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martes, 16 de enero de 2024

The madman with a gun

Everybody wants a ceasefire in Gaza, but the United States (US). That is why the US, the madman with a gun, is the biggest threat to peace. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/oXrEXk5SGv4

It is important to mention that, like the artificial colonial settler state of Israel, the US committed its own genocide against the indigenous people of America to create its state there.

The US should have been expelled from the United Nations (UN) for continuously refusing to comply with numerous UN’s resolutions asking it to immediately stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba. Moreover, the US has also refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Not only should the UN expel the US, but it should also relocate its headquarters to a nation that actually respects the rule of law.

A democracy can’t also be the biggest threat to world peace.

The US and peace are mutually exclusive.

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