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viernes, 5 de mayo de 2023

Who’s for Taiwan’s independence?

Of all people, the United States (US) supports independence for Taiwan! Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/DK0VukgGHg8

Recently, US weapons manufactures visited Taiwan to so-call “help” the Taiwanese fight for their independence from the People’s Republic of China. The problem with that is that the US, as well as most nations of the world, consider Taiwan a province of China! So, what is going on here?

The US does not care about Taiwan’s independence. The US cares about making her oligarchs even richer. The US believes that she could better do that by trying to keep China from rising, and therefore threatening her hegemony.  

If the US were really for self-determination and independence, why has she ignored 41 United Nations (UN) resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? After next month’s annual UN hearing for Puerto Rico decolonization, the UN will issue yet another resolution saying exactly the same thing. Therefore, the US is perpetually committing a crime against humanity! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued recently an arrest warrant for President Putin. After 125 years of US colonialism in Puerto Rico, when will the ICC get around to the case of Puerto Rico?

US oligarchs support Taiwan’s independence but not Puerto Rico’s   

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