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domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017

US’ portrayal of Cuba before Castro

Click on the following link to watch a United States television show broadcasted from the Riviera Hotel in Cuba a year before the revolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBmYIfP7WX0

by Carlos Rodríguez Martorell, Daily News, July 17, 2008

Glitzy casinos, a rousing mambo-fueled nightlife and a lurking gue-rrilla have made 1950s Havana the stuff of legend.

“Most Americans, everything they know about this era is from the movie Godfather II,” says writer T.J. English. “Which is 15 minutes of the movie and it’s fictionalized.”
So English set out to find out what American mobsters were really up to for his recently released nonfiction book “Havana Nocturne: How the Mob Owned Cuba and Then Lost It to the Revolution” (William Morrow, $27.95).

What he found after years of research and interviews — both in the U.S. and Cuba — make any previous fictional account pale in comparison.

“People didn’t know about the extent in which mobsters owned banks and controlled financial lending institutions in Cuba,” says English.
Cuba’s strongman Gen. Fulgencio Batista emerges in English’s fascinating account as much more than an enabler who allowed the Mafia to build casinos all over Havana’s malecón.
“I would say [Batista] was an equal partner with the mobsters,” says English, a 50-year-old New Yorker of Irish background who is the author of several books about the mob.
“The mafiosi — Meyer LanskySanto Trafficante — couldn’t have done what they did without their relationship with Fulgencio Batista.”

According to English, the American Mafia interest in Cuba goes all the way back to Al Capone in the ’20s, but only took shape after the fabled 22-member conference at Havana’s Hotel Nacional in December 1946.

Over the following decade, New York-based Jewish mobster Lansky presided over an unprecedented empire of casinos that took over the whole island’s economy.

“Literally every tunnel that was built, every highway — and there was a lot of construction going on in Havana at the time — was being financed by money from the mobsters,” says English.
The allure of the Tropicana and other gambling and entertaining havens provided an incessant pageant of celebrities: Marlon Brando played congas, Frank Sinatra partnered in the casino business, and Sen. John F. Kennedy took part in a three-call-girl orgy at the Comodoro Hotel courtesy of notorious Mafia kingpin Trafficante, according to the book.

All to the tune of Latin music’s golden age.
“I always say that what drew me to this subject was the rhythm of the clave,” says English, who professes to be an “amateur conguero.”
“Although organized crime and gangsterism is obviously a moral corruption, you have this positive consequence,” he adds. “It made it possible to hire huge orchestras and nightclubs that made this era of entertainment second to none in history.”
The mafiosos biggest miscalculation was, obviously, Fidel Castro, the privileged son of a landowner who provides an enthralling twist to the story.

“It was particularly interesting that someone like Batista and Lansky, who’d come from extreme poverty, wound up being the protectors of the bourgeoisie,” says English. “And yet Castro, who was from the bourgeoisie, became the leader of the downtrodden.”
When Batista fled the country on New Year’s Eve 1959, paving the way for Castro’s triumphant entry in Havana, people took to the streets and looted the casinos, which the revolutionaries had opposed.
But Castro didn’t immediately chase the American gangsters, and even reopened the casinos, following advice that without the gambling revenue the island’s economy would collapse.
But the bearded leader’s tolerance was not to last, and soon afterward the government seized control of all U.S. corporations’ holdings in Cuba, casinos included.

sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2017

¿Por qué boricuas no tienen su ciudadanía? / Why don’t Puerto Ricans have their citizenship?

No la tenemos, porque Puerto Rico ha sido una colonia de Estados Unidos desde que su gobierno la invadió militarmente en el 1898. Este gobierno inmediatamente determinó que los puertorriqueños son una raza inferior, y legisló para Puerto Rico el estatus de territorio no incorporado. Eso quiere decir que los puertorriqueños no tenemos derecho alguno que el gobierno de Estados Unidos tenga que respetar. Oprima aquí para más información: https://youtu.be/dRHGdhRBG1M

Muchas gentes desconocen que los puertorriqueños rechazaron la ciudadanía estadounidense. Sin embargo, el gobierno de Estados Unidos nos la espetó. ¿Por qué?

