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viernes, 21 de marzo de 2025

¿Pan Tierra Libertad?

El Partido Popular Democratico de Puerto Rico prometió a los puertorriqueños pan, tierra y libertad. Oprima el siguiente enlace para ver el propio Luis Muñoz Marín explicarlo: https://youtu.be/gVwiv-g7KiI

Hoy, 6 millones de puertorriqueños han abandonado nuestro territorio nacional (gentrificación), y la mitad de los 3 millones de personas en Puerto Rico viven en la pobreza. ¿Dónde está el pan, la tierra, y la libertad? 

La verdad es que Puerto Rico ha sido una colonia de Estados Unidos (EU) por los últimos 127 años. EU ha ignorado 42 resoluciones de la Organización de Naciones Unidas exigiendo devolver inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. Eso significa que EU miente al decir que es el campeón de la democracia. EU, al contrario, es el campeón del imperialismo. https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1w/k1wb1xdn6i 

La prueba está en que mientras 9 de los 10 hombres más ricos del mundo son estadounidenses, 40 millones de americanos viven en la pobreza, y 201 millones más viven de cheque a cheque. Y a eso, la mitad de los puertorriqueños en Puerto Rico quieren convertir a nuestra patria en el estado 51 de la Unión. 

Si de verdad queremos pan, tierra y libertad, deberíamos hacer una resistencia permanente para obligar a EU a cumplir con la ley internacional.  

Hambre, destierro, y esclavitud en Boriken. 

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2025

Make nations pays for US imperialism

Make America Great Again means making all nations pay for United States (US) imperialism. By 1945, the US became the industrial powerhouse of the world. The US created a world order to ensure that it remains hegemon forever. 

The People's Republic of China is today the industrial powerhouse, because the US became more interested in finance than industrial capitalism. The US Empire now intends to force all nations to pay tariffs to maintain its hegemony. Please click on the following link to understand how: https://youtu.be/EoKauxJNofA

The US has never been about democracy. If it were, the US never would have used capitalism. US capitalism today has 40 million Americans in poverty, and 201 million more living from paycheck to paycheck. Only 28% of US citizens are satisfied with our government!

US oligarchs, however, are extremely satisfied! 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans. 

Plutocracy is behind the US' "democracy".

martes, 18 de marzo de 2025

US' right to be an outlaw

Why does the world consider the United States (US) as the biggest threat to peace? The US has total immunity to international law. That being the case, the US can't also be the "Champion of democracy". Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/WgyzKKxLI24

The US is today supporting the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against international law.

The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

The US is presently bombing Yemen, and killing and wounding her population against international law.

And, while 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans, 40 million US citizens live in poverty, and 201 million more live from paycheck to paycheck.

Even US citizens are victims of our own government!

¿Por qué no el Plan A?

Hoy se discutirá en la Casa Soberanista un borrador que un grupo de independentistas le envió al Presidente Trump para otorgarle la independencia de Puerto Rico. El propósito de invadir a Puerto Rico hace 127 años fue para convertirla en una colonia estadounidense para siempre. ¿Por qué creen estos independentistas que Estados Unidos (EU) estaría interesado en descolonizar a Puerto Rico? Oprima el siguiente enlace para saber lo que se discute en Puerto Rico sobre ese borrador: https://youtu.be/gPNF6LRUjLQ

Si EU quisiera descolonizar a Puerto Rico, solo tendría que cumplir con 42 resoluciones de la Organización de Naciones Unidas demandando devolver inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. !Pero EU nunca ha querido! Y mientras tanto, 6 millones de puertorriqueños han abandonado nuestro territorio nacional (gentrificación), y los 3 millones de personas en Puerto Rico viven en la pobreza.  

¿No sería mejor poner en vigor el Plan A? Este plan sería que los 9 millones de puertorriqueños mundialmente hiciéramos resistencia permanente para obligar a EU a cumplir con la ley internacional. Hay que señalar que la nación colonizada es la que tiene el derecho inalienable a su autodeterminación e independencia. ¡Los puertorriqueños no tenemos que pedir permiso para liberarnos!  

¡Libera tu mente para liberar a tu patria!

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2025

The world must stop genocide

The United Nations (UN) has determined that the artificial colonial settler state of Israel with the unconditional support of the also artificial colonial settler state of the United States are guilty of genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine. Please click on the following link to hear the UN's damning report: https://youtu.be/Vv58Yrbba8k

That proves that the US has never been the champion of democracy as it claims. It is, as the world says in multiple Gallup Polls that the US is the biggest threat to peace!

The peace loving nations of the world must organize themselves to put an end to this genocide. If left to the US, Israel and their allies, the genocide will never stop.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wisely said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".  I believe that it is incumbent on all people of good will to defend the UN Charter and divine law. 

You can't say "IN GOD WE TRUST" committing genocide!

The Puertoricanization of Greenland

The United States (US) militarily invaded Puerto Rico 127 years ago to make it a US colony, because the US deemed her vital to its national security.

