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sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2022

US’ support against Russia is 13%

The United States (US) likes to talk about the international community, and her so-called “Rules Based Order”. But, the fact of the matter is that only 13% of the nations in the world support the US’ proxy war in Ukraine against the Russian Federation.

The US backed a coup d’état against the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, because he refused to be a US slave. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/NjuKZIBvgO4

China has lifted 700 million of her people out of poverty. That is more than twice the population of the US! What does that say about the US’ claim of being the champion of democracy a human rights?

87% of the world does not support the US’ proxy war against Russia, because the world considers the US the biggest threat to peace!

US’ leadership is an “F”. 

US failed to stop China from boldly going…

The United States (US) cannot fairly compete with China anymore. The US has decided to maliciously sabotage China’s quest to boldly go where no man has gone before. Please click on the following link to understand why the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace: https://youtu.be/SEs1oq2DMeM

Another example of the US acting in bad faith is Puerto Rico.

The US militarily invaded Puerto Rico in 1898 to make her a US colony. The US refused to comply in 1945 with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity. The US has also ignored 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The US’ so-called “Rule Based Order” will eventually lead to the US losing her hegemony. China, on the other hand, believes in international law. The UN would be much better headquartered in China! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

“US Rule Based Order” is the opposite of democracy!

viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2022

Democracia: estorbo estadounidense

El Imperio Estados Unidos decidió (IEU) dar un golpe de estado al presidente peruano electo democráticamente Pedro Castillo, porque la democracia es un estorbo para sus intereses. Por favor, oprima el siguiente enlace para más:  https://youtu.be/L_1Cy-wE9G8

América Latina tiene que entender que el IEU va a continuar haciendo lo mismo que hizo en Perú para tratar desesperadamente de mantener su hegemonía. Todas las naciones democráticas del mundo tendrán que unirse para evitar ser recolonizadas como acaba de hacer el IEU en Europa.    

Desarticulemos las jerarquías de dominación de la civilización de muerte de los últimos 500 años para construir una nueva civilización de la vida.  

La democracia es solidaridad.

No sovereignty no democracy

How could a nation be a democracy without having her own sovereignty? Therefore, the United States’ (US) claim that she is the champion of democracy and human right could not be further from the truth! Please click on the following link to watch a video that proves that: https://youtu.be/AeRL-POPV94

People talk about the government of Puerto Rico, and that it is a democracy. But, the US stole Puerto Rico’s sovereignty in 1898 via a military invasion. The US illegally has had Puerto Rico’s sovereignty for the past 124 years! Puerto Rico, far from being a democracy, is a US colony!

The US refused to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity. The US has also refused to comply with 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0  

The US’ goal is to steal every nation’s sovereignty, so she could rule the world. That is the essence of the US’ definition of “Rule Based Order”. And that is why the world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Change “Rule Based Order” into International Law to support sovereignty. 

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2022

US’ shadow war against Russia

The United States (US) tries to keep the public unaware about her all out shadow war against Russia. Since 2014, the US has been training Ukrainians to fight Russia, with the intent that the US may be able to maintain her hegemony.

The following video makes it clear that the US has never wanted peace with Russia. The US wants is to steal Russia’s resources! Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/m47oAKOYePE

The US has never sought peace with anybody. That is why the world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace!

The US has kept colonized Puerto Rico for the past 124 years. The US doesn’t care that she is committing a crime against humanity according to the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945. That is why the US has ignored 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans!

The people must push the US towards justice for all.

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2022

Harvard serves the oligarchs

Harvard University is where students are trained to serve the 1% of United States (US) citizens. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/LmhaDSJVu58

Therefore, the only way that the 99% of US citizens have to create a democracy is by organizing ourselves to engage in permanent resistance against the oligarchs. That was exactly what Pedro Albizu Campos, a Harvard Law School graduate, did!

Do you know that today the US is committing a crime against humanity by having refused to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism? And, do you know that the US has ignored 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans?

The 99% of US citizens must engage in permanent resistance to fight the oligarchs. The oligarchs want imperialism now tomorrow and forever!

We have to get smarter than the Harvard graduates.      

martes, 27 de diciembre de 2022

West fooled Putin to buy time

The United States (US) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization never wanted peace with Russia. The war today in Ukraine has been carefully planned by the west in order for the US to try to maintain her hegemony. Please click on the following link for the details: https://youtu.be/0-57KOwG9co

Therefore, the west is neither the champion of democracy, nor the protector of human rights. The west only governs for its oligarchs. How else could China have eliminated poverty having a population 4 times that of the US, while the US has become the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths?