El gobierno de Estados Unidos intentaba mantener colonizado a los puertorriqueños para siempre a través de prohibiéndole tener su propia ciudadanía. El plan era desviarle la lealtad de los puertorriqueños hacia Estados Unidos. Fufi Santori Coll dice que el gobierno de Estados Unidos nos desnacionalizó.

¿Qué ha resultado?
1. Puerto Rico es la jurisdicción más pobre de Estados Unidos.
2. Más puertorriqueños viven fuera de Puerto Rico.
3. Estados Unidos reclutan más soldados en Puerto Rico que en cualquiera de los 50 estados.
4. Puerto Rico es, per cápita, el mayor cliente de Estados Unidos.
5. Estados Unidos controla la localización importante de Puerto Rico y sus recursos.

Fufi Santori dirigió a los puertorriqueños a renunciar su ciudadanía estadounidense en el 1993. 1,500 puertorriqueños la renunciaron.  ¿Cuál fue la reacción del gobierno? ¡El gobierno ordenó a las embajadas no aceptar esas renuncias! ¿Por qué? Oprima aquí para más información: https://youtu.be/Ip1edmZt5bA

El gobierno de Estados Unidos temía que si la idea de Fufi cogía vuelo y una cantidad suficiente de puertorriqueños renunciaran esa ciudadanía, que tendría que descolonizar a Puerto Rico.     
Estamos en el tiempo perfecto para los puertorriqueños renunciar masivamente la ciudadanía estadunidense. Fufi dice, ¿Qué sirve la constitución de Puerto Rico si no nos hace libre?

Únete a nuestras protestas permanentes para obligar al gobierno de Estados Unidos a cumplir con la Carta Magna de la Organización de Naciones Unidas y las 36 resoluciones pidiéndole que le entregue inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. 
¡Necesitaremos un tsunami de gente para lograrlo, porque los que obligan a un pueblo a tener otra ciudadanía para explotarlos no creen en la LIBERTAD Y EN LA JUSTICIA PARA TODOS! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/

We don’t, because Puerto Rico has been a colony of the United States (US) government since the US invaded her militarily in 1898. The US government immediately decided that Puerto Ricans belonged to an inferior race, and legislated for Puerto Rico the non-incorporated territory status. That means that Puerto Ricans have no rights that the US government has to respect. Click here for more information: https://youtu.be/dRHGdhRBG1M

Many people do not know that Puerto Ricans rejected the US citizenship in 1917. Nevertheless, the US government forced it upon us. Why?

The US government intended to keep Puerto Ricans colonized forever by prohibiting them from having their own citizenship. The plan was to switch Puerto Ricans’ loyalty to the US. Fufi Santori Coll says that the US government denationalized Puerto Ricans.  

What has resulted?
1. Puerto Rico is the poorest US jurisdiction.
2. More Puerto Ricans live away from Puerto Rico.
3. The US recruit more soldiers in Puerto Rico than in any of the 50 states.
4. Puerto Rico is, per capita, the US’ number one consumer.
5. The US government controls Puerto Rico’s important geographic location, and its resources.

Fufi Santori led Puerto Ricans to renounce their US citizenship in 1993. 1,500 Puerto Ricans did so.  What was the US’ reaction? It instructed the embassies not to accept those renouncements! Why? Click here for more information: https://youtu.be/Ip1edmZt5bA

The US government feared that if Fufi’s idea caught on, and if enough Puerto Ricans did renounce US citizenship, the US government would be forced to decolonize Puerto Rico.

This is the perfect time for Puerto Ricans to massively renounce US citizenship. Fufi asks, what good is Puerto Rico’s Constitution if it doesn’t make us free?

