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martes, 12 de diciembre de 2023

US sabotages UN’s democracy

This afternoon, the United Nations’ General Assembly will vote in an emergency meeting on another resolution to stop Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinians. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/qJLyX7CNrkw

The US’ lone vote on Friday in the General Assembly against a cease fire in Gaza has proven to the world that the US has never been the champion of democracy. How could it be, when 38 million Americans live in poverty, while 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens?

US Major General Butler, in his book WAR IS A RACKET, warned us about the US’ oligarchs hijacking US democracy, as also did US President Eisenhower in his farewell speech.

Democracy’s struggle against US plutocracy.

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