While over 90% of Chinese approve of their government, and only about 40% of Americans approve of theirs, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

US means power to the oligarchs!

Is this democracy?

How could the poverty in Clarksdale, Mississippi be possible in the richest nation in the world? Doesn’t democracy mean that the government represents the majority of its citizens? Please click on the following link to watch a video about the level of poverty in Clarksdale: https://youtu.be/l-pkSu9ORo0

Ralph Nader believes, just like the narrator of this video, that the people themselves must be the ones who make democracy work for them. Click on the following link to watch Ralph’s video about what’s wrong with United States (US) “democracy”: https://youtu.be/FIop-nsF1Ic

The People’s Republic of China has proven that poverty could be eliminated. China has eliminated poverty, while having a population 4 times that of the US.

Do you know that China’s government has an approval of over 90% from the Chinese? In contrast, do you know that the US government has an approval of about 40% from its own citizens? Therefore, China with an “A” is more of a democracy than the US with an “F”.

And while the US continues to be the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths, the US also continues sending all the money in the world to defend Ukraine’s democracy. But what is irrefutable about the US’ so-called “democracy” is that today 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens!

The residents of Clarksdale and the 99% of US citizens must fight for democracy every day!

Democracy isn’t free.

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2022

Russia’s de-dollarization campaign

Russia is leading the world towards a new diversified financial system. This is very important for democracy, because the United States (US) likes to impose unilateral and illegal economic sanctions on nations that want to govern for their own people. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/ffFseEPa62M

80% of all international financial transactions are denominated in US dollars. And because of that, 60% of foreign reserves in central banks are in US dollars. This arrangement has allowed the US to bully everybody!

As the US continues to steal other nations’ money in western controlled bank accounts, more and more nations are anxious to de-dollarize.

Democracy through de-dollarization.

¿Quién tiene derecho a la autodeterminación?

No solamente tiene Estados Unidos (EU) a Puerto Rico como su colonia por los últimos 124 años, también tiene las mentes de los puertorriqueños colonizadas. Por favor oprima el siguiente enlace para ver cómo se discute la descolonización de Puerto Rico: https://youtu.be/F9wiltFeD1A

¿Por qué no se mencionó que actualmente EU está cometiendo un crimen en contra de la humanidad al negarse a cumplir con la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) del 1945 que prohíbe el colonialismo? Además, ¿por qué no se mencionó que, hasta el día de hoy, EU ha ignorado 41 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0   

Los puertorriqueños somos los únicos que tenemos el derecho a nuestra autodeterminación, y estamos permitiéndole, a ese criminal, dictar las pautas. Deberíamos todos saber, si no fuese por nuestras mentes colonizadas, que EU quiere tener a Puerto Rico como su colonia hoy, mañana y para siempre.

Por lo tanto, los 9 millones de boricuas mundialmente deberíamos organizarnos para hacer resistencia permanente para obligar a EU a cumplir con la ley internacional. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

¡Ejercitemos nuestro derecho!

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2022

Why must Puerto Rico wait?

Puerto Rico must wait, because the United States (US) is still interested in continuing to be an imperial power. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/gI0soKHlMlk

If the US were not, she would have complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity.

If the US were not, she would not be continuing to ignore 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

There has been 124 years for the US to have decolonized Puerto Rico, if that were what she wanted to do. These plebiscite games show that the US wants Puerto Rico as her colony now, tomorrow and forever.

When Puerto Ricans decolonize our minds, we will realize that we don’t have to wait for anybody. The 9 million Puerto Ricans worldwide, instead, would need to organize to engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with international law. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Colonialism being a crime is just “collateral damage” for the US.

Importa solo sus intereses

La guerra en Ucrania ha obligado a los europeos ver que Estados Unidos (EU)  solo le importa los intereses de su oligarquía.

Después de provocar esa guerra y convencer a los europeos a sancionar económicamente a Rusia, EU ahora vende mucha más armas para el beneficio de su Complejo Militar Industrial, y le vende a Europa su energía a 6 veces más cara que Rusia. Por favor oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/FGORZM5Sm10

EU ha convertido a Europa en lo mismo que Puerto Rico. ¡Europa ha sido colonizada! Y si no logra descolonizarse, Europa pronto se desindustrializará.  