Join us in our permanent protests to force the US government to comply with the United Nations’ Charter and its 36 resolutions asking it to immediately give Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

We will need a tsunami of people to do that, because those who force their citizenship on a people to exploit them don’t believe in LIBERTY AND IN JUSTICE FOR ALL! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/

viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2017

Declaremos la independencia de Puerto Rico

por Daniel Nina
Miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017
Lo que uno no puede entender, es que luego de la postura consistente por parte de la administración demócrata bajo el pasado presidente Barack Obama, y de la actual bajo la administración republicana de Donald Trump, por qué nadie manifiesta la independencia de Puerto Rico. A partir del verano del 2016, y lo resuelto en el caso de Pueblo vv. Sánchez Valle, a nadie dentro de la administración federal le cabe la más mínima duda de hablar de los ciudadanos americanos de Puerto Rico.
Sólo al gobernador de turno, Ricardo Rosselló del Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) y a uno que otro político o activista trasnochado, le queda aún tiempo para decir que nos maltratan porque somos ciudadanos americanos de segunda clase. Pero luego de la más reciente jornada de cabildeos fallidos en el Congreso, el gobernador como su equipo de trabajo debe reconocer que el proyecto de la estadidad que ellos apoyan está casi muerto.
Dicho lo anterior, lo que el Congreso federal, así como la Oficina del Presidente federal, como las decisiones del Tribunal Supremo del verano del 2016, la cual incluye al caso de Franlkin v. Puerto Rico, no le cabe la más mínima duda de que los boricuas son ciudadanos territoriales, y como tal pueden ser tratados. Esto no es novel. Esto es consistente con la Ley Foraker de 1900 y los casos insulares de 1901 a 1922.
Entonces, reconocimiento lo que somos, porque no intentar algo distinto. ¿Por qué no declarar la independencia de Puerto Rico este 1 de enero de 2018? ¿Por qué no aspirar a la independencia, aunque sea un gesto de libertad de expresión, y declararnos libres al comienzo del nuevo año?
Este primero de enero de 2018 declara la independencia de Puerto Rico. Celebra tu libertad. Has algo diferente. Pensemos.

jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2017

USA es una nación dividida

por Fufi Santori Coll
El prejuicio racial amenaza el concepto de “most perfect union” que exponen los Estados Unidos de América en su ideario de formación democrática a extremos que prejuicios y discrímenes han ido llevando a esa nación a otra guerra civil comparable con la que los destruyera en el 1861.
Ayer fue Ferguson, Missouri y hoy se trata de Charlottesville, Virginia donde la fibra de la solidaridad ‘americanas’ se resquebrajan dando paso a insultos y agresiones entre sus ciudadanos que responden a sentimientos que rayan en el odio.
Y a una mayoría de los puertorriqueños que presenciamos esa guerra entre ciudadanos ‘americanos’ no nos sorprende estos conflictos conociendo los desafectos que siempre ha habido entre blancos y negros en los Estados Unidos, una nación que acaba de elegir como su presidente a un Donald Trump, vivo ejemplo del racismo y del discrimen que, como billonario blanco y cristiano, niega que puedan los negros, los latinos y aún las minorías religiosas y los judíos igualar la superioridad intelectual y moral de la raza blanca.
Y no son pocos los que basan sus criterios en textos bíblicos.
Desde Puerto Rico, nuestra patria secuestrada políticamente por ese Imperio, uno se asombra al ver la cantidad de compatriotas mendigando al Congreso Federal que se nos convierta en el Estado 51. ¡Qué vergüenza! Nosotros, sin los recursos económicos y militares de Estados Unidos, somos MEJOR sociedad que la de ellos. El apologista anexionista de los lunes cita a José Celso Barbosa pidiendo la Estadidad para Puerto Rico: “Aspiramos a convertirnos en otro estado de la unión a fin de poder afianzar el carácter del pueblo puertorriqueño”.  Y eso a principios del siglo 20 cuando a los negros los ajusticiaban quemándoles sus casuchas y colgándolos de un árbol.
La Guerra Civil de 1860 no solamente dividió políticamente a los Estados Unidos, sino que dejó resentimientos que millones de ‘americanos’ del sur guardan en su sub consciente a definirse como un nacionalismo de corte racial que insiste en la supremacía del hombre blanco, anglo sajón y cristiano, así como en la inferioridad de los negros, los latinos y aún los judíos.
Y es precisamente ese pensamiento supremacista el que representa Donald Trump que llegó a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos endosado por lo que se manifestó como un voto de esos resentidos que incluyen a ignorantes y fanáticos.
Querer ser parte de una nación segregada racial, política y económicamente es un disparate que demuestra, lamentablemente, los efectos de un colonialismo que ha acribillado la conciencia nacional y la autoestima de tantos puertorriqueños.

