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viernes, 26 de julio de 2024

Decolonization by reforming the empire

The United States (US) is the champion of imperialism. This is why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

The US is not the champion of democracy. That is why 60% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck, 250,000 are homeless, 38 million live in poverty, and only 33% are satisfied with our government.

Puerto Rico has been a US colony for the past 126 years. Although the US today hypocritically claims that it supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence, it has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

What people call the “Puerto Rico government” is actually the US’ administration of its colony. That is why two thirds of Puerto Ricans live away from our national territory, and half of those who have remained in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

The so-called “Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico in Washington DC”, and one of the candidates running for the fake seat of “governor of Puerto Rico” says that President Trump is the best option for Puerto Rico. Jennifer Gonzalez actually believes that Puerto Rico could be decolonized by making reforms to a system specifically design to exploit us. Please click here for more: https://youtu.be/dGL-VH-3Ngo

If that were so, why is the US in a war against the Russian Federation in order to steal her resources? Why is the US sponsoring the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine? And why is the US obsessed with going to war against the People’s Republic of China, which 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government?

At least 50% of Puerto Ricans have been brainwashed with US propaganda. The US will never decolonize Puerto Rico. We must therefore engage in permanent resistance to free ourselves.

85% of the world is resisting US imperialism.

Dare to break free too!    

Israel: a colonial settler state

The artificial colonial settler state of Israel was created by ethnically cleansing the indigenous people of Palestine from Palestine. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/EtFSbhhvD0s

The United States (US), which runs the United Nations (UN), has always aided Israel, since the US itself is also guilty of ethnically cleansing and committing genocide against the indigenous people of North America in order to create its nation.

The US, as the champion of colonialism, wages today a war against the Palestinians, and the Russian Federation in order to make its oligarchs richer.

Moreover, the US has an obsession with going to war against the People’s Republic of China, with the hypocritically pretext of wanting to defend Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence. It is important to mention that today the US has refused to comply with 42 UN’s resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1w/k1wb1xdn6i https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k15/k154ku9q8x

A real democracy does not practice imperialism. 

US imperialism steals American jobs

The United States’ (US) government wants to blame the People’s Republic of China for stealing American jobs, but, as everybody knows, the US is the champion of fake news. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/v5uybb3j4jc

We must begin with the fact that the US is not the champion of democracy. Therefore, in order for oligarchs to become richer, the US allows them to move their manufacturing industries to nations where their workers work for less. China, that represents all citizens, would never allow that! That’s why 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government.

Today, this has resulted in that 250,000 American are homeless, 38 million live in poverty, 60% live from paycheck to paycheck, and only 33% of Americans are satisfied with our government.

Since the US does not invest in its own citizens, we no longer have the skills necessary to outperform other nations.

The US, instead, counts on 9 of the 10 richest men in the world being US citizens, 800 military bases around the world to force nations to surrender their sovereignties, a proxy war against the Russian Federation in order to steal her resources, and an obsession to going to war against China by hypocritically alleging that it supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence, while it has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Please click on these 2 links for more: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1w/k1wb1xdn6i https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k15/k154ku9q8x

It’s no wonder why the world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace.

US steals world peace too!

jueves, 25 de julio de 2024

¡Arresten a Netanyahu!

¿Cómo es posible que Israel y Estados Unidos (EU), ambos estados artificial colono coloniales, se atrevan a llamarse democracias? Ellos, como si fuera algo insignificante, cometen, genocidio ahora, en contra de la gente indígena de Palestina, y, en el pasado, en contra de la gente indígena de américa del norte, para establecer sus naciones.

Madres Contra La Guerra acompañada con un grupo de boricuas que conocemos perfectamente el colonialismo estadounidense por los últimos 126 años protestamos por Palestina el miércoles, 24 de julio de 2024 al frente del tribunal del imperio en el Viejo San Juan, Boriken. Por favor oprima este enlace para ver nuestro video en exclusivo, porque los medios de comunicación masiva no se atreven cubrirnos: https://rumble.com/v58eu1h-arresten-a-netanyahu.html      

El hecho de que Netanyahu y los otros criminales no se han arrestados significa que vivimos bajo un orden mundial imperial dirigido por EU. Por lo tanto, deberíamos todos unirnos con los que hoy están tratando para crear un nuevo orden mundial que respete la ley internacional.

¿Sabe usted que EU ha ignorado 42 resoluciones de la Organización de Naciones Unidas demandándole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños?

¿Sabe usted que dos terceras partes de los boricuas viven hoy fuera de nuestro territorio nacional, y la mitad de los 3 millones que nos hemos quedado, viven en la pobreza?

No son democracias los que violan la ley internacional.

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2024

El Desarrollo del Huerto Cristiano II

José Luis Díaz nos habla hoy miércoles, 24 de julio de 2024 sobre el  desarrollo del Huerto Cristiano II en Montecarlo, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Por favor oprima este enlace para ver nuestro video: https://rumble.com/v58cn39-huerto-cristiano-ii.html

Usted podrá llamar a José Luis al 787- 216-2831 para más información.  

Beneficiándonos todos es la verdadera democracia. 

Is this democracy?

Most United States (US) citizens are against the artificial colonial setter state of Israel’s genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, but our government that claims to be the champion of democracy, allows the war criminal Netanyahu to lobby in Congress for more money to continue his genocide. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/FlIyQacq344

This, of course, is due to the US exclusively governing for the 1%. That is corroborated by the fact that 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, 800 military bases around the world to force nations to surrender their sovereignties, a proxy war today against the Russian Federation in order to steal her resources, and the US’ obsession in going to war against China by hypocritically alleging that it supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence, while it has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Please click on these 2 links for more: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1w/k1wb1xdn6i https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k15/k154ku9q8x

What has the US government done for the 99% of its citizens? 250,000 American are homeless, 38 million live in poverty, and 60% live from paycheck to paycheck, just to mention a few. That is why only 33% of Americans are satisfied with our government.

“Madres Contra La Guerra” will hold a demonstration in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico against Israel’s genocide on the day Netanyahu speaks to Congress.

The US is, in reality, the champion of imperialism. That is why the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace. It’s not that “The Russians are coming”, it is instead that US imperialism is pushing us into World War III!

The packaging of US imperialism as democracy.

martes, 23 de julio de 2024

China governs for everyone

Here is another example that demonstrates that the People’s Republic of China governs for all of her citizens. Please click on the following link for that example: https://youtu.be/zKs-LkOQqoM

What does the United States (US) government do for the 99% of its citizens? Aside from simply claiming that the US is the champion of democracy, not much!

250,000 American are homeless, 38 million live in poverty, and 60% live from paycheck to paycheck, just to mention a few. That is why only 33% of Americans are satisfied with our government.

The US, however, does everything for the 1%. The US will be giving on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 more money to Netanyahu at the Capitol to continue his genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, has 800 military bases around the world to force nations to surrender their sovereignties, has a proxy war against the Russian Federation to steal her resources, and wants to go to war against China alleging that it supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence, while it has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Please click on these 2 links for more: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1w/k1wb1xdn6i https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k15/k154ku9q8x

Although she has never boasted about being the champion of democracy, are you aware that 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government?

The US warns Americans that the Russian and Chinese communists are coming, although it is the capitalist US that militarily surrounds them both. The world, however, knows better, because it regards the US, and not Russia or China, as the biggest threat to peace.

US oligarchs have nothing to fear but communism!