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sábado, 30 de marzo de 2024

Direct war between US and Russia

Does the United States (US) want a direct war with the Russian Federation? That is exactly what will happen, if France and Germany continue with their plans to put their soldiers in Ukraine. Please click on this link to understand why: https://youtu.be/_9Yc5UthAJI

Now that the US’ proxy war has been lost, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is unwilling to accept its failure, France and Germany want to enter Ukraine’s war more directly. That, however, has the explosive potential of converting the Ukraine proxy war into a direct war between NATO and Russia. World War III could then be just around the corner!

It is not the Russians that want a world without the US and its allies. It is the US and its allies that want a world without the Russians. Therefore, the West has a huge problem, because Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world. She will never allow the world to exist without Russians! If, however, the US could pull that off that would indeed be “US exceptionalism”!

The West’s death wish.

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