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viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2023

ICC is missing in action

The world is today perfectly clear that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is a puppet of the United States (US). 

For committing far less than the war crimes of collective punishment, ethnic cleansing and genocide, the ICC immediately issued an arrest warrant against the president of the Russian Federation for his special military operation in Ukraine.

The ICC, however, has not even considered issuing any arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, and US President Biden for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity!

What is even more remarkable is the fact that there are daily protests all over the world, United Nations (UN) and government officials resigning, 80% agreement at the UN’s General Assembly, the UN’s Secretary General, and experts on international law, all demanding the immediate cease fire in Gaza. There is no doubt that the US’ unipolar “Rules Based Order” is lawless!

It is time for the 90% of the international community to begin creating a real multipolar democratic world order based on international law. The UN’s headquarters cannot remain in the outlaw state of the US.

Revolution is order when tyranny is law!

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