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sábado, 4 de marzo de 2023

Europeans demand peace too!

The Europeans are now protesting more demonstratively as they begin to see more clearly how their governments are willing to sacrifice them to maintain United States’ (US) hegemony. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/lsKTSwtsKyQ

It is important to mention that Western oligarchs only represent 13% of nations that are against the Russian Federation. Most people in the West, however, are against their own governments for their irresponsible behavior against humanity. The rest of the 87% of the world does not support the US’ war against Russia via Ukraine.

In order to hide to hide that fact, the US and her allies are controlling the media in the hope of trying to keep their people from rising up against them. Therefore, it is the West that is democracy’s enemy.

The US hides her plutocracy face!

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