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miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024

Genocide full speed ahead!

The artificial colonial settler state of Israel has displayed total contempt of the International Court of Justice, and to the provisional measures it ordered Israel to execute. Israel, on the contrary, has decided to accelerate its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/Spu7hq9RArg

It is important to note that the so-called western democracies are in total complicity with Israel, as they unconditionally support its genocide. There could be no doubt the West is morally bankrupt!

85% of the world has seen that the West are empires that masquerade as democracies. The West is the real jungle, with its “might means right” mentality.

This is just one more evidence that the United States is the biggest threat to peace. The western nations have been shown to be the real pariah states.

Those who support genocide are never real democracies.  

China is manufacturing king

While the United States (US) is the king of the military budget in order to maintain its empire, the People’s Republic of China is the manufacturing king of the world. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/WnDWr2YLBgI

China has become the factory of the world via its unique form of socialism. This has allowed her to eradicate her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population. Consequently, 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government.

Contrary to what you would expect from the so-called “champion of democracy, the US’ neoliberal capitalistic economy has 38 million Americans still living in poverty. Consequently, only 33% of US citizens are satisfied with our government. US oligarchs, however, are totally happy as 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

A state must use its sovereignty to structure its economic activity to benefit its citizens. If a nation follows the imperial powers’ advice of freeing its market to them, it will be forever enslaved.

That has been the story of Puerto Rico. She has been a US colony for the past 125 years, Two thirds of her population has abandoned our homeland, while half of her remaining population lives in poverty.

The US has consistently ignored 42 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

China is also the real champion of democracy!

martes, 30 de enero de 2024

Killed US soldiers were illegally in Syria

The three United States (US) soldiers who were killed and others wounded happened in Syria. The US lies when it says that the deadly drone strike occurred in Jordan, in an attempt to hide its illegal presence in Syria.

The purpose of the US’ presence there is to try to forcibly remove Syrian President Bashar al Assad from office, and replace him with a US puppet. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/IDhMIVwy7V0

The US will never be able to deter Iran from defending her sovereignty. Anything that the US does to deter Iran will only result in an escalation of hostility in West Asia. And if the US finally does go to war against Iran, the US will lose!

The West seems to have a death wish, with its obsession to continue, at all cost, to push its imperialism forever!   

The US doesn’t defend democracy.

The US only defends its imperialism. 

US sabotaged Iranian democracy

The United States (US) hates Iran, because Iran refuses to allow the US to violate her sovereignty. The US and the United Kingdom removed Iran’s democratically elected government, because it nationalized its oil industry. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/EYMzetqDN9Y

The US lies when it says that the reason that it is bombing Yemen is to open the Red Sea to international shipping. The real reason for the bombing, and for having US military bases there is to steal West Asia’s resources.   

The US, moreover, and to just mention one more example, has sabotaged Puerto Rico’s democracy by consistently refusing to comply with 42 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Real democracies don’t sabotage other nations’ democracies. 

Ireland won’t hold Israel accountable

Ireland, like the rest of Europe, refuses to hold the artificial colonial settler state of Israel accountable for its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Please click this link for more: https://youtu.be/9tRl0_lMp3s

On the contrary, the West has unconditionally supported Israel’s genocide, as if the Genocide Convention doesn’t even exist.

It does exist, however, in order to get the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant against President Putin for his special military operation in Ukraine. That, of course, is its so-called “Rules Based Order” in operation.

Western hypocrisy, with only 15% of the world supporting it, is the real jungle. The real garden is the rest of the world that wants democracy and peace among nations.

The majority must create our own new multipolar world order independently of the western jungle, because they only believe in might makes right.

Support democracy makes right!

Genocide intensification after ICJ ruling

In response to the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) ruling that there is credible evidence that the artificial colonial settler state of Israel is committing genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland, Israel and its allies have suspended their funding to the United Nations (UN) Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

That will have the effect of accelerating Israel’s genocide, and goes totally against the ICJ’s provisional measures. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/XdcT3cFNvk8

Although Israel has made Gaza intolerable, the Palestinians have refused to leave their homeland. Therefore, Israel will have to commit Genocide in whole against Palestinians in order to get their so-called “Promise Land”.

