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domingo, 10 de octubre de 2021

Capitalism and democracy are opposites

United States (US) democracy is not a system of by and for 100% of her citizens. It is a system for only 1% of her citizens. Capitalism robs from the 99% to give to the 1%. Click on the following link to understand how that is done: https://youtu.be/2mI_RMQEulw

The world was shocked to learn that the richest nation in the world with less than 5% of the world’s population had suffered 20% of the world’s coronavirus deaths. That wealth is in the private hands of only 1%, while the US government is bankrupt!

The US is falling apart, because she is giving all of her wealth to the 1%. This is a wakeup call for the rest of us to engage in permanent resistance to reverse 245 years of “business as usual”.

Capitalism is the enemy of democracy.

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