learned that there is a lot of ignorance about what capitalism is, and that that ignorance was orchestrated by the 1% of the United States (US) citizens. Therefore, we need to educate ourselves to be able to see in what direction the 99% of us must march towards.

We learned that the radical transformation of our economic system will only occur through a well-orchestrated permanent resistance to achieve it. And once achieved, we must remain forever watchful to avoid that the 1% does the same thing it did to President Roosevelt’s new deal of the 1930’s.   

The US educational system is at the service of the 1%. We are on our own in seeking for the truth in order to save ourselves. We have a huge advantage. We are 99% more than the 1%!

Resistance now tomorrow and forever!

domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2021

The US is the Military Industrial Complex

United States (US) President Eisenhower warned us about the danger of our own Military Industrial Complex (MIC) on his last day in office. We did not heed. And today, we are suffering dearly from it!

What does it mean when the US loses a war against the weakest military nation? It means that the US Empire is in decline. Click on the following link for more details: https://youtu.be/nqTLMu6xKEM

The US government does not have the consent of the 99% of the governed. We were not spreading democracy and freedom around the world in these wars. We were making the MIC richer. We don’t even have democracy and freedom ourselves!

Make the US a real democracy!

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2021

Covid-19 revealed US capitalism’s weakness

The coronavirus pandemic has been an important experiment that has forced us to realize the weakness of United Sates’ (US) capitalism, where 20% of the world’s coronavirus deaths occurred while having less than 5% of the world’s population. Click on the following link to get more details: https://youtu.be/L923Xgd7oFI

The US government (USG) blames China for its weakness, because, whatever the cost to the 99% of us, it wants to continue with neoliberalism now, neoliberalism tomorrow, and neoliberalism forever. US capitalism scientifically doesn’t work for the masses!

It is, therefore, incumbent on us to engage in permanent resistance to replace the US’ economy with one that benefits the masses. Isn’t that what democracy means?

This is our wake-up call!

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2021

Boricuas sin nuestro propio pasaporte

¿Por qué los boricuas tenemos un pasaporte extranjero?

El gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) invadió militarmente a Puerto Rico para hacerla su colonia en el 1898. El GEU les ofreció su ciudadanía a los boricuas en el 1917. Nosotros la rechazamos, pero el imperio nos la impuso.

El boricua José Fufi Santori Coll nos planteó que la idea detrás de ese pasaporte estadounidense para los boricuas es para desnaturalizarnos. El GEU quería divertir nuestra lealtad natural a Boriken hacia los Estados Unidos de América. Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver nuestro video donde Fufi explicó eso: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUZxaT9vTB8&t=47s

Después de 123 años del adoctrinamiento que acompaña la colonización de una nación, muchos boricuas dicen atesorar, “su ciudadanía estadounidense”.

El colonialismo es un crimen en contra de la humanidad bajo la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) del 1945. ¡Por lo tanto, el GEU es un criminal!

El GEU ha ignorado 40 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

Esa ciudadanía estadounidense ha causado que más boricuas estén fuera que dentro de su territorio nacional. Solo cuando el GEU pueda tener una mayoría de su gente blanca en Boriken, Boriken se convertirá en el estado 51 de la Unión. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

¡Despierta boricua y defiende lo tuyo!

Antes que sea muy tarde. 

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021

Does the US care about human rights?

No. It cares about making the 1% of her citizens richer. Click on the following link to get an example of that: https://youtu.be/PI2ENJJ6rB4

Here is another example that occurred 123 years ago. The United States (US) government (USG) militarily invaded Puerto Rico to make her its colony. Puerto Rico is today the oldest colony in the world.

The USG has always been in violation of the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism, because it is a crime against humanity.

The USG is in violation of 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The USG is in decline, because of its behavior of the past 245 years. Our only salvation is for the 99% of the US to save her. We could only do that by getting the truth about how we got to this point. Then, it is about resistance now, resistance tomorrow, and resistance forever! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

The 99% of us do!

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2021

What is wrong with US democracy?

The problem with United States (US) democracy is that our government is really not for all of its people. 99% of US citizens are ignored. Click on the following link to hear Professor Wolff’s explanation: https://youtu.be/G8VlWiuaR_w

We must educate ourselves to realize that US democracy is only on paper. We must engage in permanent resistance to force our government to represent everyone.

We won’t get real democracy, unless we push for it!

Don’t let the 1% push us!

Afghanistan and Puerto Rico

Afghanistan was militarily occupied by the United States (US) government (USG) for 20 years. Puerto Rico has been militarily occupied by the USG for the past 123 years. She is the oldest colony in the world.