This is not different from what the English colonial settlers did to the indigenous people of North America in order to establish there its artificial colonial settler state of the United States (US) of America. Although the US today boasts of being the “champion of democracy”, it is in fact the champion of might means right.

That is apparent today, for example, with the US’ continual refusal to comply with 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Democratic governments are supposedly established to serve their people. When they do not, the people must push their governments to do what is best for them. Since “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”, all people must engage in resistance in favor of the rule of law.

Support liberty and justice for all! 

lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

Uyghur’s human rights worry US?

If the United States (US) were really a democracy, it would be more interested in its own citizens’ human rights. But, it is not!

That’s why 38 million Americans live in poverty today, and why the Black Lives Matter movement evolved after the police murder of George Floyd.

The US, however, would like the world to believe that it cares about the human rights of the Uyghur people. Please click on this link to understand the US’ real interest in them: https://youtu.be/TpfbZ9URRUI

If the US cared about human rights, why has it repeatedly refused to comply with 42 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

US is an empire camouflaged as a democracy. 

domingo, 28 de enero de 2024

International law vs “Rules Based Order”

The English colonial settlers committed genocide against the indigenous people of North America in order to establish the United States (US) of America in 1776. Later, the dictator Adolf Hitler committed genocide against the Jews in Germany. Both these nations today allege that they are democracies. The US goes even further, and professes to be the “champion of democracy”.

Today, the artificial colonial settler state of Israel, which also claims to be a democracy, has been engaged in a genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), however, in a ruling of 15 judges in favor out of 17, decided that it is plausible that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians.

It is important to mention that the US and its western allies, true to the “Rules Based Order (RBO)” identifiable to their brand of “democracy”, have been providing unconditional support to Israel, so that it could carry out its genocide. Therefore, the RBO is a euphemism for imperialism!

That is why the US has ignored numerous United Nations (UN) resolutions asking it to immediately stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba. Moreover, the US has ignored 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The president of the ICJ, an American, was one among the 15 judges that refused to dismiss South Africa’s genocide case against Israel. Americans must embrace international law, by removing those Americans who use the RBO as a racket to enrich US oligarchs forever!   

Democracies never commit genocide

sábado, 27 de enero de 2024

US complicity in genocide

It is obvious to most people that the artificial colonial settler state of Israel is committing genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. It is equally obvious that the United States (US) is complicit in Israel’s crime. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/q2Ik3tr-CM4

The ruling of the International Court of Justice against Israel can lead to severe consequences for both Israel and the US. Both Israel and the US have been exposed, once again, of being criminal states, and definitely not the democracies whom they purport to be.

None of the so-called western democracies dared to take Israel to court. If Germany had done so, it would have shown an honest and profound regret for her genocidal past. But it was South Africa, who suffered from colonialism, which did what was right.

South Africa has clearly demonstrated who is in the garden, and who are in the jungle.

The criminals are in the jungle!

viernes, 26 de enero de 2024

90% of judges ruled against Israel

The United States (US) has always maintained that South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocidal campaign against the ingenious people of Palestine in their own homeland was baseless. Please click on this link to watch that: https://youtu.be/KrBMQNdr3ew

Today, almost 90% of the ICJ judges, including its president, agreed with South Africa that Israel may be committing genocide. Please click this link for more: https://youtu.be/iPVCXYhkpeI

If the ICJ finally determines the Israel is committing genocide, then the US would have to be found complicit in that crime. It is important to note that the US itself committed genocide against the indigenous people of North America in order to establish its own artificial colonial settler state there.

Today’s ruling goes in the opposite direction of the US’ long standing claim that it is the champion of democracy. Moreover, it demonstratively corroborates the repeated Gallop Polls results that the US the biggest threat to peace.

US “democracy” without a majority. 

