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jueves, 6 de abril de 2023

“Rules Based Order” is illegal

The United States (US) and her allies were minorities at the United Nations’ (UN) Human Rights Council vote condemning unilateral sanctions. Please click on the link for more: https://youtu.be/q8vQSpXHtmM

It is important to highlight the undemocratic nature and the fragrant disregard for a nation’s sovereignty at the UN. Although almost 100% of the UN member states vote repeatedly against the US’ illegal blockade against Cuba, and against 125 years of US colonialism in Puerto Rico, these crimes continue for more than 6 decades and a century against the will of the international community.

Therefore, the so-called US’ “Rules Based Order” (RBO) is not only illegal under international Law, but it is furthermore rejected by the majority of UN member states.

This is why the US prefers to speak about her “RBO”, instead of international law. The US does that in the hope that some people might naively get the impression that “RBO” is the same as international law.     

Although the US claims to be the champion of democracy and human rights, the fact of the matter is that the US is undemocratic, and commits crimes against humanity all the time!

Outlaws in the West. 

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