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miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

La Madre de las caminatas en Puerto Rico / The Mother of all walks in Puerto Rico

Después que terminen las fiestas de Navidad en Puerto Rico, ¿Qué vas hacer?  ¡Caminar en la Caminata Panorámica del FONDO DE MEJORAMIENTO!

Esta caminata cruza a Puerto Rico por la parte más alta de Puerto Rico desde Maunabo en el este hasta llegar a Mayagüez en el oeste.  Estos 250 kilómetros se hacen en 18 tramos de forma recreativa empezando el 25 de enero de 2014.  Este año es nuestro 30mo  aniversario.  Para celebrarlo en grande, esta caminata es totalmente gratis para los estudiantes universitarios con identificación. Para más información, llama al 787-759-8366 o a nuestro correo electrónico mejoramiento71@gmail.com.

¡Cambia tu vida!

After you finish with all the Christmas Parties in Puerto Rico, what are you going to do?  Walk the FONDO DE MEJORAMIENTO Caminata Panorámica!

This walk crosses Puerto Rico highest areas from Maunabo in the East to Mayagüez in the West. We will walk these 250 kilometers in 18 weekends starting on January 25, 2014.  To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are making it totally free of charge for all university students with identification.  For more information, you can call 787-759-8366 or write to mejoramiento71@yahoo.com. 

Change your life!

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

How well has President Obama applied Nelson Mandela's lessons in his own life?



The title for this post is the question that President Obama asked in his Nelson Mandela memorial speech.  He said that he asks himself this question as a man and as a President.  You can read the entire speech by clicking on the first link above.  Click on the second link to see the video.

President Obama said that "around the world today, men and women are still imprisoned for their political beliefs..."  He said that "there are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Mandela's struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people."  This applies, without a doubt, to him, although he went on as if he was obviously talking about others.  Did you know that the government of the United States helped the government of South Africa with intelligence information to capture Nelson Mandela?  Click here for more on that: http://www.democracynow.org/2013/12/13/one_of_our_greatest_coups_the
Click here to hear President Raul Castro's speech, and a video when Mandela visited Cuba after he was released from prison in 1991 to invite Fidel Castro to visit South Africa: http://www.democracynow.org/2013/12/10/cubas_raul_castro_praises_nelson_mandelas

The answer to how well President Obama is applying Mandela's lessons, in my opinion, is not at all!  This is especially troublesome when you consider that President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009!

The Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera has been incarcerated in the United States for 32 years for his struggle to decolonize Puerto Rico.  Puerto Rico has been a colony of the United States for 115 years.  The United States (US) has ignored 32 United Nations (UN) resolutions asking her to immediately decolonize Puerto Rico.  Under international law, Oscar has the right to use all means necessary to decolonize his country.  Under international law, it is the government of the United States that commits a crime by having Puerto Rico as its colony.

President Obama has thrown away an excellent opportunity to free Oscar López Rivera and decolonize Puerto Rico.  He has instead preferred not see what is happening in his own country, and send messages in his speech to other countries that they should free their political prisoners and improve their human rights practices. 

Join us to peacefully protest twice a year until Puerto Rico gets decolonized.  The first one will be every Abolition of Slavery Day in Puerto Rico (March 22, 2014), and the second, every Monday after Fathers' Day in New York City on the day the UN holds its hearing on Puerto Rico decolonization (June 16, 2014).  It is obvious by President Obama's non recognition of Puerto Rico's political prisoner Oscar López Rivera that the United States government does not want to decolonize Puerto Rico.  These peaceful protests are essential, because those who practice or accept colonialism do not believe in justice for all!

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Nelson Mandela y Oscar López Rivera? / What is the difference between Nelson Mandela and Oscar López Rivera?

El día después de que muere Nelson Mandela, estos 3 presidentes estadounidenses dicen esto.

Presidente Obama: “Yo fui uno de los muchos que me nutrí de la vida de Mandela y su dignidad feroz.  Mandela logró más que lo que a ningún hombre se le puede exigir.   Mandela transformó a África del Sur, y nos movió a todos”

Presidente George W. Bush: “Mandela fue una de las grandes fuerzas de libertad e igualdad de nuestros tiempos, que toleró sus penas con dignidad y elegancia y el mundo es mejor por eso.”