South Africa wins at the ICJ

The artificial colonial settler state of Israel has been ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to stop its genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Please click this link for more: https://youtu.be/FRsprNTNiNM

It is important to mention that Israel’s genocide against Palestinians could not have been possible without the unconditional support of the United States (US). Who will sue the US too?

It must be remembered that the US committed genocide against the indigenous people of North America in order to establish its own artificial colonial settler state there.

The ICJ ruled against the “chosen people”.

¿Hay igualdad en EEUU?

Algunos boricuas creen que si fuéramos un estado más de Estados Unidos (EEUU) tendríamos la misma igualdad que disfrutan sus ciudadanos de los 50 estados, y por lo tanto la vida del boricua mejoraría.

Actualmente, 6 millones de boricuas han abandonado a nuestro territorio nacional, y la mitad de los 3 millones de boricuas que no, viven en la pobreza. Por favor oprima este enlace para más: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

¿Sabe usted que 38 millones de ciudadanos estadounidenses viven hoy en la pobreza? ¿Sabe usted que solo el 40% de los ciudadanos estadounidenses están satisfechos con su gobierno? ¿Sabe usted que EEUU ha ignorado 42 resoluciones de la Organización de Naciones Unidas pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños? Y, ¿sabe usted 9 de los 10 hombres más ricos en el mundo son ciudadanos estadounidenses? ¿Cree usted que eso demuestra que haya igualdad en EEUU?

Irónicamente, la República Popular de China, el país que el Presidente Biden dice que es una dictadura, se comporta más democráticamente que EEUU. China ha erradicado su pobreza desde el 2020, a pesar de que tiene 4 veces más población que EEUU. ¡Y, distinto al supuesto “campeón de la democracia” que tiene una “F”, el 90% de los chinos están satisfechos con su gobierno! ¿Quién tiene más igualdad?   

Puerto Rico necesita su soberanía para poder desarrollar nuestra propia igualdad. 125 años de colonialismo estadounidense en Puerto Rico ha causado que dos terceras partes de puertorriqueños hayan abandonado a nuestra patria. ¡No queremos que se nos vacíe la jaula!

¡Es tiempo de que nosotros mismos establezcamos las condiciones necesarias para que los boricuas que quieran regresen!

¡Busquemos la igualdad entre nosotros mismos! 

jueves, 25 de enero de 2024

Democracia es para servir al pueblo

Si Puerto Rico dejaría de producir la leche fresca necesaria para los puertorriqueños, estaría obligada a traerla de afuera con un costo muy elevado.

Si Puerto Rico fuera realmente una democracia, su gobierno entendería eso, y ayudaría con urgencia a los puertorriqueños para que podamos producir el 100% de la leche necesaria para nuestro consumo nacional.

Actualmente, Puerto Rico solo produce una tercera parte de la leche que necesitamos, y bajo unas condiciones muy difíciles. Oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/Vrr7N_v_6xA

6 millones de boricuas viven hoy fuera de nuestro territorio nacional. La mitad de los boricuas en Boriken viven en la pobreza, ¿Imagínese cuán más difícil sería si los boricuas tendríamos que pagar un costo aún más caro por la leche fresca importada? ¿Cuántos boricuas más abandonarían a nuestra patria?

Estados Unidos ha ignorado 42 resoluciones de la Organización de Naciones Unidas pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños.

¡Los boricuas necesitamos nuestra soberanía!

Democracy isn’t dominance

Why does the world view the United States (US) as the biggest threat to peace, while, at the same time, the US claims to be the champion of democracy? This contradiction comes from the fact that the US aims to dominate all the nations of the world. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/q_f6YxzDvag

If the US were a real democracy, why would the US need 800 military bases all around the world?

Why would 9 of the 10 richest men in the world be US citizens, at the expense of maintaining 38 million Americans in poverty?

Why would the US refuse to comply with numerous United Nations (UN) resolutions demanding that it stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba?

And, although I could go on, why would the US refuse to comply with 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans?

The controversy between the US and the People’s Republic of China is clearly about democracy vs. authoritarianism. However, considering the fact that China has already eradicated her poverty since 2020, despite having 4 times the US’ population, the US is the obvious authoritarian!

