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martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023

US only has money for wars

Why doesn’t the United States (US) use her money for the benefit of her own citizens? Why does the US only use her money for wars? Please click on the following link to watch a video that asks these questions: https://youtu.be/Gs0crltEIdk

US Major General Butler said that the US uses war to make her oligarchs richer. President Eisenhower cautioned the American people about the threat to democracy from the Military Industrial Complex. But, we didn’t listen in the 1930’s.

Therefore, today, 38 million Americans are living in poverty, while China, whom the US calls undemocratic, has eradicated her poverty despite having 4 times the US’ population.

Therefore, today, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

The problem with US imperialism is that that may lead us to a nuclear war.

That US nuclear war will be our last one!

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