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martes, 30 de abril de 2024

Occupy US universities

United States (US) students in the so-called “beacon of democracy” are occupying their universities to peacefully protest the occupation and genocide of the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. The US has decided to crack down on the students, while at the same time, continue to preach abroad democracy and citizens’ right to protest. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/YUxw97OIUEk

Isn’t it amazing that it is not the nations whom the US calls dictatorships that are supporting the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocide? That is why those citizens are not protesting their governments. Israel’s genocidal support comes from the so-called western “democracies”! Therefore, “democracies” are the ones that commit crimes against humanity!

Young people are waking up to the West’s manufactured consent, and have decided to hit the streets to say “NOT IN OUR NAME”.

Real democracy is trying to breathe but the West’s knee is on our necks!

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