US projects its own dictatorship on China. 

martes, 23 de enero de 2024

Signs of a declining US Empire

The United States’ (US) Empire is showing signs of decline. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/jklp36Ukhfo

Most nations want a world order where there is justice for all. These democracies are working together to create a multipolar world order.

The US calls these real democracies dictatorships. However, the US is the one that still has today 38 million Americans living in poverty, while the People’s Republic of China has already eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population! Therefore, the US only uses the word democracy to hide its imperialism.

Only 15% of nations follow the US. These nations talk about a “Rules Based Order” that only benefits imperialism. 85% of the nations, however, want to be ruled instead by international law.

The so-called “Jungle”, the 85% of nations, will have to abandon the United Nations, in order to create its own international organization located in a nation that truly believes in the rule of law.

Empires can’t be democratic. 

Democracia americana simplemente una ilusión

¿Cómo podemos estar seguros que Estados Unidos (EEUU) es el campeón de la democracia? Su acción habla más que su palabra.

EEUU cometió genocidio en contra de la gente indígena para establecer su estado artificial colono colonial en américa del norte.  

EEUU está apoyando hoy incondicionalmente al estado artificial colono colonial de Israel en su genocidio en contra de palestinos en su propia patria.

38 millones de ciudadanos estadounidenses viven actualmente en la pobreza, mientras que la República Popular de China, el país que el Presidente Biden dice que es dictatorial, ha erradicado su pobreza, a pesar de tener 4 veces la población de EEUU.

9 de los 10 hombres más ricos del mundo son estadounidenses, mientras que EEUU fue el epicentro de la pandemia del coronavirus.  

EEUU ha ignorado un sinnúmero de resoluciones de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) demandando que EEUU cese su bloqueo económico ilegal en contra de Cuba.

Y, EEUU también ha ignorado 42 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños.

Por lo tanto y científicamente, EEUU solo se esconde detrás de la democracia para continuar para siempre con su proyecto imperialista.   

Los países que EEUU llama dictatorial tienen verdadera democracia. Sin democracia no hay paz. Y por esa misma razón, el mundo considera a EEUU como la amenaza más grande a la paz.   

¡EEUU amenaza constantemente a la humanidad!

US desperately trying to inflame Middle East

As the United States (US) watches its unipolar world order crumbling, it desperately looks for ways to avoid it. Aside from the US’ proxy war in Ukraine, and its attempts to try to provoke a war with China using Taiwan as a pretext, it is presently trying to provoke a regional war in the Middle East. Please click here for more: https://youtu.be/3Jgg03bBp7A

The US, as an imperialist power, uses perpetual wars to enrich its oligarchs. The US will do whatever it takes to prevent the world from ever becoming multipolar.

The US is the biggest threat to peace, because it never complies with international law. The US doesn’t, because the United Nations (UN), the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court are in its pocket.

The US has refused to comply, to just name only two, with numerous UN resolutions demanding that it stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba, and with 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Fortunately for humanity, the US will eventually hit a brick wall of its own doing. Until then, the world remains desperately longing for justice for all.

No democracy no peace!

lunes, 22 de enero de 2024

US resumes coup in Yemen

The United States (US) has resumed its attempt to remove Yemen’s revolutionary government in order to replace it, once again, with another US puppet regime. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/OQT5GvayQlY

It is important to mention that the US and Saudi Arabia have killed 377,000 Yemenis from 2015 to 2021, in their attempt to remove Yemen’s revolutionary government.

The US sees today the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. The artificial colonial settler state of Israel would be greatly helped in its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine, by the US presently trying to finish the regime change it started in 2015.

US wasted no time to condemn the Russian Federation for violating Ukraine’s sovereignty, when the she invaded Ukraine. Today, however, the US refuses to condemn, among others, Israel for violating Palestine’s sovereignty, and condemn itself for violating Yemen’s sovereignty.

The US has violated Puerto Rico’s sovereignty for the past 125 years. The US has also refused to comply with 42 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Imperialists commit coups and genocides.     