Más puertorriqueños hoy viven fuera que dentro de nuestro territorio nacional, después de haber sido una colonia estadounidense por los últimos 124 años. Y la mitad de los puertorriqueños que rehusados abandonar a nuestra patria, viven en la pobreza. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

EU tiene nada de democracia. El mundo considera a EU como la amenaza más grande a la paz. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

¡EEUU solo quiere gobernar al mundo!

sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2022

US is violating Iranians’ human rights!

United Nations (UN) experts say that the United States’ (US) Illegal economic sanctions unilaterally imposed on Iran are violating the human rights of Iranians.

Instead of the US behaving democratically and stopping immediately her violation of Iranians human rights, she decides to audaciously accuse Iran of violating her own people’s human rights. It is important to note that 90% of Iranians live in poverty. Please click on the following link to get the full story: https://youtu.be/VTFBsXnUcnk  

The US never imposed economic sanctions on the Shah of Iran, even though he violated his people’s human rights every day. But after the 1979 revolution, and the new government began to govern for Iranians, the US started her illegal unilateral coercive measures against Iran. Are you aware that the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace?

80% of the UN member states that want peace should abandon the UN, and form their own real international organization with that objective. It could be called, Nations for Peace (NP). I suggest that its headquarters should be in Haiti for being the first Black Country to gain her independence.

No justice no peace!  

Oligarchs helped create miraculous China

United States (US) oligarchs, in their efforts to make themselves even richer, unknowingly helped make China into the super power that she is today.

In just 40 years, as the US deindustrialized by relocating manufacturing overseas, China was able to miraculously eradicate poverty while having 4 times the population of the US. Please click on the following link to understand how that was possible: https://youtu.be/5j_370sLsn4   

Isn’t it ironic that the nation that the US claims to be autocratic was able to eradicate poverty in just 40 years, while in Puerto Rico, after 124 years of US colonialism, half of the Puerto Ricans there live in poverty? What good is US “democracy” if it can’t outperform China’s so-called “autocracy”? China has a lot more claim to exceptionalism than the US! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0   

Isn’t it also ironic that over 90% (an “A”) of Chinese approve of their government, while about 40% (an “F”) of US citizens approve of ours? Based on that, who is more democratic?

If the US were truly a democracy, would 99% of her citizens have agreed to move their jobs overseas? If the US were truly a democracy, would the US be the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths? And, if the US were truly a democracy, would 8 of the 10 richest men in the world be US citizens? https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/ 

If the US walks, talks and looks like a plutocracy, she is a plutocracy!

And only we could change that if we want democracy!

Nunca habrá ambiente / Never will the conditions be

Nunca habrá ambiente en el gobierno de Estados Unidos GEU) para descolonizar a Puerto Rico. ¿Cómo será el ambiente en el Senado? ¡Negativo! Por favor oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/CxiEaFC4OnA

El GEU fue el que unilateralmente decidió invadir militarmente a Puerto Rico en 1898 para hacerla su colonia para siempre. ¿Cómo sabemos eso?

No hubo ambiente en el GEU en 1945 para cumplir con la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) que prohíbe el colonialismo por ser un crimen en contra de la humanidad.

Posteriormente a eso, nunca ha habido el ambiente en el GEU para cumplir con 41 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0   

El GEU quiere continuar gobernando al mundo. De eso se trata la guerra en Ucrania. ¿Por qué cree que el mundo considera al GEU como la amenaza más grande a la paz?  

¿Cómo es posible que alguien crea que el GEU es democrático cuando es el epicentro del coronavirus con más de un millón de muertos, y, a la misma vez, 8 de los 10 hombres más ricos del mundo son ciudadanos estadounidenses?   

El ambiente lo tenemos que crear los 9 millones de boricuas mundialmente haciendo resistencia permanente para obligar al GEU a cumplir con la ley internacional. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/ 

¡Los peruanos nos están dando un buen ejemplo de eso!

There will never be the conditions in the United States government (USG) to decolonize Puerto Rico. Will the conditions be right in the Senate? No! Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/CxiEaFC4OnA

The USG was the one that unilaterally decided to militarily invade Puerto Rico in 1898 to make her its colony forever. How do we know that?

The conditions were not right for the USG to comply with the 1945 United Nations’ (UN) Charter that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity.

