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jueves, 30 de junio de 2022

EEUU criminaliza la verdad

Una democracia de verdad necesita la verdad. Sin embargo, el gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) la criminaliza. Y, por eso es que la “democracia” estadounidense es solo para unos pocos. Oprima el siguiente enlace para entender completamente la conducta criminal del GEU en el caso de Julián Assange: https://youtu.be/bvD02ta5lJ4

Julián representa al 99% de la humanidad. Por lo tanto, la humanidad tenemos que hacer resistencia ahora, mañana y para siempre para crear un mundo donde todas las civilizaciones sean posible, y esta, la civilización estadounidense de la muerte, sea imposible de existir.

¡Julián representa la civilización de la vida!

NATO is US’s tool to control the world

Eric Dénécé, Director of Cf2R (Centre Français de Recherche sur le Renseignement), spoke with CMG on NATO and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. He said that, "NATO is America's tool for controlling Europe and the world. If NATO had disbanded, then its constant eastward expansion would not have happened and there would not have been this conflict."

Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/SHgwgacTgpw

What about the United Nations' Charter?

The United States (US) started 80% of all wars after World War II. The world has thus determined that the US is the biggest threat to peace. The US says that her so-called “rule based world order” makes her exceptional.

What’s exceptional about a civilization of death? 

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2022

EEUU inefectivo contra democracia cubana

El régimen de Estados Unidos (REU) trató de matar al Presidente de Cuba Fidel Castro 638 veces. No pudo, porque su pueblo lo protegió. Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver un video con detales muy interesantes: https://youtu.be/ckYILTF4QJg

La supuesta “democracia” del REU ha unilateralmente bloqueado económicamente a Cuba por los últimos 62 años. Casi el 100% de la comunidad internacional le ha pedido que cese su bloqueo a Cuba, pero el régimen dice que siguiera tratando de destruir la revolución cubana.

El REU también dice que continuará manteniendo a Puerto Rico como su colonia, a pesar de que la Organización de Naciones Unidas le ha pedido en 41 resoluciones que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

Y, el REU dice que continuará tratando de destruir a Rusia, ante eso signifique una guerra nuclear. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

¡La “democracia” estadunidenses excluye 99% de la humanidad!

US: a UN outlaw

There is a reason why the United States (US) is the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a millions deaths. There is a reason why 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. There is a reason why the US has 800 military bases all over the world. And, for these reasons and others, the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace. Click on the following link to learn the history of this outlaw state: https://youtu.be/K0L8yBJSCIE

Historically Hong Kong and Taiwan have belonged to China. The US, however, says that she supports the sovereignty of both of them.

Puerto Rico, however, has historically never belonged to the US. The US today is committing a crime against humanity since 1945 for refusing to comply with the United Nations’ Charter that prohibits colonialism. Moreover, the US has ignored 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The world doesn’t need or want the US’ world based rules. That just means the “US’ civilization of death”.

If we all followed the UN’s Charter, all civilizations would be possible, and the US’s civilization of death would be impossible to exist! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

US is wanted by the international law. 

Apoyar la agricultura boricua

Es importante que los mismos boricuas entendamos que para empujar a nuestra descolonización es necesario que apoyemos a nuestra agricultura. Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver como algunos boricuas hacen eso: https://youtu.be/oijFpSeEfEo  


Boricuas salvando a boricuas.

martes, 28 de junio de 2022

Juventud Nacional

Entrevistamos a dos jóvenes de Juventud Nacional, el martes, 28 de junio de 2022 en el Parque Gándara de Hato Rey. Opima el siguiente enlace para saber de qué se trata esta organización: https://youtu.be/K4dk9WaawGY


1. La esencia autentica del pueblo puertorriqueño. No dividimos, unimos por factores históricos y orgánicos. Pedro Albizu Campos es nuestro pensador clave del nacionalista y héroe nacional.

2.  El pueblo salva al pueblo. Creemos en la acción directa de los problemas del pueblo. No buscamos votos. Buscamos organizar, apoyar y llevar a cabo proyectos de autogestión donde las comunidades los necesiten. ¡Preparemos el cambio que queremos!      

3.  Buscamos la meritocracia basada en las experiencias, conocimientos y acción, la organización jerárquica del pueblo a base de los ejes de la familia, la comunidad y la nación.

4. Educar para organizar al pueblo para su desarrollo nacional de forma económica, espiritual, social y filosófica.   

5. Fomentar el cooperativismo para la educación, autogestión y modelo empresarial donde la industria local se pueda unir para competir.

6. Crear una economía mixta cuyo centro sea satisfacer las necesidades locales.

7. Regular nuestros recursos naturales para nuestra coexistencia sostenible.  

8. Vemos el Neo jíbaro como vía de encuentro de nuestra tradición y futuro.   

9. Luchamos por un Puerto Rico para los puertorriqueños.

10. Luchamos por un mundo multipolar. Los pueblos auténticos tienen el derecho y capacidad de tener su propio destino.  


Hacer patria en la calle.

Africa not fooled by western propaganda

93% of African nations did not want to hear what Ukraine’s president wanted to tell them. They have sided with Russia in her war against Ukraine for wanting to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/p-YP1azszfg

Africa knows the history of the United States and Europe. This world may witness the opposite of what the west was trying to achieve. As the west is left without the energy it needs to control the world, a better world is being created where all civilizations are possible, while this one, the death civilization, becomes impossible to exist.

The world does not want “western democracy”!

Bonaire deceptively removed UN’s colony list

His Highness Majesty King Willem Alexander and

Prime Minister Mr Mark Rutte p/a Kabinet Der Koning Postbus

20016 2500 EA Den Haag, Nederland

Bonaire, June 27, 2022

His Highness Willem Alexander, Honorable Mr Rutte,

I write this letter as a follow up on our personal meeting on Bonaire, November 16, 2013 and following letters communications. Especially my prior letters to your Highness of June 9th, 2017 and October 22nd, 2017 and July 4, 2018 based on your promise to me and the people of Bonaire on violations of the United Nations Charter, Human Rights and International Law by your government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

As your Highness would be aware of that your promise was not complied with, on the contrary was broken and your government abusing their power and without any remorse illegally annexed our people and island by embedding us in your constitution in October 2017 under unequal rights in violation of all humanity rights.

As your Highness may know that the Dutch government recently instructed three main Dutch constitutional and legal experts Prof. dr. Gert Oostindie, Prof. Gerhard Hoogers, and dr. Wouter Veenendaal to investigate our organization continuous allegations and protests, of the violations of the UN Charter on self-determination and human rights and international law since the illegal annexation of 10-10-10. The same as I informed you in our conversation in September 2013.

For your Highness information these experts in a recent press release and report admitted and confirmed that our island Bonaire and former Netherlands Antilles decolonization was never confirmed by the United Nations. (See attached) And furthermore that Bonaire and the other former Netherlands Antilles islands were unjustly removed from the UN list when your government gave its own interpretation to the United Nations Charter article 73. The Netherlands were incorrectly absolved from its reporting obligations and compliance to article 73 when they implemented the Statute in 1955.

For us as Bonaire this admission of the truth is a huge step, on the road to the re-listing on the United Nations list of Non Self Governing Territories. As your Highness may remember that you questioned me very seriously if what I want was independence, where I answered to you, no. That I want our people’s self-determination rights to be restored and respected according to United Nations article 73.

The world was misled that we as former Netherlands Antilles were free and equal in your Kingdom. By this recent historical admission after almost 70 years by your own constitutional experts exposed that your government since 1954 wrongfully remains in violation of your own co-signed UN Charter and human rights conventions.

Recently we received very disturbing indications that your intelligence service has all my personal communications wire-tapped. I herewith kindly request your Highness influence and cooperation to stop the Dutch government immediately from its illegal practices of violations of my human rights.

I seemingly became a victim of your government colonial political repressive actions, as there were three attempts on my life, in September 2012, January 2015 and June 2017 and I was unlawfully arrested in September 2019 all because standing up and voicing against your government article 73 human rights violations, your own truths that are now admitted by your own experts.

Finally I have no other choice to put your Highness Kingdom Government responsible for any attempt on my life.

