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domingo, 31 de marzo de 2024

A “democracy” that provokes wars?

The United States (US) is provoking the People’s Republic of China into a war, just like it provoked the Russian Federation into the Ukraine war. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/qMD7Oq8De4I

For much less provocation than what the US is doing, the US almost entered into a nuclear war against Russia for installing missiles in Cuba in 1962.

Is the US provoking China in order to defend the American people?  Is the US provoking China, because it supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence? No. The US is simply violating international law by interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.

Moreover, if the US were really concerned about self-determination, why has it consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans?

The US is a rogue state dedicated to making its oligarchs richer. US Major General Smedley Butler warned the world about that in his 1935 book WAR IS A RACKET. So did US President Eisenhowever in his final speech about the Military Industrial Complex. It is a fact that the world today considers the US as the biggest threat to peace!

Those who provoke war don’t want peace.

Stop them before they kill us all!

Taiwan like Ukraine

The United States (US), despite the huge disaster in its proxy war in Ukraine against the Russian Federation, has turned now to prepare another proxy war against the People’s Republic of China. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/sWWABuHjSvU

It is important to mention that the US illegally removed the democratically elected government in Ukraine in 2014 to install a pro US government there. That already tells us that the US is a rogue state, and definitely not a democracy!

The huge disaster for the US was not being able to remove President Putin from office. The war, however, is providing an excellent opportunity for US oligarchs to become even richer. Today, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens!

More proof that US is undemocratic is 38 million Americans living today in poverty, while China has already eliminated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population. That is why only 33% of US citizens are satisfied with our so called “democracy”, while 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government. Isn’t a democracy supposed to be for all of the people?

The US wants to continue to make more money for its oligarchs by killing Taiwanese and Chinese. That is what US Major General Smedley Butler said in his 1935 book WAR IS A RACKET.

The US is the undisputed champion of hypocrisy. Therefore the global majority must stop the US’ racket, before it gets us all into World War III.

The US is becoming more isolated and more desperately dangerous!

US’ moral bankruptcy

The United States (US) claims to be the champion of democracy, but it is today unconditionally supporting the artificial colonial settler state of Israel in its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Please click this link for more: https://youtu.be/ipNnOWkzi6Y

The US does the opposite of what a real democracy should do. The US willingly goes against the will of the global majority and international law!

The US, through its actions, is an oligarchy. The US willingly commits genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in order to make its oligarchs even richer!

It is obvious that the US will not comply with international law. We have already seen that in the past with the US’ illegal economic blockade against Cuba for the past 60 years, and its continual refusal to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Therefore, the international community will have to force the US to follow international law, or we will continue, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said …“approaching spiritual death.”

US oligarchy brings spiritual death!

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2024

The West’s portrayal of Jesus

The West is the champion of imperialism. Therefore, should the global majority believe the West’s portrayal of Jesus? Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/G3RCfDSe4Ew

The West has no credibility. The West is sponsoring today the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. The West claims that Israel has the right to self-defense, and that it is not committing genocide.

The West is the champion deception too. 

America’s war on self-determination

The purpose of the United States’ (US) Central Intelligence Agency is to prevent the self-determination of any nation that resists US’ hegemony. The best example of that is the US’ war on Cuba’s inalienable right to her self-determination and independence for more than 60 years! Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/z1mknIkBGUA

Another excellent example is Puerto Rico. The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. After 125 years of US colonialism, two thirds of Puerto Ricans have emigrated from our homeland, and half of those remaining, live in poverty!

The US, just to mention 4 more examples, currently continues waging self-determination wars against Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China and Palestine. Therefore, the US has always violating the UN’ Charter, ever since the UN was established!

The US has never been a real democracy. The US has always been a rogue state. Gallop Polls consistently show that the US is the biggest threat to peace. Unfortunately for humanity, the US wants to continue being a rogue state now, tomorrow and forever!

US’ war on democracy.

Direct war between US and Russia

Does the United States (US) want a direct war with the Russian Federation? That is exactly what will happen, if France and Germany continue with their plans to put their soldiers in Ukraine. Please click on this link to understand why: https://youtu.be/_9Yc5UthAJI

Now that the US’ proxy war has been lost, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is unwilling to accept its failure, France and Germany want to enter Ukraine’s war more directly. That, however, has the explosive potential of converting the Ukraine proxy war into a direct war between NATO and Russia. World War III could then be just around the corner!