Subsequently to that, the conditions have never been right for the USG to comply with 41 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The USG wants to continue ruling the rule. That is the reason behind the war in Ukraine. Why do you think that the world considers the USG as the biggest threat to peace?

How could anyone believe that the USG is democratic, while being the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths, and, at the same time, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens?

The 9 million Boricuas must create the conditions by engaging in permanent resistance to force the USG to comply with international law. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/ 

The Peruvians are giving us a good example of that!   

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2022

EEUU nunca cumplió Carta ONU

El Congreso estadounidense aprobó un referendo sobre el futuro estatus político de Puerto Rico. Por favor oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/LC1zh4h3bV4

¿Sabe usted que ese derecho de Puerto Rico a su autodeterminación, que habló el supuesto “gobernador” Pierluisi, fue precisamente lo que Estados Unidos (EU) destruyó cuando la invadió militarmente en 1898 para convertirla en su colonia? Para ese entonces, Puerto Rico ya había alcanzado gobierno propio como una provincia española.

¿Sabe usted que EU rehusó cumplir con la Carta de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) del 1945 que prohíbe el colonialismo por ser un crimen contra de la humanidad?

¿Sabe usted que EU ha ignorado 41 resoluciones de la ONU pidiéndole que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños?

Por lo tanto, si EU realmente quisiera descolonizar a Puerto Rico, solo tendría que cumplir con la ley internacional. Por lo tanto, el propósito de estos plebiscitos es únicamente para mantener a Puerto Rico como colonia estadounidense para siempre.

¡Conozca el bacalao yanqui aunque venga disfrazado!  

US’ “democracy” is same as Ukraine’s

The United States (US) says that Ukraine is a democracy. Democracy, however, was exactly what the US ousted, when she orchestrated a coup d’état in 2014 to install the present day US puppet regime.

Since the US has never had for herself a real democracy, Ukraine’s “democracy” is in fact the same as the US’. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/b9BRf4YA4vE

US “democracy” is responsible for being the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths, while, at the same time, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. How is that for US exceptionalism?

US “democracy” is responsible for her not complying with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity.

US “democracy” is responsible for her ignoring 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. That has resulted in more Puerto Ricans living away from Puerto Rico than in our own national territory. And for those who have refused to abandon our homeland, half of us live in poverty!

US “democracy” serves only her oligarchs.

The hijacking of “democracy and human rights” to continue US imperialism!

Gallup Poll consistently shows that the world considers the United States (US) as the biggest threat to peace, and for good reasons.

The war in Ukraine, for example, could have been avoided, but the US needed it in order to try to continue ruling the world. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/qheHrJPeLu8

How could being the biggest threat to peace be congruent with democracy, and the protection of human rights? It can’t!

How could wanting to set the rules for the whole world to follow (“Rule Based Order”), and refusing to allow any nation to be a competitor to the US be congruent with democracy, and the protection of human rights? It can’t!

If it walks, talks and looks like authoritarianism, it is authoritarianism.

US “democracy” my eye!     

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2022

US’ Rule Based vs. UN’s International Law

The United States (US) has never wanted to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945. Therefore, the US has invented, what she calls, a “Rule Based Order”. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/hfcvmxieug4

How could the UN ever ensure peace, if it is not even democratic? No justice no peace!

Why is the UN headquarters in the US, when the world considers the US the biggest threat to peace?

Why are member states’ UN fees denominated only in US dollars, when the UN knows that the US economically sanctions other nations illegally?

Where is the UN’s democracy, when the US and allies, comprising about 20% of the world’s population, voted against the resolution for a fairer economic system, equality, and sustainable development that 80% voted for, and the majority is ignored?  And then, the US has the audacity to claims that she speaks for the international community!

The west is autocratically against the rest.

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2022

Expulsan embajador mexicano en Perú

La presidenta usurpadora está furiosa con las expresiones del presidente de México por atreverse a criticarla por su golpe de estado al presidente democráticamente electo Pedro Castillo. Por favor oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/0Cut0S_9i_8

Los golpistas peruanos son aliados de la “democracia” estadounidense. ¿Sabe usted que el mundo considera a Estados Unidos como la amenaza más grande a la paz?

Sácalo a la fuerza si no puedes ganarle democráticamente.  

