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sábado, 2 de marzo de 2024

Enemies of a free and independent world

President Kennedy talked about the importance of freedom of the press. Click on this link to watch a video where he explains why: https://youtu.be/qvSD6If3zds

The United States’ (US) government does not want a free press. The US is not interested in correcting errors that hurt all of its citizens. The US is only interested in making profit for its oligarchs. That is why the US wants to kill Julian Assange.

The oligarchs’ controlled US press says that the People’s Republic of China is our enemy. How many nations has China invaded? How many nations has the US invaded?

The oligarchs’ controlled US press says that China is a dictatorship. Why, then, are 90% of Chinese satisfied with their government? Why are only 33% of US citizens satisfied with ours?

The oligarchs’ controlled US press says that China is not a democracy. How then has China been able to already eradicate her poverty, while the US, having only 25% of China’s population, still has 38 million Americans living in poverty?

And, the oligarchs’ controlled US press alleges that the US supports Taiwan’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence, while, at the same time, it has consistently ignored 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Those who hate freedom of the press hate democracy too!

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