Being Puerto Rican is a state of mind

Click on the following link to watch a video of Mariposa explain what to her is being Puerto Rican: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtqDqXFnrqA

We need to begin to reverse 120 years of the United States (US) government colonizing Puerto Ricans’ minds, so that it could exploit us.

We need to make our own PROMESA to ourselves to begin informing ourselves of our own history. That hidden history, the truth, will inevitably bring us together as a people to push the US government to decolonize us.

Join our permanent protests to force the US government to comply with the United Nations’ Charter and its 36 resolutions asking it to immediately give Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

We will need a tsunami of people to do it, because those who have exploited us since 1898, don’t believe in LIBERTY AND IN JUSTICE FOR ALL! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/

lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2017

¿Quién se beneficia de boricuas con ciudadanía USA? Who benefits by Boricuas with US citizenship?

¿Sabía usted que el gobierno de Estados Unidos les impuso su ciudadanía a los boricuas? ¿Sabía usted que su Corte Suprema dijo que Puerto Rico le pertenece a, pero no es parte de Estados Unidos? ¿Sabia usted que el poder del gobierno de Puerto Rico emana del gobierno de Estados Unidos y no de los puertorriqueños? ¿Parece eso democracia?
El gobierno de Estados Unidos es el único que se beneficia por tener a los boricuas con su ciudadanía. ¿Por qué no tenemos la nuestra? No la tenemos, porque Puerto Rico es una colonia del gobierno de Estados Unidos. Oprima este enlace para más información: https://youtu.be/dRHGdhRBG1M
Si la ciudadanía USA fuese buena para nosotros:
1. ¿Por qué más puertorriqueños viven fuera de nuestro territorio nacional?
2. ¿Por qué Estados Unidos recluta más soldados en Puerto Rico que de cualquiera de sus 50 estados?
3. ¿Por qué tenemos más pobreza que los 50 estados de Estados Unidos?
Fufi Santori Coll dice que esa ciudadanía nos desnacionalizó de nuestra verdadera ciudadanía natural. Además, esa ciudadanía nos divorció de nuestra lealtad natural a Borikén. Y para colmo, nuestra ignorancia sobre nuestra historia ha causado que estemos divididos. Oprima aquí para escuchar a Fufi explicarlo: https://youtu.be/NJIgaw-hMg0
El gobierno de Estados Unidos no permitió que Fufi y un grupo de boricuas renunciasen esa ciudadanía en el 1993. ¿Por qué? El gobierno de Estados Unidos no quería que otros le siguieran su ejemplo. Si los boricuas lo hubiesen hecho lo suficientemente, el gobierno de Estados Unidos hubiese tenido que hacer lo que no ha querido hacer en los últimos 120 años.  

¿Sabía usted que el gobierno de Estados Unidos está violando la Carta Magna de la Organización de Naciones Unidos y sus 36 resoluciones pidiéndole que le entregue inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños?
Debemos de reconsiderar como utilizar la renuncia masiva de su ciudadanía para presionar al gobierno de Estados Unidos a cumplir con la ley internacional que considera el coloniaje un crimen en contra de la humanidad.
Únete a nuestras protestas permanentes para obligar nuestra descolonización. Necesitaremos un tsunami de gente para logarlo, porque los que nos han obligado tener su ciudadanía para mantenernos colonizados no creen en la LIBERTAD Y EN LA JUSTICIA PARA TODOS! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/c     

Do you know that the United States (US) government forced its citizenship on Puerto Ricans? Do you know that the US Supreme Court said that Puerto Rico belongs to, but is not a part of the US? Do you know that the Puerto Rico government’s power comes from the US government and not from the People of Puerto Rico? Is that democracy?