Cuando falla la democracia / When democracy fails

Estados Unidos (EU) no tenía problema con Perú cuando Fujimori era su dictador y asesinaba a su gente. Fujimori le dejó a Perú una Constitución diseñada para que solos los oligarcas pudieran gobernar a Perú.

¿Sabe usted que solo el 7% de los peruanos respaldan a su gobierno? Y sin embargo, EU dice que ese gobierno, con una “F” otorgado por los mismos peruanos, es una democracia y que defiende a los derechos humanos. ¡Con razón el mundo considera a EU como la amenaza más grande a la paz!

El gobierno golpista sacó al presidente democráticamente electo Pedro Castillo. ¿Qué hacemos cuando falla la democracia? ¡Cuando la marcha se pone dura, los duros se ponen en marcha!

Los peruanos están protestando para que Castillo regrese, se disuelva el parlamento, y se redacte una nueva Constitución. El gobierno golpista, de su parte, ha decidido a disparar para matar a los 93% de peruanos que se atrevan a protestar por su democracia.   

Cuando la tiranía es ley la revolución es orden.

The United States (US) had no problems with Peru when Fujimori was her dictator and murdered his people. Fujimori left Peru with a Constitution designed, so that, only the oligarchs could ever govern Peru.

Do you know that only 7% of Peruvians approve of that government? And yet, the US says that Peru, with an “F” rating by Peruvians, is a democracy and protects human rights. No wonder the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace!

The coup d’état government removed the democratically elected President Pedro Castillo. What can we do when democracy fails? When the going gets rough, the rough gets going!

The Peruvians are protesting for the return of Castillo, to dissolve parliament, and to draft a new Constitution. The coup government, on the other hand, has decided to shoot to kill the 93% of Peruvians who dare to protest for their democracy.

When tyranny is law revolution is order.   

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2022

Darren thinks US will set PR free

Doesn’t United States (US) Representative Darren Soto know that the world considers the US as the greatest threat to peace? He must not, because he said that the US is the greatest democracy on earth.

Does Darren know that the US militarily invaded Puerto Rico in 1898 to make her a US colony? That was not for the benefit of Puerto Ricans, since we were finally enjoying self-government as a Spanish province at the time of the invasion!

Doesn’t Darren know that his greatest democracy refused to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity?

And, doesn’t Darren know that the US has repeatedly ignored 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Had the US complied with international law, this kangaroo plebiscite bill would not be competing today with other fake news! Please click on the following link to watch Darren urge support for another plebiscite bill to supposedly “set our people free”: https://youtu.be/DYriT2YnuYs

Apparently, Darren doesn’t know that, in order for Puerto Rico to be set free, the 9 million Puerto Ricans worldwide will have to engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with international law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

US can’t be the greatest democracy and the biggest threat to peace at the same time! 

Castillo’s historic Latin American support

The decline of the United States (US) Empire is evident by the number of Latin American and Caribbean nations that still recognize the democratically elected President of Peru Pedro Castillo. He was removed via a US backed coup d’état. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/0-bbzsiqFN0

Plutocracy, which has no morality, still tries to assassinate democracy, using the US’ 200 year Monroe Doctrine.

We have no choice but to pay the human cost for our freedom.

Support democracy too.

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022

Dutch’s apology isn’t genuine

Open letter to Caricom Secretary General and CARICOM Heads of States

CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana

December 19, 2022

Subject: Apology for slavery in a colony

Honorable Caricom leaders,

With this letter Nos Ke Boneiru Bek (NKBB) wants to inform the Caricom leadership of the Dutch attempt to deviate the attention from her continued crimes against humanity by a halfhearted Dutch apology for slavery. The Dutch government continues committing crimes against the Caribbean peoples, by continuing the colonization of her subordinated Caribbean territories up today.

At the same time that the Dutch announced her apology for slavery, and a budget of 200 million euros to raise awareness for slavery, she is funding the War in the Ukraine with 500 million. We would like to remind the Caribbean leadership that with the illegal annexation of our island Bonaire on October 10, 2010, the Dutch acquired 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone in the Southern Caribbean Sea Basin in which they have absolute power by complete colonial rule from The Hague, Netherlands. The threat is real (see our previous letters sent to you in 2018 and 2019 on the Dutch provocation of   Venezuela), the Caribbean, as a peaceful region, is over, with Bonaire 50 miles off the coast of Venezuela, and the Dutch expanding the airport beyond commercial to military standards.