It is not the Russians that want a world without the US and its allies. It is the US and its allies that want a world without the Russians. Therefore, the West has a huge problem, because Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world. She will never allow the world to exist without Russians! If, however, the US could pull that off that would indeed be “US exceptionalism”!

The West’s death wish.

viernes, 29 de marzo de 2024

Don’t mess with Yemen

The West made a big mistake messing with Yemen. Yemenis are not afraid of the West, and will fight and dance around whatever it throws at them. Please click on this link for a little history: https://youtu.be/afGJwF9Csv0

The West has already lost its war in Ukraine against the Russian Federation, and is losing today its war in Gaza too. The West then mindlessly decides to makes yet another big mistake by fighting against Yemen, at a time when the US and its allies are deindustrializing and getting poorer.

Yemen’s closure of the Red Sea to the West at this time will help accelerate the creation of the new multipolar and democratic world order.

We’ll soon be all dancing too! 

The mother of all crimes

The artificial colonial settler state of Israel, alleging that it has the right to self-defense, has been engaged in a genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/-Ybk3xhcKMs

The United States heads a group of powerful nations in their unconditional support of Israel’s genocide. That, however, is in obvious violation of the Genocide Convention, and in contempt to the orders of the International Court of Justice. It is obvious also that these are rogue states, and have no moral standing to claim being real democracies.

The West must one day face its own Nuremberg Trials in order to responsively punish all those who sponsored crimes against humanity!

Arrest the West.

Which model benefits democracy?

The United States (US) was built on genocide, colonialism and slavery. The People’s Republic of China was conversely built by peaceful means of development with the intent of benefiting all of her citizens. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/7QZao4MT7wc

Based on the objective results that we see today, which are these 2 opposing economic systems is most aligned to democracy? It is important to mention for our analysis that US citizens say that we are only 33% satisfied with our government. Chinese say that they are 90% satisfied with their government!

Moreover, The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Therefore, it is only the US government that says that it is the “champion of democracy”. It does, because the US only benefits oligarchs.

US only benefits oligarchs.

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2024

US: the sponsor of genocide

The United States (US) and Germany are providing almost 100% of the weapons being used by the artificial colonial settler state of Israel to commit genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/o4e4fI_r3b0

United Nations (UN) experts say that Israel is committing genocide. Israel and the US say that Israel is exercising its right to self-defense.

The UN’s Charter clearly states that all member states must comply with UN Security Council resolutions. The US, however, says that UN resolutions are non-binding.

That, in essence, is the difference between international law and the US’ “Rules Based Order”. In the latter, the US just makes up rules on the fly.

Genocide is the true face of the western “democracies”.  

US’ non-binding “democracy”

Although the United States (US) claims to be the champion of democracy, there is a mountain of evidence that US’ so-called “democracy” is a non-binding one.

The global majority is convinced that the artificial colonial settler state of Israel is committing genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/ok0MzcifBSY

The US, nevertheless, has continued its unconditional support to Israel's genocidal campaign, despite most Americans not wanting that, and against the orders of the International Court of Justice. Obviously, US’ “democracy” is just as non-binding, as United Nations’ (UN) resolutions and court orders are to the US!

The US was obviously responsible for the recent terrorist attack in the Russian Federation, despite saying that it fights terrorism around the world.

The US was obviously responsible for the 2014 coup in Ukraine, in order to install a pro US government there.

The US was obviously responsible for the war in Ukraine by threatening Russia’s national security by wanting to make Ukraine a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The US has done all that, because it wants a world without Russia. The US has a win-lose imperialistic mentality, and that is an obvious death wish!

A world without Russia, a definite lose-lose for humanity, means that the world will cease to exist. Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world, and will use them if her existence is threatened. It is important to mention that the global majority regards the US as the biggest threat to peace.

That US’ win-lose relationship is apparent, for example, in the fact that the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

The People’s Republic of China, on the other hand, does not have a problem with all nations being allowed to exist, and to live in win-win relationships among ourselves.

While both Chinese and Russian citizens are about 90% satisfied with their governments, US citizens are only 33% satisfied with ours. Moreover, 81% of Americans believe that our democracy is threatened. That threat is obviously internal!

