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sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2020

The left in complicity with the right

The opposite of reality must to be created by imperialism to get the public on its side. Ramon Grosfoguel explains, in the following video, how people, “supposedly on the left”, act in complicity with those on the right to maintain colonialism. Click on the following link to watch his video: https://youtu.be/zO0HbSSUIH0

We must understand that fake news is generated by the status quo to maintain the status quo. Therefore, if we want the truth, we must find it in alternative means beyond the control of imperialism.

Changing the world to benefit us cannot end with a philosophy. Ideals must be translated into real actions that could move us there. And people must develop the ability to do that. If we don’t, then the status quo wins!

The defeat of imperialism will require changing one’s colonial mentality. Everything we do must be questioned to redirect it to benefit the people. We must understand that that process will take perhaps the 500 years that have gotten us to the brink of world annihilation.

The important thing is to begin!  

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