Furthermore, NKBB has to remind every Caribbean leader of the sudden Dutch’s interest in Southern Caribbean basin, with Venezuela, Surinam, and Guyana oil and gas as the new emerging Gold Coast.

NKBB urges the Caricom not to be taken in by the Dutch’s apology ruse. The Dutch are aware that the Caricom leadership is very serious concerning the reparation’s trajectory on slavery. The Dutch’s main objective should be understood as to divide the Caribbean leadership, as she continues her colonial agenda depopulating and ethnically cleansing Bonaire’s peoples by substituting her own people, which will inevitably lead to the disappearance of the natives Bonerians as Caribbean people.

The promised 200 million euros for awareness will be mostly spent in the Netherlands, and are cut from the budgets for poverty eradication and implementation of MDG and SDG projects. The Netherlands have used this strategy of promising United Nations and international funding to eradicate poverty to destroy and dissolve the Netherlands Antilles on October 10, 2010, and have never kept the promises. NKBB hopes that the advice in this letter will find a listening ear with the Caricom Secretary General and CARICOM Heads of States and strengthen the resolve to end colonialism.


James Finies – President Nos Ke Boneiru Bek

Davika Bissessar – President Bonaire Human Rights

What’s to debate about PR decolonization?

A bill is going to the United States (US) Senate about Puerto Rico decolonization. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/KJ_KIoHdQCI

Everybody should be asking, what is there to debate?

The United Nations (UN) has already determined in 1945 that colonialism is a crime against humanity. Therefore, the US has been committing a crime against humanity regarding Puerto Rico for the past 77 years! Why hasn’t the world imposed economically sanctions on the US, like the US and Europe have done to Russia for invading Ukraine?

The US has ignored, thus far, 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0  

So, instead of complying with international law, the US plays these plebiscite games!

In the meantime, more and more Puerto Ricans leave our national territory. Do you know that more Puerto Ricans live away than in Puerto Rico? Do you know that half of Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico live in poverty? Do you know that the US is gentrifying Puerto Rico? By the US’ actions during these past 124 years, her goal is Puerto Rico colonialism now, tomorrow and forever. Does that sound familiar?

The US will never help Puerto Ricans. Therefore, it is incumbent on the 9 million Puerto Ricans worldwide to engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with international law. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

These plebiscites are a wild goose chase!  

¿Podría ocurrir otra guerra civil? / Could another civil war occur?

Lo que va alrededor regresa.

Estados Unidos (EU) tiene una larga historia de removiendo gobiernos democráticamente electos cuando ellos interfiere con sus oligarcas enriqueciéndose aún más.

El hecho de que el dólar estadounidense ha sido la moneda dominante, y que EU controla las transacciones financieras internacionales desde la segunda guerra mundial, ha convertido a EU el dictador del mundo.

Rusia y China, por lo tanto, han empezado a reemplazar al dólar estadounidense. Eso resultará eventualmente en estragos para la ciudadanía estadounidense.

EU ahora se encuentra al borde de una posible guerra civil, como la que ella trata de lograr cuando sanciona económicamente a una nación, o da un golpe de estado.

Los ciudadanos estadounidenses han estado sufriendo por mucho tiempo por nuestro gobierno solamente representando a sus oligarcas. ¡Eso es incuestionable cuando 8 de los 10 hombres más ricos del mundo son estadounidenses, mientras que EU es el epicentro del coronavirus con más de un millón de muertos!

Por lo tanto, la supremacía blanca, hagamos América grandiosa otra vez, las vidas negras importa, el colapso de la economía estadounidense y el hecho de que todos tenemos una arma de fuego en América, hace muy posible otra guerra civil. https://youtu.be/Kmhnm0qlW8Y

Aunque el dólar dice, “En Dios Confiamos”, EU nunca ha practicado “hacer al prójimos lo que uno le gustaría que él le haga a usted”.      

Solo el 99% nos podrá darnos la democracia.

What goes around comes around.

The United States (US) has a long history of removing democratically elected governments, when they interfere with enabling US oligarchs from becoming even richer.

The fact that the US dollar has been the dominant currency, and that the US has controlled international financial transactions since World War II, have made the US the world’s dictator.

Russia and China, therefore, have begun to decouple from the US dollar. This will eventually cause havoc to US citizens.

The US now finds herself at the threshold of a potential civil unrest like the ones she tries to orchestrates when she economically sanctions a nation, or perpetrates a coup d’état.

