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domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021

The so-called “beacon of democracy”

The following video was produced in 1965 to document the life of blacks in the South of the United States (US). Racism is historical part of the US’ genetic makeup. That is why blacks today must still insist that “Black Lives Matter”. Click on the following link to watch that documentary: https://youtu.be/MdZ-M8GYZcc

The Southern way of life is a more polite way of referring to white supremacy. The ideal of “liberty and justice for all”, contained in the US Pledge of Allegiance, is obviously a lie!

87% of US citizens are dissatisfied today with our government. If the US is a real democracy, then it is incumbent on the people to force our government to represent us. If we don’t, then that, in itself, is proof that the US can’t be the beacon of democracy.

Make America finally a real democracy.

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