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martes, 2 de enero de 2024

US citizens are powerless

A democracy means that the people are sovereign. But while most United States (US) citizens want a ceasefire in Gaza, our government refuses to pay attention to us. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/hyUkiCBMIw4

This video is just one more evidence that the US uses democracy as a camouflage for plutocracy.

US oligarchs want to exploit the Middle East for profit, and that is why President Biden continues to provide unconditional support to the artificial colonial settler state of Israel to commit war crimes against the Palestinians in their own homeland of Palestine.  

That is why the US sends all that money to fight Russia to only benefit oligarchs, while 38 million Americans live in poverty. How could the US argue that the People’s Republic of China is not a democracy, when she has already eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population?

And, that is why the US continually refuses to comply with United Nations resolutions demanding that it stop its illegal economic blockade against Cuba, and to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans, although that is the will of most of the international community.

Therefore, the problem is much bigger than just a ceasefire in Gaza. The problem is that the US is not a real democracy!

2024 is the year to democratize the US!

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