Imperialists don’t follow any rules

The United States (US) never follows any rules, as it pursues its perpetual quest of making its oligarchs even richer. Please click on this link to watch a short video about how imperialists speak of international law only when it suits their interests: https://youtu.be/L5ytE1S5LP0

Democracy, like war, is a US racket. The so-called “Rules Based Order” is a US camouflage to try to hide its lawlessness.

The US that calls itself the “champion of democracy” has refused numerous United Nations (UN) resolutions demanding that it stop its illegal blockade against Cuba.

Moreover, and in regards to the West’s condemnation of Russia for violating Ukraine’s sovereignty, the US has been violating Puerto Rico’s sovereignty for the past 125 years! Why haven’t the international Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court taken up Puerto Rico’s case? They haven’t, because they are US’ puppets, along with the UN.

The US has ignored 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Everything is on the table for imperialists. 

domingo, 21 de enero de 2024

US lectures but never practices democracy

South Africa found herself morally forced to take a bold step against the genocide in Gaza, as she watched in astonishment the United States (US) and its allies only wanting to go as far as to lecture South Africa about democracy and the rule of law.

The US, however, is unconditionally supporting the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/76uwQxXireo

It is important to note that the US also committed genocide against the indigenous people of North America in order to establish its own artificial colonial settler state there.

The US can’t practice democracy, because it is not a democracy. If the US were a democracy, why hasn’t it been able to eradicate poverty like the People’s Republic of China has done, despite having 9 trillion dollars less a year than the US?

The US is a plutocracy, as is evidenced by 38 million Americans living in poverty today, while 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

Democracy talk is cheap!

Capitalism dooms “We the People”

How could the United States (US) call itself a democracy, when 38 million Americans live in poverty, despite having the biggest economy in the world with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 27 trillion dollars a year? 

How could the People’s Republic of China have already eradicated her poverty since 2020, with a GDP of 18 trillion dollars a year? Not only has China done so, but also despite having 9 trillion dollars less than the US, and having 4 times more population!

Why should the US call itself the champion of democracy, instead of the more accurate, the champion of plutocracy, when 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, and also when only 40% of Americans are satisfied with our government?

How could US President Biden say that China is a dictatorship, when Chinese themselves are 90% satisfied with their own government?  

How could the US talk about the existence of a so-called “Rules Based Order” when the US consistently refuses to comply with numerous United Nations (UN) resolutions demanding that it stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba, and also refuses to comply with 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans?

And, how is US democracy benefitted by its unconditional support of the artificial colonial settler state of Israel in its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people in Palestine?

The only real people being benefitted are the oligarchs!

sábado, 20 de enero de 2024

Why US threatens peace

The United States (US) lies when it says that it is protecting the world from Yemen’s closure of the Red Sea. The US is only protecting its interest, and the artificial colonial settler state of Israel, as they both commit genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/bdJqkcyazi0

It must be mentioned that the US also committed genocide against the indigenous people of America in order to establish its own artificial colonial settler state there. That is why, birds of a feather flock together!

The US has never protected the world. The fact of the matter is that the world considers the US, and with good reasons, as the biggest threat to peace.

The US has continually refused to comply with numerous United Nations (UN) resolutions demanding that it stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba, and asked to comply with 42 UN resolutions to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Is that protecting the world?

The US is a threat precisely because it is not a democracy!

viernes, 19 de enero de 2024

Does international law exist?

The world will be able to see for itself whether international law is fact or fiction, by the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) ruling in the South Africa’s case against the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians in their own homeland. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/iBBcy6fKS3U

You can’t have a more obvious case of genocide, than the one presented by South Africa. Should South Africa lose her case, the world should understand that the ICJ, the International Criminal Court, and the United Nations are puppets of the United States (US).

The world must then abandon these democratically camouflaged institutions, and leave them for the 15% of the imperialistic nations, whom they only serve.

The 85% of nations must create a new multipolar world order that is independent of the US’ “Rules Based Order”. The sooner the world de-dollarizes itself in order to do that, the sooner it could enjoy real democracy, and a genuine respect for international law.