US citizens have been suffering for a long time from our government only representing US oligarchs. That is undeniable when 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while the US is the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths!

Therefore, white supremacy, Make America Great Again, Black Lives Matter, the collapse of the US economy, and the fact that everyone owns a firearm in America, make another civil war very possible. https://youtu.be/Kmhnm0qlW8Y

Although the US dollar says, “In God We Trust”, the US has never practiced “Do onto others what you would want others to do onto you”.

Only the 99% could give us democracy!

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2022

A new multipolar world

The war in Ukraine has accelerated the emergence of a new multipolar world.

The United States’ (US) reluctance to accept that reality poses a danger to the world, and to herself. The world is threatened with nuclear war as the US tries to maintain her hegemony. And domestically, the 30 trillion dollar debt, along with the degree of polarity that exists among US citizens, threaten the possibility of erupting into a civil war. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/Kmhnm0qlW8Y

The world would be moving towards a real democracy, if we could avoid a nuclear holocaust!

Multi-polarity is a better fit for democracy!

Who chose colonialism for PR?

The United States (US) was the one that unilaterally chose colonialism for Puerto Rico in 1898. The US has always been autocratic! Why would Jennifer Gonzalez now believe that the US suddenly respects democracy? Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/bnP-GYlm0Us

Do you know that, in fact, it would be so easy to decolonize Puerto Rico, if the US really wanted to?

Do you know that today, the US is in violation to the United Nations’ (UN) Charter o 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity?

Do you know that today, the US has ignored 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

And do you why the US doesn’t want to decolonize Puerto Rico? The US makes a lot of money keeping Puerto Rico just the way she is!

Puerto Ricans have nothing to decide in this plebiscite. The international community has already decided that the US must return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Obviously, the US doesn’t like that decision! But, what could be simpler than that? https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

The US wants Puerto Rico as her colony now, tomorrow and forever!

Dutch recolonization of Bonaire

Press release. December 15, 2022 

Today marks 300 days that Bonaire Human Rights Organizationn(BHRO) president Davika Bissessar and Nos Kier Boneiru Bek (NKBB), president James Finies are on the road with campaign - SOS Bonaire Life Matters, Relisting Bonaire on United Nations Non-Self-Government-Territories. 

Since 16th February 2022 they left Bonaire in search of Political Support and Solidarity with the leadership of Governments, Organizations and Institutions in the Latin America, Caribbean, and the United Nations 77th General Assembly in New York.

Recently the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, visited Mexico and by invitation, Jorge Garcia, Vice-Secretary General of COPPPAL, James Finies, president of Nos Kier Boneiru Bek and Davika Bissessar, president of Bonaire Human Rights accompanied President Boric during his visit to the "Gabriela Mistral" School, located in Mexico City. The authorities of Mexico and Chile rendered tribute to the Chilean teacher and poet, who worked with dedication and educated thousands of children in both countries.

During the ceremony we were able to talk with President Boric, First Lady of Chile, Mrs. Boric and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonia Urrejola, to whom we presented our Assessment of Self-governance sufficiency in conformity with internationally-recognised standards Country:  Bonaire  and were able to expose the violations of Human Rights in Bonaire by the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Holland), the treacherous colonization that the people of Bonaire suffered, as well as the lack of freedom and democracy.

Furthermore, we were able to address the issue of Bonaire with Senator José Miguel Insulza, former Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), who expressed his solidarity and full support in our fight for the freedom of the people of Bonaire.

Last week the BHRO and NKBB had the honor to meet with Mr Conny Reuter,  Global Coordinator of Progressive Alliance.  The Progressive Alliance is a political international organization of social democratic and progressive political parties and civil society organizations, with 140 participants from around the world, that are convinced that a better future is possible and stands together for Freedom, Justice and Solidarity. 

Today, more countries in the world know of the suffering of Bonaire, its inhabitants since 10th October 2010 who have been stripped of their culture, their language and identity and the most precious thing, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, has taken away our right to freedom and equality.

Colonialism is a Crime against Humanity, and we promise to keep fighting as long as is necessary to bring justice, respect and rights of the people of Bonaire for their freedom and equality and for future generations to enjoy this liberation.

Dutch’s 10-10-10 Coup d’état. 

