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sábado, 12 de enero de 2019

Natural law is above all others

To: Permanent Commission of the Dutch Parliament and Senate, the Government of Bonaire, Members of the Island Council of Bonaire,

Jeroen Recourt
Ruard Ganzevoort
Mustafa Amhaouch
Andre Bosman
Sophie van Bijsterveld
Thom de Graaf
Peter Ester
Frank van Kappen
Roelof van Laar
Liesbeth van Tongeren
Tim de Lange, plv Griffier

Kralendijk, January 9, 2017
Dear Colleagues,
We are now over six (6) years after the restructured constitutional relations within the Kingdom, of which we resulted in the BES-islands public entity system, as a temporary structure and where our islands Bonaire and Sint Eustatius has been deceived.
Our people structurally over the years have complained, protested and have held several referendums all resulting in democratic rejection of this imposed modernized colonial structure on our people. Several scientific and popular research from various independent institutions,scholars, etc within and outside the Kingdom including your own appointed Commission Spies all came to the same conclusion, that after 10-10-10 the people of Bonaire are unhappy, build up an anti-Dutch sentiment because of the obvious invasion and takeover by the European Dutch and consequently and hence democratically rejected this status in the December 2015 referendum, with an indisputable 65% No- vote, ratified by the elected island council as a legally binding democratic decision of the Bonerian people.
As of today your Dutch government has supported the current local government, which has campaigned openly and publicly for the Yes-vote during the referendum and which is in complete denial and disrespects the voice and decision of the Bonerian people.
This implicates both the Dutch Government and the local government to gross violation of the democratic principles of the rule of law, the democratic, self-determination and human rights of the Bonerian people with this power-based arrogant position and against the will and voice of the people.
It is obvious that you have used your power to overrule local government decisions by your Kingdom acts over the last years structurally within the Kingdom, but as we have experienced and based on all facts here-above and more, you have shown to be of double-morality when it comes to the defense of our people’s democratic, self-determination and human rights, where you consequently is taking a unilateral undemocratic approach and position and are on your way to consolidate the annexation and embedding of us, without freedom and equality in your Constitution.
Today, we as the people, which these rights belong to and not to the government nor the politicians, are experiencing a factual betrayal by both governments in power, the Kingdom and local, who are elected and are supposed to respect and guide the democratic rule of law.
As we all agree that the rule of law and law is based on mutual respect from all of us, I myself and all others who are experiencing the same betrayal are without defense of our governments regarding the respect to democracy and laws, have no other option than to fall back on our universal and inalienable natural rights, our law of nature, which is the base of our existence and our human dignity.
We will only promote passive non-violent resistance, and will follow our natural rights our birth-right natural laws till you stop the embedding of our territory in your constitution and the rule of law and democracy are respected and restored in our territory.
It will be up to us, the people, to respect or not any unnatural laws and protection imposed on our natural resources and habitat so we can guarantee our existence and till we are guaranteed respect to our democratic, self-determination and our human rights are re-established and protected.
Sincerely yours,
James Finies, Nos Ke Boneiru Bek

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