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martes, 27 de diciembre de 2022

Is this democracy?

How could the poverty in Clarksdale, Mississippi be possible in the richest nation in the world? Doesn’t democracy mean that the government represents the majority of its citizens? Please click on the following link to watch a video about the level of poverty in Clarksdale: https://youtu.be/l-pkSu9ORo0

Ralph Nader believes, just like the narrator of this video, that the people themselves must be the ones who make democracy work for them. Click on the following link to watch Ralph’s video about what’s wrong with United States (US) “democracy”: https://youtu.be/FIop-nsF1Ic

The People’s Republic of China has proven that poverty could be eliminated. China has eliminated poverty, while having a population 4 times that of the US.

Do you know that China’s government has an approval of over 90% from the Chinese? In contrast, do you know that the US government has an approval of about 40% from its own citizens? Therefore, China with an “A” is more of a democracy than the US with an “F”.

And while the US continues to be the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths, the US also continues sending all the money in the world to defend Ukraine’s democracy. But what is irrefutable about the US’ so-called “democracy” is that today 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens!

The residents of Clarksdale and the 99% of US citizens must fight for democracy every day!

Democracy isn’t free.

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