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martes, 30 de julio de 2024

US is a racket

The United States (US) has become for the 99% of its citizens a fantasyland to buy a lottery ticket. The US has a national debt of 34 trillion dollars that only the 99% of us must repay. Please click on this link to understand how the US has become a racket, instead of the “champion of democracy” that it boasts of being: https://youtu.be/f3rEgB2uGGg

Americans have been warned before about this. US Major General Smedley Butler wrote a book in the 1930’s called WAR IS A RACKET. US President Eisenhower also spoke about the danger of the Military Industrial Complex in his farewell speech to the nation. We did not listen.

Today, the US is fighting the Russian Federation and the Palestinians in order to make US oligarchs even richer. Not satisfied with that, the US plans to go to war against the People’s Republic of China with the pretext that it supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence. This is exactly the same right that the US denies Puerto Ricans, as it has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions to do so.     

Today, 60% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck, 38 million live in poverty, and only 33% are satisfied with our government. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me again, shame on me!

Are we ready to organize and resist?

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