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domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

Is USA protecting her citizens?

This website, https://www.theclassroom.com/responsibilities-of-the-federal-government-12082134.html, says that, “Governments are developed by people to ensure order in society and to protect citizens.”

The coronavirus has proven without a doubt that the United States (US) government (USG) is not doing that. The US president, as shown in this video, is not interested in protecting US citizens. He is interested in blaming other people for his grossly criminal behavior in handling the pandemic, and for the US being today the epicenter of the coronavirus. Click on the following link to watch a video that shows that: https://youtu.be/GGflPj9J9q8

What is so important to the president for him not doing his constitutionally assigned duties? He is watching the stock market. Click on the following link, so that you can hear the president say exactly that: https://youtu.be/mJD0F5ePRos

It is now perfectly clear how the US has become the epicenter of the coronavirus that started in China, and why the president refused to heed the repeated warnings by US experts about its danger to the US. Our problem now is how to get the government to do what it was meant to do!

In the case of Puerto Rico, the USG has violated our inalienable right to self-determination and independence by refusing to comply with 38 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. http://webtv.un.org/watch/5th-meeting-committee-of-24-special-committee-on-decolonization/6051725003001/  

Thomas Jefferson said citizens should “leave no authority standing not responsible to the people.” The coronavirus is irrefutable proof that the USG is not a government of, by and for the people. Therefore, Thomas Jefferson said that it is incumbent on us to get it under control.

It is time that we organize to do that, because those who care more about the stock market than, “We the People” don’t believe in LIBERTY AND IN JUSTICE FOR ALL! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/

Yes, but only 0.1% of them!

2 comentarios:

  1. Trump is simply a liar and irresponsible coward. No nation in the world has asked the Government of the United States for advice, if nations are observing something, it is how not to do what Trump is doing. You, billionaire president, are a systematic liar.

  2. A British doctor says: "In Britain, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's liver, put it in another man, and in 6 weeks, he is looking for a job."

    The German doctor says: "That's nothing,
    in Germany we took part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for a job."

    The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we took half a heart from a man, put it in another's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for a job."

    The American doctor laughs: "You are all behind us. A few years ago, we took a man with no brain, no heart, and no liver and made him President.

    Now, the whole country is looking for a job!"
