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martes, 6 de agosto de 2024

US’ obsession with war for wealth

The United States (US) believes that the world will comply with its “Rules Based Order” out of fear that it will blow up the world. After all, the US is the biggest threat to peace, and has been the only nation to have ever used nuclear weapons.

The US pretends today to be trying to prevent a war in West Asia. The US indicates as proof that it has asked Iran not to retaliate too forcefully against Israel’ acts of war against her.

But, if the US were really serious, it would simply not support the artificial colonial settler state of Israel in its genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine. Please click on this link to watch how the US dances around the simple question of whether Iran has the right to defend herself: https://youtu.be/Y3H58tchXaI

Should the world stand up to US imperialism, and the Doomsday Clock strikes midnight because of that, the 9 of the 10 richest men in the world, who are Americans, won’t be able to enjoy their wealth either!

Freedom isn’t free.   

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