The US government is the only one that benefits from Puerto Ricans having its citizenship. Why don’t we have our own? We don’t, because Puerto Rico is a colony of the US government. Click on this link for more information: https://youtu.be/dRHGdhRBG1M
If US citizenship were good for Puerto Ricans:
1.      Why are more Puerto Ricans living away from our national territory?

2.      Why does the US government recruit more soldiers in Puerto Rico than in its 50 states?

3.      Why does Puerto Rico have more poverty than the 50 US states?
Fufi Santori Coll says that the US citizenship denaturalized Puerto Ricans from our real citizenship. Furthermore, US citizenship has divorced Puerto Ricans from our natural loyalty to Puerto Rico. And consequently, our ignorance of Puerto Rican history has made us a divided people. Click this link to hear Fufi explain it: https://youtu.be/NJIgaw-hMg0 
The US government did not permit Fufi and the group of Boricuas to renounce US citizenship in 1993. Why? The US government did not want others to follow their lead. Had enough Boricuas done so, the US government would have been forced to do what it has not wanted for the past 120 years.
Do you know that the US government is in violation of the United Nations' Charter, and of its 36 resolutions asking it to immediately give Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans?
We should reconsider how to best use the mass renouncing of US citizenship to pressure the US government to comply with international law that regards colonialism as a crime against humanity.
Join our permanent protests to force the US government to decolonize us. It will take a tsunami of people to do so, because those who have forced their citizenship on us to keep us colonized don’t believe in LIBERTY AND IN JUSTICE FOR ALL! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/c

domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2017

African History

African Origin of Modern Humans https://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/af.htm

As for Africa, scientists have formerly concluded that it is the birthplace of mankind, as large numbers of human-like fossils (discovered nowhere else) were found on the continent, some dating back 3.5 million years.

About 1.75 million years ago, early man spread throughout parts of Africa. They became aggressive hunters, lived in caves and used fire and their ability to create stone tools just to survive.

The Neanderthals arose some 200,000 years ago and inhabited regions in northern Africa and across parts of southern Europe. There is also clear evidence that they had control of fire, lived in caves, as well as open-air structures of stone and vegetation.

One of the most important developments of primitive man was the creation of stone tools. By 5000 BC farming was somewhat common in the northern areas of Africa, as people were growing crops and herding livestock. During that time the Sahara Desert was a fertile area.

Ancient African History

In 3200 BC the Egyptian culture emerged along the lower reaches of the Nile River; it was among the earliest civilizations and their tools and weapons were made of bronze. They also pioneered the building of massive pyramids and temples.

Egyptians also developed mathematics, an innovative system of medicine, irrigation and agricultural production techniques, writing and the first ships. In short, the Egyptians left a lasting legacy upon the world.

Around 600 BC the use of metal tools spread across small population bases and farming groups in North Africa, and their use gradually spread south into what is now called South Africa.

The Phoenicians were an enterprising maritime trading culture from Lebanon who spread across the Mediterranean from 1550 BC to 300 BC. In 814 BC, they founded the city of Carthage in what is now Tunisia in north Africa; only to be destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC.

Meanwhile, the Egyptians continued to spread their culture across Northern Africa, and kingdoms were created in Ethiopia and Sudan. The then-growing Roman Empire continued to expand its influence, and in 30 BC Egypt became a province of Rome; Morocco the same in 42 AD.

Before the Middle Ages began, the Roman Empire collapsed and the Arabs quickly took their place on the continent. In 698-700 they invaded Tunis and Carthage and soon controlled all of coastal North Africa. The Arabs were Muslims, and most of North Africa converted to Islam; Ethiopia was the exception.

Soon kingdoms emerged in Africa; they traded with the Arabs using gold plus a valuable commodity - slaves. One of the first kingdoms was Ghana, located in what is now southeastern Mauritania and western Mali. The empire grew rich from the trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt, but then lost its power in the 11th century.

Additional kingdoms developed across the continent, including those in Benin and Mali. Both became rich by trading in gold, horse salt, and of course, slaves. And like most kingdoms before them on any continent, they were invaded and in the end destroyed.

Mogadishu, the now largest city in Somalia, was settled by Arabs who traveled and traded on the east coast of Africa. The Arabs' reach extended to Zanzibar, which was used as a base for voyages between the Middle East and India.

As other organized kingdoms were formed in central and southern Africa, the Portuguese began to explore the western coast of Africa. By 1445 they reached the Cape Verde Islands and the coast of Senegal, and the mouth of the River Congo in 1482. They even sailed around the Cape of Good Hope.

African Colonization and the Slave Trade

The continent-changing 16th Century began with Europeans transporting African slaves to the Americas for profit. A slave purchased on the African coast for the equivalent of 14 English pounds in bartered goods could sell for 45 pounds in the American market.

The best-known method of commerce at the time was called the Triangular Trading System. It involved British and other European countries' manufactured goods which were shipped to Africa, then slaves from there to the West Indies and then sugar and other products back to Europe.

At the same time, Barbary pirates along the North African coast captured thousands of ships. From the 16th to 19th century, an estimated 800,000 to 1.25 million people were taken captive as slaves. The pirates' impact on the continent, however, peaked in the early to mid-17th century.

As tales of African riches spread north, the Europeans founded their first real colonies in the early 16th century, when the Portuguese settled in what is now Angola. Later, the Dutch founded a colony in what is now South Africa.

Strong movements to end slavery began in the late 18th century. France became one of the first countries to abolish slavery in 1794. Britain banned slave trade in 1807, but it was not officially abolished for good until 1848. In some parts of Africa, slave-like practices continue to this day and have proven difficult to eliminate.

Wholesale colonization of Africa by European countries began in 1814 when the British snatched the Dutch Colony of South Africa. Carved up like a large pie, the Brits, Dutch,French, Germans and Portuguese grabbed all of the available pieces.

By the end of the 19th century, from Algeria to Zimbabwe, and from Botswana to Niger, the continent was now all but controlled by European powers. In the early 20th century the land grab continued as the British took control of Egypt.

By 1920, the forced occupation of African lands began to sour in Europe, and change was in the wind. Africans were also driven by their passionate desire for independence and the movement for same became unstoppable. By mid-century most of the continent was independent, with Angola finally free in 1975.

Post-Colonial Africa

Self-government brought more than its share of civil wars, coup d'états and ethnic conflicts to the newly emerged countries. Add to that mix some horrible genocides, along with famines and out-of-control disease (HIV/AIDS), and Africa was teetering on the edge, and in many areas still does today.

Although Africa remains the world's poorest inhabited continent, there are many bright spots in this land of over one billion people and its 2,000 + languages. Significant economic and social gains have taken place over the last few years, with South Africa, Nigeria, Morocco and Egypt leading the way.

The largest segments of modern Africa's economies are agriculture and mining, with tourism growing in some areas. Manufacturing industries have grown large enough to ship products across the planet, and the oil export revenues of Angola, Libya and Nigeria have the potential to change the lives of millions.

Today the 54 countries of Africa have great potential, but this question must be asked: "Can it change soon enough to meet the needs of its people?" We can only hope so.

How the Palestinians lost their land

Click on the following link to watch a brief history about it: https://youtu.be/nufBpHmWhtQ
United States (US) President Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and wants to establish the American embassy there. The United Nations’ Security Council, however, opposed it 14 to 1. That is 93% of the council against the US.

The US government is upset over this, and has attacked the security council as being irresponsible.

This should proof enough for world to be convinced that the US government does not represent DEMOCRACY, LIBERTY, AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2017

¿Por qué los boricuas estamos divididos? / Why are Boricuas divided?

El gobierno de Estados Unidos (EEUU) dice públicamente que tan pronto los boricuas nos pongamos de acuerdo sobre qué estatus político queremos, EEUU estaría dispuesto a respectar nuestra decisión. ¿Por qué estamos divididos?