We hope that you as our King, which we all highly respect, will take the responsibility to do everything in your power to address your government cooperation to return us back to the list of Non-Self-governing-Territories of the United Nations. According to Article 73 your government obligations to restore our right to emancipation and nation-building, our self-government back to our people as your promise to me on November 16, 2013, and Queen Wilhelmina promised to the United Nations and the world and the Kingdom signed on June 26, 1945 and Kingdom Law of July 1, 1863, where we all be equally human and equally free.

With utmost trust in the Justice and Equity of Your Royal Highness,

Sincerely Yours,

James Finies

lunes, 27 de junio de 2022

What do you know about BRICS?

The western media are not interested in telling you much about the alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). The west sees BRICS as a threat to its hegemony. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/WPC8MW7RB4w

Nations that have been suffocated by the west will find BRICS as a breath of fresh air. Imagine what BRICS could mean to Haiti and Cuba?

Puerto Rico has been a United States (US) colony for the past 124 years. The US has never complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity. Moreover, the US has ignored to this moment 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Puerto Rico would be a great candidate for BRICS too!

The world considers today the US as the biggest threat to peace. The more you know about BRICS, the more you are convinced that it is trying to create real liberty and justice for all.

BRICS to kick in a better world!

domingo, 26 de junio de 2022

An ugly US history

The United States (US) has a 246 year history of always being at war. That is how she has become the hegemon. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/56GmO7Ww5hQ

With the world threatening to become multipolar, will the US get even uglier? The 99% of US citizens would be better off, if our government accepts it. But, unfortunately, the US is not a democracy.  

We must force our government to represent us all, because we can’t risk US plutocracy to destroy the world. Imagine what Hitler would have done, if he had the nuclear button next to him as the Red Army approached his bunker?

Hoping this story has a happy ending!

BRICS Summit

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa celebrate their 14th BRICS Summit virtually. The following video contains the opening statements of the presidents of these nations: https://youtu.be/xyn8qT4hAcE

BRICS hopes to create a new world order where all civilizations are possible, and the present civilization of death would be impossible of existing.  

BRICS is a beacon of hope for humanity.

Winning hearts and minds

The United States (US), since becoming the hegemon after World War II, has never won the hearts and minds of people around the world. Quite the opposite. The world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace!

The US has 800 military bases around the world. The US started 80% of all of the wars after World War II.

While the US is the epicenter of the coronavirus, with over a million deaths, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. And with the revelations of Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, the world could not be surer that the US is a plutocracy. Contrary to spreading democracy, the US spreads misery around the world. Thus, the People’s Republic of China, understandably, is a threat to the US of Plutocracy.

If China were like the US, she would have already visited Puerto Rico to pledge her support to Puerto Rico independence. After all, Puerto Rico has been a US colony for the past 124 years. The US has been in violation of the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity. And moreover, the US has ignored, thus far, 41 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. But China is not like the US. https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gm12lxyg

The US, however, says that she is willing to militarily support the independence of Ukraine, Hong Kong and Taiwan. She does, not because she believes in a nation’s self-determination and independence, but to try to maintain her hegemony.

Will the US use nuclear weapons to maintain her hegemony? Nobody knows. We could only wonder. What would Hitler have done, if he had the nuclear button beside him, while the Red Army approached his bunker? https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

Only the 1% of US citizens.

sábado, 25 de junio de 2022

Rally for Boriken decolonization

A group of Boricuas held a rally for Boriken decolonization across the United Nations (UN) on Monday, June 20, 2022. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/S8lVaVrCea8

If the United States (US) ever intended to decolonize Boriken, she would have done so already during the past 124 years. And if the UN ever had the ability to decolonize Boriken, it would have done so too during the past 77 years. https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gm12lxyg

There are today 41 UN resolutions asking the US to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Therefore, after 50 years of Boricuas speaking before the UN’s Decolonization Committee for our independence, it is time for a plan b.

Half of the Boricuas in Boriken live in poverty, and more Boricuas live away than in our national territory. We need to act now!

