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sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2023

Who wants WWIII?

The United States (US), being true to its long held reputation of being the biggest threat to peace, is doing everything in its power to get the world into World War III. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/aAFF1lCXzeM

The US believes that its so-called “exceptionalism” gives it the right to remain hegemon forever, and is willing to risk a nuclear war over it.

It is important to note that US Major General Smedley Butler in the 1930’s, and US President Eisenhower in the 1960’s, both warned us that the US Military Industrial Complex is a threat to US democracy. We find ourselves today at the threshold of a nuclear war, because we did not heed their warning, and because we allowed the neoconservatives to hijack the US government in the 1990’s.

The majority of us don’t want a nuclear war.

Can US democracy now save the world?

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