South Africa’s case will test whether democracy exists. 

US is on Yemen’s mother of terrorists’ list

Just like the United States (US) is unconditionally supporting the artificial settler colonial state of Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians in their homeland, Yemen is unconditionally supporting the Palestinians’ right under international law to decolonize themselves. Please click on this link to learn to what extent Yemen is supporting the Palestinians: https://youtu.be/jN-zC1E2MQc

The US could easily stop Yemen’s closure of the Red Sea by simply complying with the Genocide Convention, and putting a stop to Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians. The US, however, has decided to violate the Genocide Convention, and instead attack Yemen for complying with international law.

US is the mother of terrorism. 

US’ “democracy” favors only private cost

United States’ (US) “democracy” can’t be a democracy, because it favors private cost over social cost. That is why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while 38 million Americans live today in poverty. Please click of this link for more: https://youtu.be/ifnCakYJNVM

Western “democracies” are totally inefficient for their citizens, as is evident by the US’ proxy war in Ukraine. The Russian Federation, with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 1.5 trillion dollars, has won the war in Ukraine, despite the US and its allies having a combined total GDP of 32 trillion dollars.

Therefore, Russia is 21 times more efficient than the West, because the West only favors its oligarchs.

Russia is 21 times more democratic than the West!

jueves, 18 de enero de 2024

Justice for whom?

Do United States (US) citizens believe that we enjoy justice for all in America? No.

38 million Americans live in poverty today, while, for 2024, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. Do that indicate that the US has a government of, by and for the people? Please click on this link to know who these US billionaires are: https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/top-10-richest-people-world/85541/1

While the US constantly boasts of being the champion of democracy, only 40% of its citizens are actually satisfied with our government.

Ironically, 90% of Chinese, whom President Biden says live under a dictatorship, are satisfied with their government. The huge 50% difference is due to the fact that the People’s Republic of China has already eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population!

Who needs authoritarianism with a “democracy” like the US?

Oligarchs are in total control of the US’ “democracy”. 

Globalizing poverty

The neoliberal discourse that purports that globalization reduces poverty is a lie. The facts say the opposite! Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/RHmTCuCCMV8

The United States (US), the so-called champion of democracy, has 38 million Americans living in poverty. The People’s Republic of China, a nation that President Biden calls a dictatorship, however has eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population.

Therefore and objectively speaking, the US is the real dictatorship. US dictatorship has allowed 8 of the 10 richest men in the world to be US citizens. The fact that the US gives corporations the same rights as people means that the US is not a democracy.

The solution to narrowing the inequality in the US is to redistribute the power that oligarchs have to all US citizens. US oligarchs, however, will never willingly consent to that. Therefore, it is incumbent on all citizens to push our government towards creating a real democracy.

Creating prosperity for all.

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2024

Decolonizing the global majority

The war in Gaza has opened the eyes of 85% of the people of the global majority, those who have been colonized by the West, to see that Palestine’s struggle to decolonize herself is our struggle too. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/imiA3-ygTkk

The global majority does not need the West in order for it to prosper, because of the West’s deindustrialization.

The recent wars in Ukraine and Gaza have made the West repugnant to all people of good will around the world. 85% of humanity does not want to be a part of that so-called “Garden”!

The US censors all criticism of its own criminal behavior. Censorship, however, is something that the US accuses non-democratic nations of doing. So, where is the US exceptionalism?

The US is willing to wreck its own economy in order to favor its oligarchs. But by doing so, that can’t be democracy. Neither can Ukraine and the artificial colonial settler state of Israel ever be democracies either!

The economist Michael Hudson ends the video explaining how it is possible for the US to have 38 million Americans living in poverty, while the People’s Republic of China has already eradicated her poverty. It is important to mention that 90% of the Chinese are satisfied with their government, while only 40% are satisfied with ours.

We must decide what kind of civilization we want. If we don’t resist the US brand of “democracy”, we will remained wrecked forever.

The 85% of us want to be builders!