Plan b should be that the 9 million Boricuas worldwide engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with international law. We are the ones who have the inalienable right to self-determination and independence. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/     

We need a 9 million Boricua rally now, tomorrow and forever!

Ricky’s colonized mind

The so-called ex “Governor of Puerto Rico” Ricardo Roselló asked the United Nations (UN) to endorse the United States (US) proposed legislations to allegedly decolonize Puerto Rico. That is his “Plan B”, since the UN has never done anything else, but issue resolutions.

He is unable to understand that the US, as the one having committed the crime against humanity, is incapable of directing any real Puerto Rico decolonization. Click on the following link to watch his petition before the UN’s Decolonization Committee on Monday, June 20, 2022: https://youtu.be/d62e-Bil7T8

After 77 years, and now in its 4th International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, the UN can only idly listen to Boricuas inform it of our suffering under US colonialism for the past 124 years.

There are today 41 UN resolutions asking the US to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. If the US ever had the intentions of decolonizing Puerto Rico, she would have done so by now. And, if the UN ever had the ability to decolonize Puerto Rico, it would have already done so too. 

Half of Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico live in poverty, and more Boricuas live away than in our national territory. It’s time to do the opposite of, “Don’t push it”.  

The better Plan B would be that the 9 million Boricuas worldwide engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with international law. We are the ones who have the inalienable right to self-determination and independence. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Let’s push the US to comply with international law!

US "democracy" is deadly

While United States’ (US) “democracy” have killed over a million Iraqis, and is still militarily occupying them, the People’s Republic of China is building in Iraq schools and other badly needed infrastructure. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/MUfNW_yYL8s

Comparing the actions of the US and China, communism looks a lot more people friendly than US “democracy”.

A multipolar world will allow for many civilization to flourish. We hope that the day will come when all civilizations are possible, and the resent “death civilization” is impossible.

Maybe that dream is not so impossible!

PR needs more than more UN resolutions

After 77 years, and now being in its 4th International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, the United Nations (UN) can only idly listen to Boricuas inform it of our suffering under United States (US) colonialism for the past 124 years. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/KhX_ShGiNUQ

There are today 41 UN resolutions asking the US to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. If the US ever had the intentions of decolonizing Puerto Rico, she would have done so by now. And, if the UN ever had the ability to decolonize Puerto Rico, it would have already done so too.

“Plan B” should be that the 9 million Boricuas worldwide engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with international law.

“Don’t push it” has resulted in half Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico living in poverty, and in more Boricuas living away, than in our national territory. Therefore, we must push it to get the reverse outcomes!

Push US colonialism out of Puerto Rico.

¿Qué derechos humanos defiende EEUU?

Lejos de defender a los derechos humanos, el mundo considera al gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) como la amenaza más grande a la paz.

Lejos de que la prensa estadounidense es libre, el GEU hoy trata de matar, antes los ojos del mundo, a Julián  Assange por revelar lo criminal que es. Oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/xTRtklyC36I

El GEU nunca ha sido una democracia. Por eso 8 de los 10 hombres más ricos del mundo son ciudadanos estadounidenses, mientras que Estados Unidos es el epicentro del coronavirus con más de un millón de muertos.

Por eso es que el GEU ha mantenido a Puerto Rico como su colonia por los últimos 124 años, en violación a la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) del 1945. Es más, el GEU ha ignorado, hasta la fecha, 41 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

El GEU usa la democracia para esconder su plutocracia. Si queremos una verdadera democracia, los 99% de nosotros tendremos que lucharla, como Julián.    

Julián es símbolo de la resistencia permanente. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

¡Resistir lo malo nos hace humanos!  

viernes, 24 de junio de 2022

Africa sides with Russia

93% of Africa refuses to support the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) war against Russia. NATO’s war is to divide Russia, and to rob her resources. In that way, imperialism could continue oppressing humanity. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/v-EzrUzaZ6M

The United States (US) says that she supports Ukraine, Hong Kong, and Taiwan’s sovereignty. However, the US has maintained Puerto Rico as her colony for the past 124 years. That means that the US has never complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity. Moreover, the US has ignored 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gm12lxyg

The world already considers the US as the biggest threat to peace. At least, 80% of the world hopes to create a world where all civilizations could be possible, and the present civilization of death could be impossible! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

The world wants real justice for all!