Just like in Afghanistan, the USG illegally invaded Puerto Rico in 1898. Puerto Rico enjoyed real self-government as a province of Spain at the time (1897). Just like Afghanistan, the USG has committed a crime against humanity against Puerto Ricans.

The USG has refused to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter that prohibits colonialism since 1945, and has refused to comply with 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

Some believe that Puerto Ricans want Puerto Rico to become a state of the Union of the US. If that were so, the USG should, therefore, comply with the UN’s Charter and its resolutions, so that Puerto Ricans could ask, as free people, to be admitted into the Union.

The USG won’t do that, because, it knows that, Puerto Ricans would not ask to join the Union. Additionally, the USG would never accept Puerto Rico as a state, as long as Puerto Ricans are a majority in our national territory.

The USG sees Puerto Ricans as an inferior race. That is why, in the Treaty of Paris of 1898, the USG insisted that this be included. “The rights of Puerto Ricans shall be determined by the US government.” That was taken from a Supreme Court decision in which a former slave sued his former master. That decision basically said that, no black has any right that the white man has to respect. https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/landmark_dred.html

We must resist today, tomorrow and forever to regain our sovereignty. As more and more Puerto Ricans learn our real history, that permanent resistance, like in Afghanistan, will come! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

Imperialism works the same way everywhere. 

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2021

Protesta para descolonizar a Puerto Rico

Un grupo de boricuas protestó el domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2021 en el supuesto “Capitolio” de Puerto Rico por nuestra descolonización. Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver un video corto sobre el evento: https://youtu.be/MfFE9PGrTFs

Si queremos lograr nuestro objetivo, deberíamos protestar permanente para que el gobierno de Estados Unidos cumpla con la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas que prohíbe el colonialismo por ser un crimen en contra de la humanidad desde el 1945. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

No deberíamos pelear entre nosotros. Después que tengamos nuestra soberanía devuelta, nosotros discutiremos democráticamente nuestro futuro político. El impero es el único que se beneficia si peleamos entre nosotros ahora.

¡La protesta tiene que ser constante!     

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2021

¡La resistencia tiene que ser permanente!

Nosotros nos podemos gobernar mejor que los gringos. ¡Indígnate!


You need a revolution to make a reform permanent

What ever happened to President’s Roosevelt’s new deal of the 1930’s? It disappeared. It did, because the status quo was kept in pace.

Do you know that the 1% tried to assassinate Roosevelt, because of his new deal? United States (US) Major General Smedley Butler revealed that plan to the government, but again, it did nothing to permanently change business as usual!

Click on the following link to understand why a revolution is the only way for a reform to be permanent: https://youtu.be/WuEd0dI0fQk

We must change the prevalent governmental structure that only permits the 1% of the citizens to benefit, to one that would permit all of us to benefit. The “New Deal” experiment proved that!

We must learn our lessons, or we will continue making the same mistakes.

Are we up to the challenge? 

Creating a psychotic society

There will always be people who want everything for themselves. They do not care about human rights, freedom, and justice for all. For them, anything goes.

The following video explains how these people organize society, so that they could rule over the 99% of us. Click on the following link to watch that video: https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M

How many of us could go beyond the big lie, and see the big truth? Spread that truth to help create a parallel society, so that people could more easily see the psychosis in our society.

Only the truth will set us free!

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2021

How to escape from a sick society

The United States government operates a sick society. What can the people who see this do to escape from it? Click on the following link to get some orientation: https://youtu.be/JeliRVZ4V00

Resistance now, resistance tomorrow, and resistance forever!

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2021

¿Quién es el enemigo real? / Who’s the real enemy?

El gobierno de Estados Unidos (EU) quiere hacernos pensar que nuestro enemigo es Rusia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Irán, el comunismo y el socialismo. ¡Pero la verdad es que el 1% de los estadounidenses es nuestro enemigo real!

La evidencia más reciente de eso es el hecho de que EU es el epicentro de la pandemia coronavirus, con el 20% de muertos cuando solo tenemos menos del 5% de la población mundial.  

Tenemos la evidencia de cómo terminó la ocupación imperial en Afganistán. Mientras sufrimos pérdida de vidas y recursos enorme durante 20 años, EU se derrumbaba.

Quizás la evidencia más contundente es que el mundo considera al GEU como la amenaza más grande a la paz. Hasta la Unión Europea ha sancionado recientemente al GEU por la manera en que se retiró de Afganistán.  

¿Qué haremos el 99% de los ciudadanos estadounidenses? ¡Obviamente, ese 1% es un traidor! ¿De qué vale una Constitución, los derechos humanos, y una democracia, si solamente el 1% se beneficia?