Los boricuas estamos divididos porque el gobierno de Estados Unidos nos ha indoctrinados por 120 años para creer sus mentiras. Así es como EEUU ha mantenido a Puerto Rico colonizada.
Un boricua tiene una mente colonizada si dice cosas como:
1. Puerto rico es una democracia.
2. Yo atesoro la ciudanía estadunidense.
3. Yo tengo derechos.
4. Yo quiero la estadidad para Puerto Rico para tener igualdad con Estados Unidos.

¿Por qué no tenemos igualdad con Estados Unidos? El gobierno de Estados Unidos nos clasificó como una raza inferior en el 1898. Por eso fue que ese gobernó se inventó la ley del territorio no incorporado. Su tribunal supremo determinó que eso quiere decir que Puerto Rico le pertenece a, pero no es parte de Estados Unidos. Y bajo esa premisa, Puerto Rico ha sido colonia del gobierno de Estados Unidos por más de un siglo. https://youtu.be/dRHGdhRBG1M

Cuando uno va al médico con un dolor, el medico ordena una serie de pruebas necesaria para diagnosticar el problema. El tratamiento dependerá de la enfermedad específica del diagnóstico. El paciente se curará cuando se siga el tratamiento lógico establecido por años de la experiencia médica. Así que, el comportamiento de medico está dirigido por la historia de la medicina.

A diferencia, los boricuas no hemos sido formados para funcionar dentro de una historia real. Nosotros hemos sido indoctrinados para aceptar una condición política ilegal bajo la ley internacional. Por eso es que los boricuas estamos divididos. ¿Qué sería el remedio para eso?
Cada boricua tiene que hacerse responsable de informarse sobre su verdadera historia. Borikén  no se podrá descolonizar mientras los boricuas tengamos nuestras mentes colonizadas.

Tan pronto tengamos la cantidad necesaria de boricuas con mentes descolonizadas, protestaremos permanentemente para que el gobierno de Estados Unidos cumpla con la Carta Magna de la Organización de Naciones Unidas y sus 36 resoluciones pidiéndole que le devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

¡Necesitaremos un tsunami de gente para lograrlo, porque los que nos han indoctrinados para explotarnos no creen en la LIBERTAD Y EN LA JUSTICIA PARA TODOS! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/

The United States (US) government has said publicly that as soon as Boricuas decide what political status they want, that the US will respect their choice. Why are we divided?

Boricuas are divided, because the US government has indoctrinated us for 120 years to believe its lies. That is how the US government has maintained Puerto Rico as its colony.
A Boricua has a colonized mind, if he says things like:
1. Puerto Rico is a democracy.
2.  I cherish US citizenship.
3. I have rights.
4. I want statehood for Puerto Rico, so that we could have equality with the US.

Why don’t Boricuas have equality with the US? The US government classified Boricuas as an inferior race in 1898. That is why the US government invented the non-incorporated territory law. The US Supreme Court decided that that means that Puerto Rico belongs to, but is not a part of the US. And under this premise, Puerto Rico has been a colony of the US for over a century.  https://youtu.be/dRHGdhRBG1M

When you go to the physician with a pain, the doctor will order a series of tests to diagnose your problem. Your medical treatment will be specific to your diagnosis. The patient will be cured by following a logical treatment based on experiences accumulated through its medical history. Therefore, a physicians’ actions are dictated by medical history.

Conversely, Boricuas have not been programed to operate within a real history. We have been indoctrinated to accept a political status that is illegal under international law. That is why Boricuas are divided. What is the remedy for that?

Every Boricua has to inform himself as to the real history. Borikén will not decolonize as long as Boricuas have colonized minds.

As soon as we have enough Boricuas with decolonized minds, we will protest permanently to force the US government to comply with the United Nations’ Charter and its 36 resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

We will need a tsunami of people to do that, because those who have indoctrinated us to exploit us don’t believe in LIBERTY OR IN JUSTICE FOR ALL! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/

UN condemns US' Jerusalem decision

by Michelle Nichols

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - More than 120 countries defied President Donald Trump on Thursday and voted in favor of a United Nations General Assembly resolution calling for the United States to drop its recent recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Click here to watch video: https://youtu.be/0tl5sEbflxM 

