The United States (US) trade war with the People's Republic of China will make American households pay $22,000 more per year. With 40 million Americans already living in poverty, and 201 million more already living from paycheck to paycheck, the 99% of US citizens will be devastated! Please click on the following link for more:
Compañeros Unidos para la Descolonización de Puerto Rico (PR)
Unidos para resistir permanentemente para obligar al gobierno estadounidense a cumplir con la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas y sus 42 resoluciones pidiendole descolonizar a PR / United to resist permanently to force the United States government to comply with the United Nations' Charter and its 42 resolutions asking for PR decolonization.
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viernes, 21 de marzo de 2025
Trump makes us pay more
¿Pan Tierra Libertad?
jueves, 20 de marzo de 2025
Make nations pays for US imperialism
Make America Great Again means making all nations pay for United States (US) imperialism. By 1945, the US became the industrial powerhouse of the world. The US created a world order to ensure that it remains hegemon forever.
martes, 18 de marzo de 2025
US' right to be an outlaw
Why does the world consider the United States (US) as the biggest threat to peace? The US has total immunity to international law. That being the case, the US can't also be the "Champion of democracy". Please click on this link for more:
¿Por qué no el Plan A?
lunes, 17 de marzo de 2025
The world must stop genocide
The United Nations (UN) has determined that the artificial colonial settler state of Israel with the unconditional support of the also artificial colonial settler state of the United States are guilty of genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine. Please click on the following link to hear the UN's damning report: