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miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2020

US executive branch despises the rule of law

The fundamental purpose of the executive branch of the United States (US) government (USG) is to make sure that laws are followed. That is not, however, what US presidents do. Click on the following link to watch a video where Professor Noam Chomsky describes crimes committed by US presidents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BXtgq0Nhsc&t=12s

This is why the USG represents only 1% of its citizens, and the world considers it the biggest threat to world peace. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/08/07/polls-us-greatest-threat-to-peace-world-today/  

Right now, the USG wants to put Julian Assange in jail forever, because he told the world that the USG commits crimes against humanity.

Right now, the USG has put the International Criminal Court on its black list, because it wants to investigate crimes against humanity committed by the USG in Iraq.

The USG militarily invaded Puerto Rico to make her its colony in 1898. The USG has never complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter that prohibits colonialism for the past 75 years. It has never complied with 39 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. http://webtv.un.org/watch/5th-meeting-committee-of-24-special-committee-on-decolonization/6051725003001/

Therefore, the USG will never represent the 99% of US citizens no matter if the red or the blue party wins this November of 2020.

We the people need a revolution. The world isn’t evil, because of evil people. It is, because good people do nothing. The ball is in our court. Do we meet the challenge? www.TodosUnidosDescolonizarPR.blogspot.com

Are good people willing to resist evil?

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