Trump had threatened to cut off financial aid to countries that voted in favor. A total of 128 countries backed the resolution, which is non-binding, nine voted against and 35 abstained. Twenty-one countries did not cast a vote.
Trump’s threat appeared to have some impact, with more countries abstaining and rejecting the resolution than usually associated with Palestinian-related resolutions.
Nevertheless, Washington found itself isolated as many of its Western and Arab allies voted for the measure. Some of those allies, like Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, are major recipients of U.S. military or economic aid, although the U.S. threat to cut aid did not single out any country.
A spokesman for Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called the vote “a victory for Palestine.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the vote.
Earlier this month, Trump reversed decades of U.S. policy by announcing the United States recognized Jerusalem - home to major Muslim, Jewish and Christian holy sites - as the capital of Israel and would move its embassy there.
“The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told the 193-member General Assembly ahead of Thursday’s vote.
“We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations, and so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit,” she said.
Later on Thursday, Haley asked the 64 countries who voted no, abstained or did not cast a vote to come to a Jan. 3 reception “to thank you for your friendship to the United States,” according to the invitation seen by Reuters.
The status of Jerusalem is one of the thorniest obstacles to a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, who were furious over Trump’s move. The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the full city.
French U.N. Ambassador Francois Delattre said in a statement: “The resolution adopted today only confirms relevant international law provisions on Jerusalem.” France voted in favor.
Netanyahu described the resolution as “preposterous.” “Jerusalem is our capital, always was, always will be. But I do appreciate the fact that a growing number of countries refuse to participate in this theater of the absurd,” he said in a video on his Facebook page.
Israel captured East Jerusalem in a 1967 war and Palestinians want it as the capital of a future state they seek.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a tweet the vote was a clear international rejection of the Trump administration’s “thuggish intimidation.”
Among countries that abstained were Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Mexico, Philippines, Poland, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda.
Guatemala, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Togo joined the United States and Israel in voting no.
Honduras’ vote against the motion comes after the United States signaled it would recognize President Juan Orlando Hernandez as the winner of an election the Organization of America States said should be scrapped over fraud claims.
Since Trump’s election, Mexico has aligned its foreign policy more closely with Washington in what diplomats say is an attempt to curry favor in face of threats to withdraw from the NAFTA free trade agreement.
Trump’s rhetoric on cutting aid startled some U.S. allies but State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Thursday’s vote was just one factor that Washington would take into consideration in its foreign policy.
“I just wanted to reiterate what the president had said yesterday and that that was the U.N. vote is really not the only factor that the administration would take into consideration in dealing with our foreign relations and countries who have chosen to vote one way or the other,” she told reporters.
According to figures from the U.S. government’s aid agency USAID, in 2016 the United States provided some $13 billion in economic and military assistance to countries in sub-Saharan Africa and $1.6 billion to states in East Asia and Oceania.
It provided some $13 billion to countries in the Middle East and North Africa, $6.7 billion to countries in South and Central Asia, $1.5 billion to states in Europe and Eurasia and $2.2 billion to Western Hemisphere countries, according to USAID.
The General Assembly vote was called at the request of Arab and Muslim countries after the United States vetoed the same resolution on Monday in the 15-member U.N. Security Council. Click here to see the video: https://youtu.be/49kO8Baj-uI
The remaining 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the Egyptian-drafted resolution, which did not specifically mention the United States or Trump but which expressed “deep regret at recent decisions concerning the status of Jerusalem.”
Thursday’s resolution “affirms that any decisions and actions which purport to have altered the character, status or demographic composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal effect, are null and void and must be rescinded.”
The U.N. action comes a year after the Security Council adopted a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements.
That was approved with 14 votes in favor and an abstention by former U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration, which defied heavy pressure from longtime ally Israel and Trump, who was then president-elect, for Washington to wield its veto.
Reporting by Michelle Nichols at the United Nations; Additional reporting by Jeffrey Heller and Ari Rabinovitch in Jerusalem, Parisa Hafezi in Ankara, Leah Schnurr in Ottawa and Frank Jack Daniel in Mexico; Writing by Yara Bayoumy; Editing by Alistair Bell and James Dalgleish