A non-binding US “democracy” means a US oligarchy! 

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2024

Israel’s right to self-defense

The artificial colonial settler state of Israel claims that it has the right to defend itself. That, however, is a lie under international law. The Zionist Jews in Israel are the ones who invaded Palestine, and has since been ethnically cleansing her indigenous people from their homeland. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/GSZHUBDkLAI

People around the world are protesting for Palestinian decolonization. Puerto Ricans, who have lived under United States colonialism for the past 125 years, protest every Tuesday from 4 to 5PM for Palestine’s liberation. Please click on this link to watch yesterday’s protest: https://rumble.com/v4lr7y0-paz-para-palestina-desde-pr.html   

Israel’s so-called “Hamas terrorist attack” is, in reality, Palestine’s inalienable right, under international law, to use every means necessary to decolonize herself.

Israel, of course, has no interest in complying with the law. That is why Israel has continued, in utter contempt to the orders of the International Court of Justice, with its genocidal campaign against the Palestinians.

Those who commit genocide are never defending themselves!

Fake news and democracy

The United States (US) is the land of the fake news, and the home of the fake democracy. Click on the following link to understand why: https://youtu.be/4Rr2p8Nn8Dk

If the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China are authoritarian, why are 9 of the 10 richest men in the world US citizens?

If China is authoritarian, why has she already eradicated her poverty, having 4 times the US’ population, while the US, the so-called “beacon of democracy”, still has 38 million Americans living in poverty?

If China and Russia are authoritarian, why are about 90% of Chinese and Russians satisfied with their governments, while only 33% of US citizens are satisfied with ours?

And, if the US is a real democracy, why has it consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans?

The US is a fake democracy with fake news!

What are laws for?

The United States (US) says that the United Nations (UN) Security Council’s ceasefire resolution is non-binding. That is a lie, since all adopted UN resolutions become international law. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/RevqRvyXUxg

US lies, because it never intends to obey any law. That is why the US has always been a rogue state. The English colonial settlers committed genocide, just like Israel is doing right now, against the indigenous people of North America in order to establish their artificial colonial settler state named the US.

The US, just to mention one example, has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN’s resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. After 125 years of colonialism, two thirds of Puerto Ricans have left our homeland, and half of those remaining, live in poverty.

In the mainland, 38 million Americans live in poverty, while 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. Therefore, “champion of democracy”, “rules based order”, or “US exceptionalism” mean, in reality, that the US will only do whatever makes its oligarchs richer.

One would think that the US would be the first one to follow international law and promote world peace, because the UN is located in the US. On the contrary, the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace. There will never be peace as long as the US maintains a unipolar world order.

Those who are above the law hate peace!

martes, 26 de marzo de 2024

Paz para Palestina desde PR

Madres Contra La Guerra convocó un piquete para el martes, 26 de marzo de 2024, de 4 a 5PM, al frente del Consulado de Israel en Puerto Rico para protestar sobre sus crimines en contra de Palestina. Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver dicho piquete: https://rumble.com/v4lr7y0-paz-para-palestina-desde-pr.html

Es importante mencionar que Palestina es una colonia del estado artificial colono colonial de Israel. Puerto Rico, a su vez, ha sido una colonia de Estados Unidos (EU) por los últimos 125 años. Ambos EU e Israel cometieron genocidio para establecer sus estados artificiales en tierras de otros. Por lo tanto, ambos son criminales.

Habrá piquete permanente todos los martes de 4 a 5PM, hasta que cese el genocidio en Palestina.    

¡Resistamos lo inmoral! 

US hates the will of the people

The United States (US) government says that the United Nations (UN) Security Council’s ceasefire resolution is non-binding. Please click on this link for more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAg3KzE6PwM

The UN, however, says that the resolution is international law. Will the international community enforce it? 

The reason why the US says that international law is non-binding is because it doesn’t believe in majority rule.

Most US citizens, for example, are opposed to our nation’s unconditionally support of the artificial colonial settler state of Israel in its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. If the US is not a democracy at home, it certainly is not a democracy internationally!

The US, moreover, has refused to comply with 42 UN’s resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

This is why the UN must relocate its headquarters outside the US, if it intends to fulfill its mission of world peace. The UN cannot pursue peace being located in a nation that wants to continue to engage in imperialism forever.

What is the UN for? 

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2024

Crime creates oligarchs

The Global North (GN) has actively ignored the Global South’s call for a more equitable economic order. Please click on the following for more: https://youtu.be/PlAN5-Lk0hw

The GN has refused to change the current economic order for the past 50 years. That clearly indicates that the GN nations can’t be real democracies, because a democracy needs a strong government to control the crimes of its oligarchs. An uncontrolled oligarchy will impede justice for the rest of the citizenry.

The People’s Republic of China, however, has successfully installed a more equitable economic order to deliver democracy for her citizens. China has already eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the United States’ (US) population. An impressive 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government! Conversely, with 38 million Americans still living in poverty, only 33% of US citizens are satisfied with our government!

This is why the US considers China as its biggest threat. The US fears that if other nations follow China’s example, its unipolar world order will collapse!

That is why today the US has 800 military bases all around the world, and its military budget is ten times more than the military budgets of the next ten nations combined!

That is why the US has had an illegal economic blockade against Cuba for more than 60 years!

That is why the US always claims that a nation is a dictatorship that must be toppled, when she decides to exercise her sovereignty to benefit her own citizens.

And that is why the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.  

China is a US “threat” only because she is democratic.

Paz en Palestina

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2024

Israel insists on a “Final Solution” too!

The artificial colonial settler state of Israel is determined to ethnically cleanse the indigenous people of Palestine. Israel insists on that course, despite Palestine being their homeland, being prohibited by the Genocide Convention, being a war crimes, and a crime against humanity. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/-UwqsAbHUiE

Imperialism motivates Netanyahu, to employ Hitler’s “Final Solution to the Jewish problem” to the Palestinian problem. Therefore, Netanyahu has no intentions of negotiating a ceasefire, because he is determined to commit genocide against the Palestinians. The United Nations (UN), being a puppet for US colonialism, will never stop his genocide.   

It is time for the global majority to join the Houthis in collective resistance to force the rogue states to adhere to international law. It is also time for the global majority to relocate the UN outside of the US.

Rogue states despise peace!

Gaza ceasefire impossible

The United Nations (UN) has not been able, in six months, to pass a resolution to halt the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/bMR7q_ERIMg

The reason for that, is because the United States (US) wants to remove all of the Palestinians out of their homeland.

The US, just like Israel is doing right now against the Palestinians, committed genocide itself against the indigenous people of North America to establish its own artificial colonial settler state in 1776. Imperialists do not trust in God. The imperialists trust in capital!

The US and Israel are trying very hard to distract attention from their genocidal campaign by talking about condemning Hamas. The problem with that is that Hamas is the only one that has the right, under international law, to use all means necessary to decolonize themselves from the Israeli occupation. Israelis, conversely, have no right to claim self-defense in Palestine!

The US, as another example of US crimes, has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Today, half of the Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico live in poverty. Today, 38 million US citizens live in poverty in America. However, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans. Is this a picture consistent with US democracy or US imperialism?

Both the US and Israel should be kicked out of the UN, and the UN should be relocated elsewhere.

Those who commit genocide are against peace!

Western “democracies” favor genocide

Western democracies are projecting, whenever they accuse a nation of being a dictatorship. They are the ones who favor genocide in order to enrich themselves. That is exactly what is happening right now in Gaza. Please click of this link for more: https://youtu.be/jn7fIe8PYbg

It is important to note that both the United States (US) and Israel are artificially created states resulting from colonial settlers who committed genocide against the indigenous people of North America and Palestine. And, thus, they have always been rouge states!

Therefore, it is a ridiculous to believe that the US government trusts in God. The US government’s actions has always been in line with In Capital We Trust!

Thank God that the global majority opposes US hegemony!

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024

Hamas jamás pudiera ser el terrorista

Hamas tiene el derecho internacional para usar todos los medios necesarios para descolonizarse del imperialismo occidental vía su satélite Israel. Después de 100 años de ocupación militar, los palestinos ocupan hoy solo el 15% de su patria.

Israel, al contrario, no tiene derecho alguno para defenderse como colonizador. ¡Israel es obviamente el terrorista! Oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/IoZRACUG6XA

Israel y las supuestas “democracias” occidentales son los criminales responsables del genocidio en contra de la gente indígena de Palestina en su patria.