US and UK will be sued for genocide too

South Africa will also be suing the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) for their complicity in the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine. Please click here for more: https://youtu.be/cm8O1SJQ69A

The US and the UK had both claimed that South Africa’s case against Israel was baseless, because genocide in order to enrich oligarchs is permitted under the US’ “Rules Based Order”. The world, however, knows that genocide is a war crime under international law, and that the US and the UK are just as guilty as Israel.

The so-called “western democracies” blocked the media coverage of South Africa making her case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Media censorship is what the West accuses nations whom the West identifies as non-democratic of doing. So what’s the difference?

Being that the US controls the ICJ, it is likely that South Africa may lose the case. The world, however, will know that it is time to end the US’ unipolar world order in order to enjoy real democracy.

International law over the US’ “Rules Based Order”.

martes, 16 de enero de 2024

Corporation’s contempt for democracy

How is it possible that today 38 million United States (US) citizens are living in poverty, while 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans? Please click on this link to find out: https://youtu.be/Eh44qQK5av4

There is no democracy in the structure of the US’ economy. 10% of US citizens run the economic activity in the US.

Since the People’s Republic of China is not organized like the US, China has already eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population.

90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government, although President Biden said that China is a dictatorship. Ironically, only 40% of US citizens are satisfied with our government, which boasts of being the “champion of democracy”.

If Americans want democracy, we must put the democracy where we work.

Corporations and democracy are opposites.  

Jungle Law Based Order

Where can one find, under international law, that the occupier has the right to defend itself against the people whom it has colonized? That right only exists under the law of the jungle. Please click this for more: https://youtu.be/Q9SHD2Dt2gc

The United States’ (US) “Rules Based Order” is the law of the jungle. A democracy, however, must use international law to be a democracy. The world, therefore, considers the US the biggest threat to peace, because it operates exclusively under the law of the jungle.

The US is trying hard right now to make the war in Gaza into a showdown between the savage western supremacy and the civilized world.

How long will the world allow the US to get away with using the law of the jungle with impunity? Will the people organize ourselves to create a real democratic world?

Eradicate jungle law based order. 

The madman with a gun

Everybody wants a ceasefire in Gaza, but the United States (US). That is why the US, the madman with a gun, is the biggest threat to peace. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/oXrEXk5SGv4

It is important to mention that, like the artificial colonial settler state of Israel, the US committed its own genocide against the indigenous people of America to create its state there.

The US should have been expelled from the United Nations (UN) for continuously refusing to comply with numerous UN’s resolutions asking it to immediately stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba. Moreover, the US has also refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Not only should the UN expel the US, but it should also relocate its headquarters to a nation that actually respects the rule of law.

A democracy can’t also be the biggest threat to world peace.

The US and peace are mutually exclusive.

Freedom of Piracy

The United States (US) says that it must use force to protect the freedom of navigation in the Middle East. The US, however, attacks at will the freedom of navigations of nations that resist US imperialism. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/hVBGTu1KYj8

The US is pressing its luck by trying to provide unconditional support for the artificial colonial settler state of Israel in its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine. If the US insists on continuing to escalate Israel’s war in Gaza, the axis of resistance will be forced to end the US’ presence in the Middle East.

The US has been pushing its luck throughout its own artificial colonial settler state’s history. Aside from committing its own genocide against the indigenous people of America, the US has continuously refused to comply with numerous United Nations (UN) resolutions asking it to immediately stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba. Moreover, the US has also refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

If the International Court of Justice (ICJ) finds Israel to be committing genocide against the Palestinians, the US’ luck will have run out. The US, by supporting Israel’s genocide, would also be guilty of genocide!

Can the ICJ stop the US’ and Israel’s freedom to commit genocide? 

lunes, 15 de enero de 2024

Another US war crime

The United States (US), in order to solely make more profits for its Military Industrial Complex, committed recently another war crime by bombing Yemen. Please click here for more: https://youtu.be/qxMMXY0uhsU

The US says that it wants to avoid an escalation in the Middle East, but it chooses the best way to do just that.

Instead of getting the artificial colonial settler state of Israel to stop its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine, it bombs the nation that is trying to do exactly that. Therefore, not only is the US guilty of violating the Genocide Convention, it also commits another crime!

The US will always be the biggest threat to peace, because it has never cared about humanity. If the US cared about humanity, would 38 million Americans be living today in poverty, while the People’s Republic of China, a dictatorship according to President Biden, has already eradicated her poverty despite having 4 times the US’ population?

American Major General Smedley Butler and President Eisenhower said that the US uses war as a racket to make oligarchs even richer.

War criminals do not believe in democracy.

“Democracy” against humanity

The United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK), both so-called democracies, bombed Yemen for daring to defend Gaza from the genocide being waged by the artificial colonial settler state of Israel. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/uhe3NcdDW2I

It is important to mention that both the US and the UK are plutocracies. They, deceptively, call themselves democracies to camouflage it.

Who is the biggest threat to peace, according to the Gallop Polls? It is the US, despite its claim of being the champion of democracy. Let’s see why?

The US has refused to comply with numerous United Nations (UN) resolutions demanding that it stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba, and has also refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Moreover, 38 million Americans live in poverty, while 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. And this, while the People’s Republic of China, a dictatorship according to President Biden, has already eradicated her poverty since 2020, despite having 4 times the US’ population.

Yemen, having so little, does what is right no matter what!

Yemen is the real champion of democracy!

domingo, 14 de enero de 2024

Russia will support Yemen

The Russian Federation will support Yemen in her defense against the United States (US) and the United Kingdom’s (UK) illegal bombing of her national territory. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/X6S16y-Xwdw

The US and UK, the united partners in crime, are supporting unconditionally the artificial colonial settler state of Israel to facilitate its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine.

Since Yemen wants Israel to stop its genocide, she has stopped all ships that benefit Israel from entering the Red Sea. That has infuriated the united partners in crime and have illegally bombed Yemen to make her stop.

The US and its western allies don’t care about human life. They care about making as much money as they can, regardless of the cost to human life.

That why the US has refused to comply with numerous United Nations (UN) resolutions demanding that it stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba, and has also refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Criminals can’t be democratic too.

US is anxious to destroy Iran

The United States (US) proves once again to be opposed to self-determination and independence by bombing nations in the Middle East that opposes its imperialism. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/G0uXnxBWG-Q

Although the United Nations (UN) is located in the US, the US has always been totally opposed to the UN’s Charter. That is why the world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace.

The US and the artificial colonial settler state of Israel have been illegally bombing Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran in order to force them to submit to US imperialism.

These two so-called “democracies” have engaged in acts of war with impunity against nations that refuse to accept their imperialism. They have, because the UN and the International Criminal Court are puppets to western imperialism.     

Moreover, the US has continuously refused to stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba, and has also refused to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans, despite numerous UN resolutions demanding that it does so. What kind of “champion of democracy” is that?

US aims to maintain its imperialism forever!

Opposed to “never again”

The United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) are united in their unconditional support to the artificial colonial settler state of Israel, in its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Please click on this link for more: https://rumble.com/v46td18-yemen.html

The US and UK, instead of fulfilling their own obligation under the Genocide Convention of stopping genocide, are both doing all they can to stop Yemen from complying with it.  

Suddenly, the US and UK, the biggest criminals of war crimes and crimes against humanity, say that they are protecting the “freedom of navigation” by bombing Yemen in order to force her to open the Red Sea to ships that benefit the artificial colonial settler state of Israel.

The US and UK could easily and instantly do that, and at the same time fulfill their obligation under the Genocide Convention, by simply refusing to support Israel’s Gaza holocaust. But they instead support it, because they are imperialists who only use democracy as a camouflage.

Moreover, the US continuously refuses to stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba, and also refuses to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans, despite numerous United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it do so. What kind of “champion of democracy” is that?

The US and its allies are imperialistic birds that fly together to try to maintain imperialism alive forever. They have never supported the Genocide Convention. On the contrary, they believe that genocide should happen “always again”!

Genocide today tomorrow and forever!