Today, the US deems Greenland a national security necessity too. The US puts its allegations of "national security" above international law. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/BjXzhd4GVzE

Although the US claims to be the champion of democracy with only 28% of its citizens actually satisfied with their own government, 85% of Greenlanders are opposed to their homeland's annexation to the US. The US, instead, is the champion of imperialism!

That is why the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

That is why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans, while 40 million US citizens live in poverty, and 201 million more live from paycheck to paycheck.

And that is why the US has unconditionally supported the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against international law.

The US totally violates the UN Charter.

Re-balancing American crimes

The United States (US) claims to be the champion of democracy, but in fact it is humanity's biggest enemy! Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/cDMNwvA9HqU

How could a real champion of democracy support the unconditional genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against international law? 

How could a real champion of democracy consistently refuse to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

How could a real champion of democracy have 9 of the 10 richest men in the world being US citizens, while 40 million Americans live in poverty, and 201 million more live from paycheck to paycheck?

And, how could a real champion of democracy be opposed to the rule of law? Isn't that the essence of democracy?

Thus, whether you condemn Hamas or not, democratic people have agreed to respect the rule of law. Therefore, those who do not respect the rule of law are criminals!

We should all strive to be on the right side of divine law, because when the re-balancing of justice comes, it will also affect those who come after you. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said it this way: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Never again means never again. 

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2025

Mind decolonization must come first

Decolonization is impossible without first decolonizing the minds of the colonized people. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/ZUERQ3ruVjo 

Puerto Rico is a perfect example of this. Puerto Rico has been a United States (US) colony for the past 127 years. 

6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty. Despite that, half of the Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico want Puerto Rico to be the 51st state of the Union. Thus, many Puerto Ricans have been successfully brainwashed! 

If they were not, they could join the Puerto Ricans who have not been brainwashed to engage in permanent resistance to force the US to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. 

But, instead, they continue to vote in Puerto Rico, as if Puerto Rico were a real democracy where the will of the Puerto Ricans is respected. 

They are unable to see, by virtue of 9 of the 10 richest men in the world being US citizens while 40 million Americans live in poverty, and 201 million more live from paycheck to paycheck, that instead of the US being the "champion of democracy", it is the champion of imperialism.

It is impossible for the US to be a democracy, when it has unconditionally supported the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against humanity and international law!

The mind is a terrible thing to colonize!

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2025

Tarriffs acelerate US' decline

The United States (US) is desperately attempting to remain hegemon by imposing tariffs on friends and foes alike. 85% of the world is anxious to escape US imperialism, by creating a democratic and multipolar world order.

Since the BRICS already represents more than half of the world's population, the US makes it even more difficult for itself to maintain unipolarity by engaging in trade wars with its own allies. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/MDaFhDqX-T8

The US claims to be the champion of democracy, but there is no evidence of that. The evidence, however, shows that the opposite is true! Here are just a few examples.

The US has today 40 million of its own citizens living in poverty, and 201 million more living from paycheck to paycheck.

The US has unconditionally supported the genocide against the indigenous people in Palestine against international law.

And, the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

The US, therefore, is instead the champion of imperialism. That is why, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. 

America collapses faster trying to be first forever. 

US' new colonial frontier

The United States (US) is suddenly attempting to colonize Greenland in the hope of hampering the development of the new multipolar world order. Please click on the following link to learn more: https://youtu.be/JWC5ECMS7Ys

The current unipolar world order only benefits US oligarchs, and allies. They are the ones responsible for colonizing the world. In the US, for example, while 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans, 40 million US citizens today live in poverty, and 201 million more live from paycheck to paycheck.

The People's Republic of China, on the other hand, is the one leading the multipolar world order movement with its win-win diplomatic and economic approach to international relationships. Thus far, about 60% of the world's population has partnered with China and the BRICS. The US Empire, therefore, is threatened!

This, of course, is great news for democracy. Puerto Rico, for example, has been a US colony for the past 127 years. The US, although claiming to be the champion of democracy, has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Rican. And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

While the US claims that China represents the biggest threat to its national security, the reality is that China only represents the biggest threat to US' oligarchs.  

Multipolarity only threatens US imperialism.

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2025

The myth of US' "national security"

The United States (US) wants to colonize Greenland supposedly for the sake of its "national security". But, who is threatening the US? Why does the US need 800 military bases all over the world? And, why then does the world consider the US, of all nations, the biggest threat to peace?

The fact of the matter is that the US is the one that threatens international security. Please click on the following link to know how? https://youtu.be/PVFvEmhey_k

The US considers communism and socialism enemies, because its military industrial complex can't profit from them.

The US claims that the People's Republic of China is a threat to the world. But, how could it, when she has eradicated poverty, despite having 4 times the US population, and over 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government.  Isn't that what democracy is?

The US claims that it is the champion of democracy. But, how could it, when 40 million Americans live in poverty, and 201 million more live from paycheck to paycheck? 