La mayoría de mundo esta con los palestinos, y debería urgentemente tomar acción para detener a estos criminales.

El Occidente no cree en “Nunca Jamás”.

Joint genocidal campaign against Palestinians

Both the artificial colonial settler state of Israel, and the artificial colonial settler state of the United States (US) are today committing genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. The US press, however, tries to distort that reality. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/XYfRhxStxRs

Genocide is against the law. Therefore, Israel and the US are criminals.

In a real democratic world order both Netanyahu and Biden should have been already arrested. But being that all of the international organizations are controlled by US imperialism, they remain at large.

Decent people must take it upon ourselves to create a more just world order, because people who defend capitalism, are opposed to doing what is right!

A democracy would never commit genocide!  

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024

Revoke US’ UN membership

There is no other nation that is more rouge state than the United States (US). The United Nations (UN) should kick the US out of the UN, and move it elsewhere. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/qcvZ5JWwoHY

A nation that does not respect international law has no business being a UN member state. Along with the de-dollarization of the world’s economy, we must also de-Americanize the UN.

A rouge state hates peace!

Potential of a real democracy

The United States (US) says that the People’s Republic of China is a “dictatorship”. Please click on this link to see what that so-called “dictatorship” looks like: https://youtu.be/-4ZgvwQ6YGU

While the US is busy fighting a proxy war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine, and supporting Israel in its genocidal campaign against Palestine, China is spending her money to benefit all of her citizens. That is what democracies, not dictatorships, do!

The US is obviously projecting!  

US is the opposite of democracy

The United States (US) isn’t a democracy? Please click on this link to hear why Professor Josef Gregory Mahoney of East China Normal University believes it is not: https://youtu.be/hu9G7PfkLC0

Only 33% of US citizens are satisfied with our government. The majority of us feel trapped!  

The US is a so-called “democracy” of trapped citizens.

Whose economy is more democratic?

The United States (US) says that the People’s Republic of China is a dictatorship. Please click on this link to see for yourself which economy is more democratic: https://youtu.be/isJR5dS27qA

The US’ economy is geared to benefitting its oligarchs, while the Chinese economy is geared to benefitting all of its citizens.

The US is the dictatorship!

Does US democracy deliver?

United States (US) does not deliver for all of its citizens, according to young Americans. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/2rsTs5jU7VI

The only ones for whom the US delivers is its oligarchs. That is why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. And, that is why the US is unconditionally supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza, despite most Americans being against it!

The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. All of the existing international organization are controlled by US imperialism!

38 million Americans live in poverty today, while the People’s Republic of China, whom the US calls a dictatorship, has eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population. And as far as democracy goes, only 33% of Americans today are satisfied with our government, while 90% of Chinese are satisfied with theirs.

The nations that the US excludes from its Summit on Democracy are happy about that. Who would want to be a part of the democracy that disappoints?

A reality check on US “democracy”. 

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2024

What kind of democracy permits genocide?

The 3rd Democracy Summit was held recently in South Korea.

If the nations that attended the 2024 Democracy Summit really believed in democracy, why are they collectively allowing the artificial colonial settler state of Israel to continue its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland? You would think that that would be the greatest priority for real democracies at this moment! Please click on this link to become aware of what these so-called “democracies” are spending their time on instead: https://youtu.be/mTnWoCvTjbY

These nations are all in violation of the Genocide Convention, because they are not doing everything in their power to prevent the genocide in Gaza.

Moreover, the United States (US) is totally complicit in Israel’s genocide, since it could not be continuing its crime without US support.

The US and its allies do not represent democracy at all. All of the existing international organizations are controlled by US imperialism.

These summits are imperialistic.

US’ economy designed for killing

The United States (US) had a fantasy that Ukraine could be used to get rid of President Putin, and thereby restore neoliberalism in the Russian Federation. That fantasy, however, has been blown to pieces with Putin’s recent landslide victory in Russia’s election. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/6EgKH5fWT40 

The US’ economic sanctions against Russia was never designed to turn the Ruble into rubble. It was meant to deindustrialize Europe by preventing it from trading with Russia. Therefore, Europe has become a sinking ship, so that US hegemony might be able to survive a little longer.

Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world, and its military budget is ten times bigger than the military budgets of the next ten nations combined? The US’ economy is designed for killing people. The notion that the US is the champion of democracy is just another fantasy.

Americans live is a fantasyland. 

De-brainwashing America

Since America, objectively speaking, is the land of the thieves, and the home of the caged, and everybody should know it, are you aware of it?

Everybody should also know that both major United States (US) political parties only represent US oligarchs.

That is why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans, while 38 million US citizens today live in poverty. And that is why the US government is unconditionally supporting Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians, although most of us are against it. But still, Americans will only consider voting for a Democrat or a Republican, even if they will never represent us!

How will we get a government to represent all of us, if we continue doing what we have always done? Isn’t it time that we make a revolutionary decision?

We have never lived in a nation that is the champion of democracy. How could we, when the People’s Republic of China has already eradicated her poverty since 2020, despite having 4 times the US’ population?

How could we, when only 33% of Americans are today satisfied with our government, while 90% of Chinese are satisfied with theirs?

And, how could we, when the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans?

Our brainwashed minds need cleansing to be able to respond to reality.

If you find it spooky to vote for someone who is not red or blue, something is wrong with you.

De-brainwash yourself!

martes, 19 de marzo de 2024

Make America the best it could be

United States (US) oligarchs are causing the collapse of the US Empire. Neither of the major political parties can stop it. The US’ government is morally bankrupt. That is why today the US is the biggest threat to peace. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/gRz5Bjv9KKM

Are Americans happy? Only 33% of Americans are satisfied with our government. Therefore, there is no freedom, or democracy in the US!

If freedom and democracy are important, don’t expect the candidates of either US major political parties to deliver that to their citizens. They are the problem!

We can see that today with the US’ unconditional support to the artificial colonial setter state of Israel in its genocidal campaign against the Palestinians, despite the majority of Americans being against it.

Democracy must be seen! 

The land of the free

People say that the United States (US) is the land of the free and the home of the brave. However, the US government accuses the People’s Republic of China of being a dictatorship.

A black man who has lived in China for 6 years compares the freedom in the US, and the freedom in China, to determine which citizens are happier. Please click on this link to find out: https://youtu.be/wzTiIj2ZKqo

Freedom means nothing, if you are unhappy!

Today, 38 million Americans live in poverty. Only 33% of Americans are satisfied with our government.

Conversely, China has eradicated her poverty since 2020, despite having 4 times the US’ population. 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government!

The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Therefore, the US does not want freedom for the Puerto Ricans!

China does not support the artificial colonial settler state of Israel in its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. The US, however, and despite most of its citizens being against it, is unconditionally supporting Israel’s genocide! That makes the whole world very unhappy!

US freedom is just an illusion!

US hates Russian democracy

If the United States (US) government doesn’t like the outcome of an election, then it says that the election was not democratic. The US’ lie, however, contradicts its own data collected by its own National Endowment for Democracy. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/FfCtojjhSTk

While President Putin enjoys an 87% approval rating from the Russians, and President Xi enjoys a 90% approval rating from the Chinese, President Biden, however, has an embarrassing 33% approval rating from the Americans. This does not look good for the so-called “leader of the free world”.

Democracy is a nation’s fulfillment of her inalienable right to self-determination and independence. What the US is actively doing around the world is interfering with that! That has been exactly what the US has done to Puerto Rico for the past 125 years.

The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

US “freedom” without real democracy!

US is a mafia state

Although the United States (US) purports to be the champion of democracy, it is actually a mafia state. The movie, The Godfather, makes reference to that in this scene: https://youtu.be/ZtL6kbYiP-w

Please click on this link to understand why that is: https://youtu.be/b4I8lbPMlYA

I would add that:

9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

38 million US citizens live in poverty today.

The People’s Republic of China, whom the US calls a dictatorship, has eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population.

33% of Americans are satisfied with our government, while 90% of Chinese are satisfied with theirs.

The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

And, the US is presently helping Israel to commit genocide against the Palestinians to, not only take their land, but to also make a new canal, and steal their oil. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/Wdlip2cMzBg   

The land of thieves and the home of the depraved!

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2024

Who threatens democracy?

The United States (US) threatens democracy all around the word. Please click on this link to understand why: https://youtu.be/n4IBBLWTODw

According to the Gallup Polls, the US is the biggest threat to peace. The US has 800 military bases all over the world, and its military budget is 10 times more than the next 10 nations’ military budgets combined! That’s not defense, that’s offense!

