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viernes, 21 de junio de 2024

Is Israel the most moral?

Israel claims that its military is the most moral in the world. Please click on this link to hear Israel say that: https://youtu.be/yIgr0RjdrJM

The United Nations, however, published a report this month that says the opposite. Please click on this link to get the details: https://youtu.be/KCIEdThk2jc  

The so-called “Garden” has been sponsoring the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine. Who needs imperialism, if the United States (US) and its allies are the ones that defend “democracy”?

The International Criminal Court quickly issued an arrest warrant against President Putin, but has dragged its feet to issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials responsible for committing genocide.

That is, because the US’ unipolar world order is based on immorality. The US wants people to believe that it is a democracy, while it makes 99% of its citizens poorer.  

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and soon with the People’s Republic of China are to make US oligarchs richer, even if that means provoking a World War III.

The “Garden” is proven to be the most immoral and the real jungle. 

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