¿Llegaremos a un mundo multipolar?

El gran peligro en Ucrania es si esa guerra nos llevará a una guerra nuclear. ¡Imagínese si Hitler hubiera tenido el botón para destruir al mundo antes de su decisión de quitarse su vida! Oprima el siguiente enlace para el análisis del Profesor Ramón Grosfoguel: https://youtu.be/0brD3WC_NGw

Un mundo multipolar nos ayudaría vivir en un mundo donde todas las civilizaciones pudiesen existir, y la presente sería imposible de existir.

¡La guerra nuclear es la misma guerra de clase a su punto terminal!

jueves, 23 de junio de 2022

US democracy camouflages plutocracy

United States (US) plutocracy is glaringly manifested in the economic sanctions against Russia. They are hurting the 99% of her citizens, while making the 1% richer. Click on the following link to get China’s perspective on this: https://youtu.be/IXEAuej6uuA

If the US were a democracy, why has she maintained Puerto Rico as her colony for the past 124 years? She has, because that represents a lot of money for US capitalists.

That means, however, that the US government (USG) has never complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity. Moreover, the USG has ignored 41 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gm12lxyg

China is correct about the world being aware of Washington’s deceptions. How else could the US be the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths, while 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens? And, how else the world could consider the USG as the biggest threat to peace? https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/ 

Actions speak louder that world.

A criticism from within.  

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2022

Insurrección energética para descolonizar a Boriken

La descolonización de Boriken empieza con descolonizar a nuestras mentes. Oprima el siguiente enlace para aprender cómo: https://youtu.be/wXoKyME8hGM

Si el gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) hubiera querido descolonizar a Boriken, lo hiera hecho durante los 124 años que la ha tenido colonizada.

Si la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) hubiera tenido la capacidad para descolonizar a Puerto Rico, lo hubiera hecho durante los 77 años de su existencia.

Hoy tenemos 41 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole al GEU que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. La ONU está en su 4ta Década Internacional para la Erradicación del Colonialismo. Estados Unidos es el epicentro del coronavirus con más de un millón de muertos, mientras que 8 de los 10 hombres más ricos de mundo son ciudadanos estadounidenses. ¡Y, el mundo considera al GEU como le amenaza más grande a la paz! ¿Actúa el GEU como una democracia?  

La plutocracia estadounidense nunca descolonizará a Boriken, porque ella representa mucho dinero para los capitalistas americanos. Por lo tanto, los 9 millones de boricuas tenemos que hacer resistencia ahora, mañana y para siempre para obligar al GEU a cumplir con la ley internacional.

El pueblo tiene que empujar al imperio o se derrumba nuestra casa. 

Puerto Ricans must decolonize ourselves!

The 9 million Puerto Ricans worldwide must understand that nobody will decolonize Puerto Rico, but the Puerto Ricans ourselves. Click on the following link to know what a Puerto Rican from Minnesota said at the United Nations (UN) hearing for Puerto Rico decolonization on Monday, June 20, 2022: https://youtu.be/x3j2fJ3aUec

If the United States (US) government (USG) ever intended to decolonize Puerto Rico, it would have done so during the 124 years of having her as its colony.

If the UN ever had the ability to decolonize Puerto Rico, it would have done so during its 77 year history.

We have today, 41 UN resolutions asking the USG to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. The UN is in its 4th International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. The US is the epicenter if the coronavirus with over a million deaths, while, at the same time, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. And, the world regards the USG as the greatest threat to peace. Does that sound like the US is a democracy?

A US plutocracy will never decolonize Puerto Rico, because she means too much profit for US capitalists. Therefore, it will happen only by Boricuas engaging in resistance now, tomorrow and forever! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

Don’t expect US plutocracy to defend human rights!   

martes, 21 de junio de 2022

US ties Nazis in killing 6 million people

Why would anybody believe that the United States (US) government (USG) defends human rights? Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/RTEjuP91rtw

While the USG says that it supports the sovereignty of Ukraine, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it has maintained Puerto Rico as its colony for the past 124 years. https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gm12lxyg

The USG has ignored to date 41 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. That is why the world regards the USG as the biggest threat to peace!