This kind of US exceptionally is imperialistic. That is why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while 38 million Americans live in poverty.

The US can’t be spreading democracy that it doesn’t have. Gaza is a good example of exactly what the US spreads.

The US spreads destruction.

No arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Biden

The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued on March 17, 2023 an arrest warrant for President Putin for unlawful deportation of children of occupied areas of Ukraine.

However, after 5 months of the artificial colonial settler state of Israel committing genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland with the unconditional support of the United States (US), no arrest warrants have be issued by either the ICC or the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Wouldn’t you expect an even faster response from the courts for genocide?

The fact of the matter is that these western international organizations, located in empires, are puppets of the US. Therefore, the US could break all of the international laws, and it would face no consequences. That is the real meaning behind “US exceptionalism”.

That is why the global majority is busy creating a multipolar world order where all nations would be governed by the rule of law. The US is frantically fighting its establishment, even if that means getting into World War III!

The people in the global majority must carefully navigate these perilous times in order to save humanity from extinction. We must analyze all information to get to the truth, and act responsibly. Click on this link to learn about the real reason why Israel, the US, and the West are committing genocide in Gaza: https://youtu.be/Wdlip2cMzBg

It is important to realize that the West is not the best. The West is the evil that cares more about wealth than about people. The West has always exploited humanity exclusively for its own benefit. The West, therefore, has been the real jungle that has destroyed gardens all over the world.  

Decolonize the world by first decolonizing our minds!

The diabolic duo

The United States and Israel are the diabolic duo behind the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. You need to follow the money trail in order to understand what motivates both these artificial colonial settler outlaw states. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/JTuGZ2MdKpU

You can’t be diabolic and also be “…under God…”!

MAGA analysis

Donald Trumps’ slogan is Make America Great Again (MAGA). How America was made great in the first place? Was it via democracy, and respecting human rights?

The United States (US) was artificially created by English colonial setters who committed genocide against the indigenous people of America.

The US, then, prospered some more by enslaving Africans.

The US continued to prosper by going to war with Spain by using as a pretext the explosion of the US ship Maine in Cuba. That was how the US transferred 4 Spanish colonies to the US. Puerto Rico still remains a US colony after 125 years, and 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

The US used the defeat of Nazi Germany to turn Europe into its vassal state. A great example of that was when the US blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, so that it could sell its more expensive energy to Europe, and thus replace Russian energy.    

In order to try to keep America great, the US is fighting today a proxy war against Russia. The US is also helping Israel commit genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine to, not only steal their land, but also to build a new canal to compete with the Suez Canal, and to steal the oil in Gaza. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/UQ5UnKa42EE

And finally, the US plans to go to war against the People’s Republic of China, by hypocritically claiming that it supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence. That, of course, is the same inalienable right that the US has violated for over a century in the case of Puerto Rico!

History tells us that the US has entirely made itself great by being an outlaw state. China, however, has become great by never having been an outlaw state. What do they both have to show for it?

The US today has 38 million Americans living in poverty, as it proudly boasts of being the champion of democracy. China, whom the US claims is a dictatorship, has already eradicated her poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population. That is why 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government, while only 33% of Americans are satisfied with ours!

The US, however, has China beaten in one category. 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. Please click on this link to hear President Trump admit to that: https://youtu.be/HYc8UXhjLH0 But that’s plutocracy, not democracy!

MAGA is keeping the US a plutocracy forever!   

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2024

Yemen’s courageous defense of Palestinians

Yemen has now expanded her targeting of Israeli, American and British ships in the Red Sea to also include the Indian Ocean in her lone and courageous defense of the indigenous people of Palestine. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/aO0-jbUfbxA

Too bad that many Arab states are not being governed for their own citizens. If they were, the genocide in Gaza would quickly stop.

Too bad, also, that the United States (US) isn’t governed for its own citizens. Most Americans are opposed to Israel’s genocide, and opposed to the US’ complicity in it. If the US were a real democracy, the US would have never committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

A real democracy would not be at war today with Russia, and not be trying to get into another war with China. It would, instead, be trying to get 38 million Americans out of poverty, giving them free medical care, and giving them a free university education. But all that the US is interested in doing is to make its 9 of the 10 richest men in the world richer!

US democracy is a lie!