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2022

EEUU sacó a Pedro Castillo

El gobierno de Estados Unidos (GEU) sacó al presidente democráticamente electo, Pedro Castillo, para beneficiarse de los recursos del Perú. Por favor oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/p5vYw_BbyW4

Por lo tanto, el GEU no le importa la democracia, como tampoco le interesa defender a los derechos humanos. ¡Por eso es que Estados Unidos es el epicentro del coronavirus con más de un millón de muertos, mientras que 8 de los 10 hombres más ricos del mundo son estadounidenses!

Es importante señalar que la Constitución de Perú fue redactada por el dictador Fujimori, y que el Parlamento de Perú solo tiene un 7% de aprobación de los peruanos. Esa es la “democracia” que le gusta al GEU.

EEUU defiende únicamente a sus oligarcas.

The US Money Party

The Money Party is the one who governs the United States (US). The money people enjoy the American dream, while the 99% of US citizens must tolerate the American Nightmare. Please click on the following link to understand how the US does not have a government of, by, or for its citizens: https://youtu.be/bNeqlTwuOzE  

Railroads in the US are privately owned. That is an anomaly! In most nations, railroads are public. That is the plutocracy behind the deception that the US stands for democracy.

No one in the US government works for the people. Therefore, the people must save ourselves!

Only people power could beat the Money Party.

Masters will never free their slaves

Please click on the following link to understand why United States (US) plebiscites for Puerto Rico decolonization are always doomed to fail: https://youtu.be/hhFWS8vTSiA

Republican Tom McClintock spoke against the bill. He argued, 80% of Puerto Ricans: don’t speak English, labor participation is 40%, and 43% live in poverty. Well, that is the result of 124 years of Puerto Rico being a US colony.

Do you know that when the US militarily invaded Puerto Rico to make her a colony forever, Puerto Rico was a self-governing province of Spain? Where is that democracy McClintock mentioned in his speech?

Do you know that the US refused to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism for being a crime against humanity? Where is that democracy McClintock mentioned in his speech?

And, do you know that the US has repeatedly ignored 41 UN resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0. Where is that democracy McClintock mentioned in his speech?

Therefore, US endorsed plebiscites are designed to only deceive the public that the US stands for democracy. The US, as you have seen, has never defended democracy!

If the US ever had any intentions of decolonizing Puerto Rico, all she needed to do is to comply with international law.

However, slave masters want slavery now, tomorrow and forever. https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/  

Boricuas must free ourselves.

¿Qué es democracia estadounidense? / What is US democracy?

El respaldo de Estados Unidos (EU) al gobierno golpista en Perú (GGP) ejemplifica la democracia estadounidense.

Es importante destacar que la nueva presidenta no fue electa democráticamente por los ciudadanos peruanos.

Es importante destacar que el parlamento tiene una aprobación del 7% de los peruanos.

Es importante destacar que el GGP va en contra de los deseos del 93% de los peruanos.

Es importante destacar que el GGP está tirando para matar a los peruanos que quieren una democracia de verdad.

Y, es importante destacar que el GGP apoya a la oligarquía estadounidense.

Esa es la definición operacional de la democracia estadounidense. ¿Dónde está un gobierno de, por, y para el pueblo? Oprima el siguiente enlace para más: https://youtu.be/QhVdgvgCBtA

Ahora hace sentido la razón por la cual EU es el epicentro del coronavirus con más de un millón de muertos, y, a la misma vez, 8 de los 10 hombres más ricos en el mundo son estadounidenses.  

El General Smedley Butler de EU trató de alertarnos sobre esto en 1935 vía su libro “War is a Racket”. Pero, no le hicimos caso.

¿Estamos hoy más sabios luego de 87 años?

The United States’ (US) support to Peru’s coup d’état government (PCDG) exemplifies what is US democracy.

It is important to note that the new president was never democratically elected.

It is important to note that the PCDG has a parliament that has an approval rating from the Peruvian citizens of 7%.

It is important to note that the PCDG is going against the wishes of 93% of the Peruvian citizens.

It is important to note that the PCDG is shooting to kill Peruvians who want real democracy in Peru.

And, it is important to note that the PCDG supports US oligarchs.  

That is an operational definition of US democracy. Where is the government of, by and for the people? Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/QhVdgvgCBtA

Now it makes sense why the US is the epicenter of the coronavirus with over a million deaths, while, at the same time, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens.

US Major General Smedley Butler in 1935 tried to warn us about this in his book, “War is a Racket”. But, we didn’t listen.

Are we now wiser after 87 years?