Presidente Carter: La pasión de Mandela por la libertad y la justicia creó nuevas esperanzas para la gente oprimidas en todo el mundo.”

No hay duda sobre la grandeza de Nelson Mandela, pero muchos han decidido no reconocerle los mismos méritos que tiene nuestro prisionero político puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera que pelea por lo mismo que peleó Mandela.   

Oscar ha estado en la cárcel estadounidense por 32 años por pelear por la descolonización de Puerto Rico.  Oscar ya tiene 5 años más tiempo en la cárcel que los 27 años que estuvo Mandela.  Bajo la ley internacional, es el gobierno de Estados Unidos (EEUU) que comete el crimen por mantener a Puerto Rico como  su colonia por 115 años, y es Oscar que tiene el derecho de usar todos los medios necesarios para descolonizar a su país.  La Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) le ha pedido a Estados Unidos que descolonice inmediatamente a Puerto Rico en 32 resoluciones.  ¡Estados Unidos las ha ignorado todas!  Sin embargo, Estados Unidos le gusta criticar rápidamente a los otros países, como África de Sur, por su falta de igualdad y abusos de los derechos humanos.  La representante al Congreso de EEUU por Nueva York Nydia Velázquez dijo recientemente que “Estados Unidos no puede exigir al mundo la paz cuando ella misma no lo practica.”  

Todo el que cree en lo que dijo el Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “La injusticia dónde sea es una amenaza a la justicia dónde quiera”  debe unirse con nosotros para protestar pacíficamente 2 veces al año hasta descolonizar a Puerto Rico.  La primera será en el Día de la Abolición de la Esclavitud al frente del Tribunal de Estado Unidos en Puerto Rico el 22 de marzo de 2014.  La segunda protesta será el 16 de junio de 2014 en las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York en el mismo día de su vista anual sobre la descolonización de Puerto Rico.  Estas protestas son absolutamente necesarias porque, como ha vista por lo que estos 3 presidente han dicho, ellos rehúsan reconocer que su país no practica lo que predica.  ¡Por lo tanto, debemos todos estar totalmente convencidos que, aquellos que practican o aceptan el coloniaje no creen en la justicia para todos!

The day after Nelson Mandala’s death, 3 United States (US) presidents said this.

President Obama:  “I was one of the millions of countless people who drew from Mandela’s life and his fierce dignity.  Mandela achieved more than could be expected of any man.  Mandela transformed South Africa and moved all of us.”

President George W. Bush:  “Mandela was one of the great forces for freedom and equality of our times, who bore his burdens with dignity and grace, and our world is better off because of it.”

President Carter:  “Mandela’s passion for freedom and justice created new hope for generations of oppressed people worldwide.”

There is no question about the greatness of Nelson Mandela, but many choose to ignore those very same merits of Oscar López Rivera who fights for the same ideals of equality and human rights that Mandela fought for.

Oscar López Rivera has been imprisoned for 32 years by the government of the United States for fighting for the decolonization of Puerto Rico.  This is already 5 years more than the time Nelson Mandela spent in prison.  Under international law, it is the government of the United States that commits the crime for having Puerto Rico as its colony for 115 years, and it is Oscar who has the right to decolonize his country using whatever means necessary!  The United Nations has asked the United States to immediately decolonize Puerto Rico in 32 resolutions.  The US has ignored them all!  But, the US is quick to criticize other nations, like South Africa, for their lack of equality and human rights abuses.  US Representative to Congress of New York NydiaVelázquez  said recently, “The United States has no right to demand peace in the world, when she herself does not practice it.” 

Everyone who believes what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” should join us in 2 peaceful protests a year until Puerto Rico is decolonized.  The first protest will be on the Abolition of Slavery Day in front of the United States Court in Puerto Rico on March 22, 2014.  The second protest will be on June 16, 2014 outside the United Nations (UN) in New York City on the same day that the UN holds its annual hearing about Puerto Rico decolonization.  These peaceful protests are absolutely necessary because, as you can see from the expressions made by these three US presidents, they don’t want to accept that the United States government does not practice what it preaches.  It should be abundantly clear to everyone that those who practice or accept colonialism don’t believe in justice for all!