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martes, 23 de julio de 2024

US’ media push imperialism

How is it possible that only 33% of United States (US) citizens are satisfied with our government? How could 38 million Americans live in poverty, and 60% live from paycheck to paycheck? Why does the government do the opposite of what the 99% of its citizens want? And, how could anybody say that the US is the champion of democracy? Please click on this link to understand how we got here: https://youtu.be/wRFZP-Ndbcw

Tomorrow, the international pariah Netanyahu will address the US Congress to get more money for his genocide. It is important to note that the US and Israel are both artificial colonial settler states that have committed genocide against the indigenous of North America and Palestine in order to establish their nations.

US propaganda claims that the US supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence. The truth is that the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Please click on these links for more: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1w/k1wb1xdn6i https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k15/k154ku9q8x

The US media is completely against democracy.

A real democracy is never imperialistic!

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