Lo primero que se debería hacer en una verdadera democracia es democratizar el trabajo. Si eso se hubiera hecho 245 años atrás, EU no estaría derrumbándose hoy.

“Nosotros la gente” tiene que significar el 100%. 

The United States (US) government (USG) wants to make us believe that our enemies are Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, communism, and socialism. But the fact of the matter is that our real enemy is the 1% of US citizens.

The most recent evidence of that is the US being the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic with 20% of the deaths, while only having less than 5% of the world’s population.

Moreover and more recently, the USG’s 20 year war with Afghanistan. While we squandered alarming amounts of lives and resources there, our country has fallen apart!

Perhaps the most glaring evidence is the fact that the world considers the USG as the biggest threat to peace. Even the European Union has recently sanctioned the USG for the manner in which it ended its military occupation in Afghanistan.

What are we going to do? Obliviously, that 1% is a traitor! What good is a Constitution, human rights, and a democracy, if only 1% of the citizenry benefits?

The first thing that should be done in a democracy is to democratize labor. Had that been done 245 years ago, the US would not be crumbling today.

“We the people” must mean 100%.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2021

Evidence of US’ decline

The United States (US) is declining, because its government has never been committed with reducing the inequality among its citizens. Click on the following link to see the evidence of this decline: https://youtu.be/EJMGihBTUJs

Suddenly, China is now the new enemy of the US government (USG). The USG is envious of China becoming the new world leader. China, contrary to the USG, is interested in reducing the inequality of her people.

Ignorant people are condemned to failure.

Imperio estadounidense se derrumba

La Unión Europea (UE) está furiosa con el gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) por el desastre en Afganistán. Ya la UE ha tomado una sanción en contra del GEU e Israel. Oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/awid-iMvw4M

El imperialismo estadounidense en Afganistán duró 20 años. Sin embargo, el imperialismo estadounidense en Puerto Rico aún continúa después de 123 años.  

Los boricuas, en vez de hacer resistencia permanente para descolonizarnos, hacen marchas esporádicas para sacar la Junta de Control Fiscal (JCF). ¿No se darán cuenta de que la JCF es el mismo imperio estadounidense? ¡Aun sacando la JCF, continuamos siendo la colonia más vieja del mundo!

Deberíamos de aprender de los Talibanes y hacer resistencia permanente para obligar al GEU a cumplir con la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) que prohíbe el colonialismo desde el 1945 por ser un crimen en contra de la humanidad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

¿Cuándo estaremos también nosotros furiosos con el GEU? Ya tenemos más boricuas fuera que dentro de nuestro territorio nacional. ¿Esperaremos que se nos vayan el resto? https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

¡Enfureciese boricua!

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2021

Mente boricua adoctrinada

Un grupo compuesto de 40 organizaciones marchó ayer, lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021, en protesta a la Junta de Control Fiscal. Oprima el siguiente enlace para más información: https://youtu.be/jb1a7lo3eaY

Ese grupo se llama, “Todo Puerto Rico contra la Junta (TPRCLJ)”. TPRCLJ es prueba que las mentes boricuas han sido adoctrinadas por el gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) por los últimos 123 años. Si no fuera así, TPRCLJ se llamaría “Todo Puerto Rico contra el colonialismo estadounidense”.

TPRCLJ cree que sacando la Junta de Puerto Rico, volveríamos a la normalidad. ¡El problema es que la normalidad es que seguimos siendo la colonia más vieja del mundo!  

Si pensaríamos correctamente, estaríamos haciendo resistencia permanente para obligar al GEU a cumplir con la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) que prohíbe el colonialismo desde el 1945 por ser un crimen en contra de la humanidad.

Si pensaríamos correctamente, estaríamos haciendo resistencia permanente para obligar al GEU a cumplir con 40 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

Descolonicemos nuestras mentes para descolonizar a nuestra patria. Sin mente sana no podríamos hacer una lucha coherente. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Todo boricua para sanar nuestras mentes.

Was US’ 911 response to protect her people?


Moreover, we witnessed that again with the United States government’s (USG) response to the coronavirus where we became the epicenter. Click on the following link to watch a video where Noam Chomsky explained why the USG decided to bomb Afghanistan: https://youtu.be/4nAI7ShBQEk

If a government is not of, by, and for its citizens, it is not democratic, even if elections are celebrated every 4 years.

If we want the real thing, we will have to make that happen through deprograming our minds from the USG’s propaganda that only serves the 1% of its citizens.

Are we better off, twenty years later, for how the USG handled the 911 attack on the US? Is it time for our response to our government’s unconstitutionality?