The USG is a plutocracy. If the 99% of US citizens want democracy, we will have to make that happen. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

The biggest enemy to democracy is the USG.

¿Qué hacemos los boricuas ahora? / What Boricuas do now?

La Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) reiteró ayer, una vez más, el derecho inalienable de Puerto Rico a su autodeterminación e independencia. Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver ese video: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gm12lxyg

Así que, ahora tenemos 41 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole al gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) que inmediatamente devuelva la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. ¿Cumplirá ahora? No. ¿Cómo lo sabemos? Contestamos con estas preguntas.

¿Por qué el GEU está hoy en guerra con Rusia vía Ucrania? ¿Es Rusia una amenaza a la democracia? No. El GEU es la amenaza a la democracia. ¡Por eso es que el mundo considera al GEU como la amenaza más grande a la paz mundial!

Esa guerra es solamente para hacer el 1% de los ciudadanos americanos más ricos. Por eso es que, a la misma vez que Estados Unidos es el epicentro del coronavirus con más de un millón de muertes, 8 de los 10 hombres más ricos del mundo son ciudadanos estadounidenses.   

Si no fuera por la capacidad militar de Rusia, el GEU hubiera convertido a Ucrania en un miembro de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte.

Como los rusos, los 9 millones de boricuas mundialmente tenemos que hacer resistencia permanente para obligar al GEU a cumplir con la ley internacional, porque el GEU no le importa los derechos humanos. ¡El GEU quiere abusar del 99% de la humanidad!

¡EEUU es la amenaza más grande a la paz!

The United Nations (UN) yesterday reiterated once again Puerto Rico’s inalienable right to her self-determination and independence. Click on the following link to watch yesterday’s hearing: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gm12lxyg

Therefore, we now have 41 UN resolutions asking the United States (US) government (USG) to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Will the USG now comply? No. How do we know that?

We answer that with these questions. Why is the USG today at war against Russia via Ukraine? Does Russia threaten democracy?

No. It is the USG that threatens democracy. That is why the world considers the USG as the biggest threat to peace.

That war is only to make the 1% of US citizens even richer. That is why, at the same time that the US is the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

If it were not for Russia’s military capabilities, the USG would have made Ukraine a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Just like the Russians, the 9 million Puerto Ricans worldwide must engage in permanent resistance to force the USG to comply with international law, because the USG doesn’t care about human rights. The USG wants to abuse the 99% of humanity! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

US is the greatest threat to peace.

US loses proxy war with Russia

The United States (US) has lost her Ukraine proxy war against Russia. There is still, however, a danger of a nuclear war between them. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/W_54M0muoJU

The danger of nuclear war exists, not because Russia is a threat to democracy, but because the US government (USG) is not a democracy.

The USG is a plutocracy. As such, the USG’ is only concerned with making the 1% of US citizens even richer. That is how 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while, at the same time, the US is the epicenter of the coronavirus, with over a million deaths.

The 99% of us will have to convert US plutocracy into a democracy, in order to save the world. That is what Martin Luther King meant with, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Can we stop a nuclear war?

lunes, 20 de junio de 2022

Vista 2022 ONU Descolonización Puerto Rico

Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver la vista anual (2022) sobre la descolonización de Puerto Rico en la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU): https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gm12lxyg

Sería más responsable de parte de la ONU si publicaría en los medios de comunicación masiva cómo ver estas vistas en vivo con antelación. ¡La ONU podría ponerle más presión a Estados Unidos para cumplir con la ley internacional!  

4ta Década Internacional para la Erradicación del colonialismo.

Guam another US colony

How could the so-called beacon of democracy have colonies? The United States (US) does, because she is not a democracy. She is a plutocracy.

Therefore, the US government (USG) provides colonies for its 1% of citizens, so that they could become richer. Click on the following link to watch a video about how the US has denied Guam her inalienable right to self-determination and independence: https://youtu.be/bZP91Aout2Q

Now it makes perfect sense why the US is the epicenter of the coronavirus, with over a million deaths, while at the same time, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

If the US is a democracy, the 99% of us should be able to make our government represent everybody. And if that is not possible, then we will need to make the US a real democracy.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” 

domingo, 19 de junio de 2022

Today PR decolonization hearing at UN

The United Nations (UN) will hold today, Monday, June 20, 2022 its annual hearing on Puerto Rico decolonization. These hearings are not televised to try to hide that the United States government (USG) is committing a crime against humanity. We managed to televise live the 2016 hearing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

It is important to mention that the USG has never complied with the UN’s Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism. Moreover, the USG has ignored up to today 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Therefore, the USG has militarily occupied Puerto Rico for the past 124 years!

The UN is in its 4th International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.

How could the USG say that it supports the sovereignty of Ukraine, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and not Puerto Rico?

Please attend the rally for Puerto Rico independence today at 4PM across the UN. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

We must push the US to comply with international Law! 

Rally independence for Puerto Rico now!

El exilio lucha por independencia boricua

Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver el video de un foro sobre la independencia de Puerto Rico en la ciudad de Nueva York: https://youtu.be/y50ucXv3vKs

La vista anual de la Organización de Naciones Unidas sobre el caso colonial de Puerto Rico será el lunes, 20 de junio de 2022.

¿Quién sancionará a Washington por ese crimen en contra de la humanidad?  

¿Erradicar el colonialismo? / Eradicate colonialism?

La Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) celebrará mañana, lunes, 20 de junio de 2022, su vista anual sobre la descolonización de Puerto Rico. La mayoría de puertorriqueños, hasta los que viven en la ciudad de Nueva York, desconocen eso. El gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) no quiere que usted sepa eso. ¿Por qué?

El GEU nunca ha cumplido con la Carta de la ONU del 1945 que prohíbe el colonialismo por ser un crimen en contra de la humanidad. Aunque la ONU está en su 4ta Década para la Erradicación del Colonialismo, el GEU ha ignorado 40 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

Y mientras el GEU ha mantenido a Puerto Rico como su colonia por los últimos 124 años, él dice que respalda la soberanía de Ucrania, Hong Kong y Taiwán. Él lo dice, no porque respecta el imperio de la ley, pero porque el GEU está desesperadamente tratando de mantener su hegemonía.  

El mundo ya sabe que el GEU, con sus 800 bases militares alrededor del mundo, ha sido responsable por 80% de todas las guerras, desde la segunda guerra mundial. Por eso es que el mundo considera el GEU como la amenaza más grande a la paz. Por lo tanto, el GEU provocó a Rusia a invadir militarmente a Ucrania para destruir el socialismo.     

Esa estrategia, sin embargo, ha sido contraproducente, y probablemente producirá un mundo multipolar. ¡La erradicación del colonialismo tiene una mejor oportunidad de lograrse en un mundo multipolar! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Erradicación del colonialismo mejor en un mundo multipolar.

The United Nations (UN) will hold tomorrow, Monday, June 20, 2022, its annual hearing to discuss the decolonization of Puerto Rico. Most Puerto Ricans, even the ones in New York City, don’t know that. They don’t that, because the United States (US) government (USG) does not want them to know! Why?

The USG has never complied with the UN’s Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity. Although the UN is in its 4th International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, the USG has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

And while the USG has kept Puerto Rico as its colony for the past 124 years, it says that it supports the sovereignty of Ukraine, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The USG does, not because it respects the rule of law, but because it is desperately trying to maintain US hegemony.

The world already knows that the USG, with its 800 military bases around the world, has been responsible for 80% of all wars, after World War II. That is why the world considers the USG as the biggest threat to peace. Thus, the USG provoked Russia to militarily invade Ukraine in order to weaken her, and destroy socialism.

That strategy, however, is backfiring, and will most likely lead to a multipolar world. The eradication of colonialism has a much better chance of being achieved in a multipolar world! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Eradication of colonialism is more likely in a multipolar world.  

sábado, 18 de junio de 2022

Real reason war in Ukraine

The United States (US) government (USG) would like you to believe that Russia is responsible for the war in Ukraine. However, “Putin’s war” is actually the US’ war. Click on the following link to get the truth: https://youtu.be/qciVozNtCDM

This war is just one more thing that the USG has done throughout its history to spread capitalism around the world, as it destroys socialism.

While the USG says that it supports the sovereignty of Ukraine, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it has had Puerto Rico as its colony for the past 124 years. In doing so, the USG has never complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

Moreover, the USG has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. The UN will hold its annual Puerto Rico decolonization hearing on Monday, June 20, 2022. You won’t get that in the “US free press” either! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Research the truth independently of the US corporate media, if you want to know what benefits the 99% of humanity.

The 1% of US citizens are lying to you!

viernes, 17 de junio de 2022

Russia threatened US with missiles in Cuba

President Kennedy addressed the nation on October 22, 1962 about the existential threat posed by Russian missiles in Cuba aimed at the United States (US). Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/vrPkIYb9iog

Kennedy spoke about the US wanting to live in peace with the world, and about Russia wanting to dominate the world. In fact, history has proven that to be the other way around.

US has 800 military bases around the world. The US has started 80% of all the wars, since World War II. They have all been in violation to international law. Thus, world regards the US, and not Russia, as the biggest threat to peace!

The best example of the US being a threat is the war in Ukraine. Russia repeatedly warned the US that making Ukraine a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member would be an existential threat to her national security.

Unlike Russia, who eventually removed her missiles to avoid a nuclear war with the US, the US, has continued to insist in wanting to make Ukraine a NATO member. Therefore, the US is willing to risk a nuclear war!

When Kennedy addressed the nation, the US government (US), for the past 17 years, had refused to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 with regards to its colony Puerto Rico. The UN Charter prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity that threatens world peace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

To date, the USG has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. The UN is currently in its 4th International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. The UN will hold this year’s Puerto Rico decolonization hearing on Monday, June 20. 2022. The US is not anxious to inform people of that! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

History has shown that it is the US who wants to rule the world, and is willing to risk a nuclear holocaust if she can’t.

US threatens the world!

jueves, 16 de junio de 2022

Soluciones boricua a nuestra pobreza

La mitad de los boricuas en Boriken viven en la pobreza. Plenitud PR es una organización que se ha dedicado a buscar soluciones concretas a nuestra pobreza. Oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/oeuf-kYAlts

Entre más pobreza haya en Boriken, mas boricuas abandonan su territorio nacional. Hoy, más boricuas viven fuera que dentro de Boriken. Si esa tendencia sigue, Boriken se convertirá en el paraíso para los estadounidenses ricos.

Es importante destacar que Boriken ha sido una colonia del gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) por los últimos 124 años. El colonialismo está prohibido por la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) del 1945 por ser un crimen en contra de la humanidad. ¿Sabía usted que el GEU ha ignorado 40 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños?

¡Si Plenitud PR (https://www.facebook.com/plenitudpr/) puede hacer su excelente trabajo dentro del marco de una colonia, imagínese como un Boriken soberano podría sacar a los boricuas de la pobreza! 

Hagamos resistencia permanente para obligar al GEU a cumplir con la ley internacional.

¡La solución está en hacer resistencia permanente! 

Russians deserve a break today anyway

The closing of hundreds of McDonald’s restaurants in Russia for her military invasion of Ukraine has led Russia to substitute them for her own version. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/oU6J-juGQ2c

McDonald’s action has meant a reduction in its profit, while stimulating Russia’s own internal economic development. Therefore, Ronald McDonald has shot himself in both legs.

McDonald’s break with Russia was a break for Russians! 

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2022

US world imperial dictatorship

Abby Martin passionately and eloquently explains the United States’ naked imperialism. Click on the following link to watch that video: https://youtu.be/dCAllpgJeR4  

The purpose of the United States (US) is to govern for the 1% of her citizens. The proof is that the US is the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths, while 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

This is why she needs 800 military bases around the world, and established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace.  

Thank God that the world is changing to a multipolar system, where, hopefully, all civilizations are possible, and this one is impossible.

Could you Imagine nations having their own sovereignty?