Me quejé ante el Secretario General de la Organización
de Naciones Unidas (ONU) que 2 documentos importantes de la vista sobre la
descolonización de Puerto Rico celebrada el lunes, 22 de junio de 2015 no
estaban disponible para el público en su página cibernética. El primer documento es el resume de lo
que ocurrió en la vista, y el otro es el video de sesión de la
Finalmente, la ONU me proveyó el resume de la sesión
de la mañana, y me sugirió que le preguntara directamente a WEBCAST sobre, ¿Qué
le pasó al video de la mañana?
Mi interés sobre estos documentos es que, por primera
vez, un presidente del Comité de Descolonización, Xavier Lasso Mendoza, dijo
algo sobre la necesidad de transmitir estas vistas para que el mundo las
pudiera ver. Dijo que la ONU le había
prometido que se transmitiría, y luego, a última hora, le dijo que no.
¡Nos dijo que consideraba, como Presidente del Comité, esa acción como una falta de respeto! El
Presidente hizo sus comentarios antes de permitirnos hacer nuestras
presentaciones en la mañana. Estas vistas
se celebran anualmente, usualmente, el lunes después del Día de los Padres.
Interesantemente, solo el video de la tarde, donde 9
peticionarios hicieron sus presentaciones, está disponible en la página
cibernética de la ONU. No está
disponible el video de la mañana donde 28 peticionarios participaron, y donde
el Presidente hizo sus comentarios.
Además, los cometarios del Presidentes han
desaparecido del resume de la vista. Si
no hubiera sido por 2 peticionarios, Sanabria (párrafo 45) y Pagán (párrafo 65)
quienes hicieron referencia a los comentarios de Presidentes, hubiera sido como
si eso nunca ocurrió.
Esto fue lo que dijeron los peticionarios:
Ms. Sanabria Dávila (Comité de Puerto Rico en Naciones Unidas) said that it
was shame that the meeting was not being webcast, as had been promised, and
thanked the Chair for emphasizing that point.
Mr. Pagán Bonilla (Generación 51), thanked the Chair for his remarks on the
importance of webcasting the day’s proceedings, and said that Puerto Rico
had been a colony for five centuries.
Oprima el siguiente enlace para leer el resume
Nosotros estamos en campaña para que se transmita
estas vistas anualmente para que el mundo se entere, ya que estas vistas no
están abierta al público en general. La
ONU está en su tercera década tratando de erradicar el coloniaje
mundialmente. Me parece que la ONU debería
estar difundiendo toda información al respecto para que nosotros podamos
generar la presión necesaria para obligar el gobierno de Estados Unidos a
cumplir con sus 34 resoluciones pidiéndole que descolonice inmediatamente a
Puerto Rico.
¡Estaremos protestando pacíficamente y permanentemente
con su ayuda por la descolonización de Puerto Rico, porque los que esconden
información sobre violaciones a los derechos humanos no creen en la JUSTICIA
Click on the following link to watch the video on one of our campaigns to release Oscar Lopez Rivera and decolonize Puerto Rico:
I complained
to the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) that 2
important documents from the last hearing about Puerto Rico decolonization celebrated
on Monday, June 22, 2015 are not posted on its website. The first document is a summary of
what happened during that hearing, and the other is the video of the morning
The UN
finally provided me with the summary of the morning session, and asked me to
contact the UN’s WEBCAST directly to find out what happened to the morning
My interest
in these documents is that, for the first time, a Chairperson of the
Decolonization Committee, Xavier Lasso Mendoza, talked about the importance of
broadcasting these hearing live so that the world watch them. He said that the UN had promised him that the
hearing would be broadcasted, but, at the last minute rescinded.
He expressed
publically that he felt offended as the Chairperson of the Committee that
retraction. Chairperson Lasso Mendoza
made these comments before the petitioners were allowed to make our
presentations in the morning session.
These annual hearings about Puerto Rico decolonization are held usually
on the Monday after Fathers’ Day.
the only video on the UN Website is the afternoon session where only 9 petitioners
made their presentations. The morning
video, where 28 petitioners made our presentations, and where the Chairperson
made his comments, is missing!
Moreover, the
Chairperson’s comments have also disappeared from the summary of the
hearing! Had it not been for 2
petitioners, Sanabria (paragraph 45) and Pagán (paragraph 65) who made references to the Chairperson’s
comments, it would had been as if they never happened.
This is what
the petitioners said:
Ms. Sanabria Dávila (Comité de Puerto Rico en Naciones Unidas) said that it
was shame that the meeting was not being webcast, as had been promised, and
thanked the Chair for emphasizing that point.
Mr. Pagán Bonilla (Generación 51), thanked the Chair for his remarks on the
importance of webcasting the day’s proceedings, and said that Puerto Rico
had been a colony for five centuries.
We are in a
campaign to broadcast these annual hearings live for the world to watch, since
these hearing are not open to the general public. The UN is currently in its third decade
dedicated to the eradication of colonialism worldwide. It seems to me that the UN ought to be trying
to make this information easy for the general public to get, so that we could
help put the necessary pressure on the US government to force it to comply with
its 34 resolutions asking the US to immediately decolonize Puerto Rico.
We will
continue to peacefully and permanently protest with your support for the
decolonization of Puerto Rico, because those to hide information that
substantiates violations of human rights, don’t believe in JUSTICE FOR ALL!
Click on the following link to watch the video on one of our campaigns to release Oscar Lopez Rivera and decolonize Puerto Rico: