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domingo, 3 de octubre de 2021

The US is falling apart

The United States (US) is falling apart, because she is not a real democracy. The US, in practice, is a nation governed exclusively for the 1%. Click on the following link to learn why: https://youtu.be/S6dCh48b4oI

The US government (USG) attempted to fix its “democracy” after the “Great Depression” of the 1930’s via President Roosevelt’s “New Deal”, but the 1% slowly reversed it over several decades to where they want it be. Did you know that the 1% tried to recruit Major General Smedley Butler (War is a Racket) to overthrow the USG in the 1930’s?

The majority of the people will have to get our government to represent 100% of its citizens. For that, we must educate ourselves about our own history, and engage in permanent resistance. In the absence of that, the nation will fall apart eventually while the 1% enjoys the nation’s wealth!

The 1% enjoys the nation’s wealth!

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