This is evidence that the US government is only for the 1%.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021

Homelessness is illegal

The United Nations’ considers homelessness to be illegal. United States (US) capitalists, however, don’t care about that because they make a lot of money from it.

Finland has almost no homelessness, and the US can implement her program and save a lot of money at the same time. Click on the following link to see how: https://youtu.be/kbEavDqA8iE

This proves that the US is not a democracy. The US government (USG) is willfully ignoring the needs of 99% of its citizens. It does, so that the 1% could become even richer!

The USG is unconstitutional. Only the people could make our government function democratically. We need to educate ourselves to engage in the kind of permanent resistance that would allow justice for all.

Make the US democratic!

Support Bonaire’s self-determination

Bonaire has had a colonial relationship with Holland since October 10 2010. James Finies has been in the forefront of decolonizing his homeland for the past 16 years. Click on the following link to watch his video: https://youtu.be/xVcegrtekB0

There could be no peace without justice!

Imagine the world living in harmony.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2021

The American dream is only for the 1%

For the 99% of the United States (US) citizens, we get the American nightmare!

United States science is not for the benefit of 100% of her citizens. It is for the exclusive benefit of the 1%. The shocking reality is that it is used to harm the rest of us! Click on the following link to watch a video that explains this: https://youtu.be/Lv-lXFYhT24

These capitalists make decisions to exclusively benefit themselves. That means that US democracy is only on paper.

We must, therefore, engage in permanent resistance against the 1% to create a real government of, by and for all of the people. If we don’t, we are all doomed!

How did we get to this nightmare?

sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2021

Occupy the US 1%

The nation is falling apart, and will continue to do so until we interrupt business as usual. What can the 99% of the United States (US) citizens do to convert our country into a real democracy?

We must engage in massive permanent resistance against the 1% to enable us to have a voice in how the profits that we help generate are used. Click on the following link to watch Chris Hedges’ video: https://youtu.be/J_dkEgNGpzY

The US ignores 99% of us. Therefore, we must occupy the US government to democratize it. If we don’t, the nightmare will only get worse.

The only thing the American Dream has to fear is the 1%. 

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2021

Democratizing work

The answer to capitalism is to democratize the workplace. That was the essence of Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism. Click on the following link to watch an excellent video by Professor Wolff that will help you to understand how we could achieve a more equitable distribution of the profit that everyone helps to create:  https://youtu.be/a1WUKahMm1s

A democracy without work democratization is just an illusion.

Get the illusion out of United States democracy!

Obama continued representing the 1%

Barack Obama promised, if elected president, that he would govern for all of the United States (US) citizens. He, however, continued doing business as usual. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/52ntWjLCjvQ

The fact that, the US population, which makes up 4% of the world population, has 20% of the world’s coronavirus deaths means that we do not have a government of, by, and for the people.

The people are finally waking up, and realizing that only we can make the US great for everyone. 246 years of business as usual has brought us here. It is time to disrupt that, because “We the people” means all of us!

We need a real change!

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2021

Bonaire is a Dutch colony

Bonaire had no park for her children, until a group of private citizens got involved to get it built. How was it possible that the government of Bonaire had not built a park for kids? Obviously, the people of Bonaire are not important to the Dutch empire. Click on the following link to watch that video: https://youtu.be/BRSNS4QJdJc

After the people of Bonaire built their park, they asked the government to pay the salary for someone to supervise its operation. The government has refused!

Davika J. Bissessar-Shaw asks, why doesn’t the government support this park? The Dutch doesn’t, because colonized people have no right that the empire has to respect.

That is why the United Nations’ Charter prohibits colonialism since 1945, because it is crime against humanity.

The people of Bonaire will have to engage in permanent resistance to force the Dutch empire to comply with international law. And, if the world dares to care, we should be in solidarity with Bonaire’s decolonization!

We dare to care!

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2021

Is the US looking more like fascism?

Professor Wolff explains that the United States (US) government has always represented the 1% of its citizens. Capitalism, however, has reached a point where the 99% of us are hurting to the point that more and more people are questioning its appropriateness in a democracy. Click on the following link to watch that video: https://youtu.be/HqVQUZyIfeA

Is capitalism consistent with having a government of, by and for the people?  The fact that the US was the epicenter of the coronavirus answered that question perfectly!

Waking up to US fascism!

Saving US from fascism.

Is US government for its people?

The following video is about the mayor of Cleveland, Ohio who believes that the United States government must represent 100% of its people. Click on the following link to find out what happened to him when he did so: https://youtu.be/wNL4wgb0vXc

His advice is that the people must get involved beyond just voting every 4 years. If we don’t, we will have a democracy only on paper!

Is US democracy only on paper?