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jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

Trump chose not to protect us from the pandemic

The most important job of the president of the United States (US) is to protect citizens.

The president has done everything within his power to do the opposite of that! Click on the following link to watch a video where Noam Chomsky explains how Trump orchestrated the chaos that the US is living at this moment: https://youtu.be/o9QVxRCqfek

That is the danger of the US government (USG) being governed for only the .01% of its citizens. https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/portraits/major-general-smedley-butler

In the case of Puerto Rico, the USG has refused to comply with 38 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. It rather continue committing a crime against humanity, according to international law, than depriving its 0.1% from becoming richer! How could 99.9% of the citizens allow that? http://webtv.un.org/watch/5th-meeting-committee-of-24-special-committee-on-decolonization/6051725003001/  

“We the People” must return our government to represent 100% of the people, because those who care more about their wealth than human lives, don’t believe in LIBERTY AND IN JUSTICE FOR ALL! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/ (Before it was closed to me)

Can we count on you for help?

2 comentarios:

  1. Citizens of the United States:Your country has been stolen from you, you have voted for the thieves who have appropriated it for them.

    There is no such thing as the President of the United States because that nation no longer exists as such, it becomes a corporate machine run by gangsters and fascists. But I fear that you will not be awaken until the last drop of blood has been sucked from you by this elite of insatiable vampires. So many external enemies they have invented, that fear has prevented you from seeing the only real one: the internal enemy. The United States was a tree too strong to be cut from the outside, it had to be mined from the inside, it had to be plagued with termites ... and so it has been. Trump is the Great Worm in charge of destroying the scarce healthy wisdom that the nation still has left. May luck be with you because God has long since moved to Wall-Street.

    ¡ Viva Puerto Rico Independiente !

  2. Man harassing woman for wearing a Puerto Rico shirt

