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sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2023

Israel: the only terrorist in Gaza

The western media portray Hamas as a terrorist organization. That, however, is an impossibility, since Hamas has the right, under international law, to use whatever means necessary to decolonize its homeland. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/1Yf_l91k8Zg

The only terrorist organization in Gaza is the artificial “State of Israel”.

Therefore, it is important to mention that the International Criminal Court, and, in the case of any state by virtue of the Geneva Convention, has the obligation to prosecute the Israelis and Americans who are committing war crimes in Gaza.

Similarly, the United States (US) has been committing a crime against humanity by maintaining Puerto Rico as her colony for the past 125 years. The US has ignored 42 United Nations resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Two thirds of Puerto Ricans have emigrated, while half of the ones remaining live in poverty. Puerto Ricans, like Hamas, must engage in resistance to decolonize ourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The 9 million Puerto Ricans worldwide must engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with international law. We must, because terrorists don’t believe in democracy.

Terrorists don’t believe in democracy!

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