How could the US be a democracy, when 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while the nation is falling apart? Isn't that what a plutocracy does? 

And, how could the US be a democracy, when it has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty. Isn't that what imperialism is?

It's all about US imperialism!

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2025

Sovereignty not important to US

The United States (US) says that it will annex Greenland, because the US needs it for national security. Therefore, international law is irrelevant to the US. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/yaAStauEPRk

Whenever the US wants to violate international law, it says that it must do so because of national security.

Yet, when the Russian Federation objected to the expansion to Ukraine of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization citing national security, the US ignored Russia. 

Of course, the US did that, as well as wanting to annex Greenland, because it is an empire, and not really, as it claims, the champion of democracy. 

The US has always protected its oligarchs from communism and socialism. That is  why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans, while 40 million US citizens live in poverty, and 201 million more live from paycheck to paycheck. Only 28% of Americans are satisfied with our government!

That is why the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

And that is why the world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace.

No sovereignty, no peace! 

US continues war against Russia

The United States (US) continues its war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine to the last Ukrainian and western european. The US could then concentrate on fighting the People's Republic of China in order to try to maintain its hegemony. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/HLg9iFg7icA

Russia will not allow the US to freeze the Ukraine war, so that it too could become yet another Minsk Agreement. Everybody knows now that the 2 previous Minsk Agreements were a trick to buy time for Ukraine to get ready to fight Russia. 

The US will continue fighting Russia and China forever in order to protect US oligarchs from communism and socialism. US capitalism is the reason why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans, while 40 million US citizens live in poverty, and 201 million more live from paycheck to paycheck. Only 28% of Americans are satisfied with our government!

China, on the other hand, a nation the US accuses of not being democratic, has eradicated poverty, despite having 4 times the US' population. Ironically, over 90% of Chinese, are satisfied with their government. 

The US fights against its own citizens too. 

Cold Wars are against workers

The United States (US) is attacking US workers claiming that they constitute a greater number than what is necessary to do the federal government's work. Please click on the following link to learn that that is false: https://youtu.be/bAjLHyMI_O8

The US formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after World War II to contain communism and socialism that had gained momentum after the defeat of Nazism. That Cold War lasted for half a century.

During the Great Depression, communists and socialists in the US  pushed into existence many of the social programs that we enjoy today. US oligarchs, however, were not happy, because they were forced to pay for them.

Oligarchs even tried to organize a coup d'etat against President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal Policy. US Major General Smedley Butler alerted Congress of the plot, but it did nothing to the plotters. Thus proving that the US has always been a government of, for, and by oligarchs.

Capitalism does not foster democracy. That is why 40 million Americans live today in poverty, and 201 million Americans live from paycheck to paycheck.

That is why the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

And, that is why 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. 

Cold Wars favor oligarchs.

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2025

The UN without the US

The United States (US) recently withdrew itself from the United Nations (UN) Human Rights council, because the US alleges that it is not being run correctly. The UN has never functioned correctly, because of the US. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/3H0gWukCGik 

The US doesn't even qualify to be a UN member, because it doesn't meet the first qualification for admission, which is to be a peace loving nation. The US has 800 military bases around the world, and has had 123 military conflicts. Moreover, the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace!

The US doesn't respect the sovereignty of other nations, since it has no problem in removing  any democratically elected government if it doesn't follow Washington's wishes. Today, President Trump is insulting Canada by insisting that she become the 51st state of the Union.

Why didn't the US  offer Mexico to become the 51st state of the Union? Although Mexico would also not have been interested, it would have solved the US' border crossing problem. Mexicans, like Puerto Ricans, however, go against the US' long-standing doctrine of keeping America White Forever. 

The US constantly violates a nation's inalienable right to self-determination and independence. The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN's resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. In the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the people in Puerto Rico live in poverty!

The US has unconditionally supported the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against international law. 
And, the US doesn't even allow democracy for its own citizens. 40 million Americans live in poverty, and 201 million Americans live from paycheck to paycheck, as 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens!

Everyone agrees that the UN isn't doing its job, but that is because the US has always and consistently sabotaged the UN's Charter!

We need the UN without the US!

martes, 11 de marzo de 2025

La decisión es de los boricuas

Un grupo de puertorriqueños recientemente le ha pedido al Presidente Trump por la independencia de Puerto Rico. Por favor oprima el siguiente enlace para mas: https://youtu.be/MAFKLYdDJPY 

El problema con eso es que la ley internacional le da el derecho inalienable a toda nación a su autodeterminación e independencia. !Esa petición demuestra el alto grado de mentes colonizadas en Puerto Rico, porque todos deberíamos saber que nuestra independencia la determinamos nosotros mismos!

Los 9 millones de boricuas mundialmente deberíamos hacer una resistencia permanente para obligar a Estados Unidos a cumplir con 42 resoluciones de la Organización de Naciones Unidas exigiendo que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños.

¿Sabe usted que 6 millones de boricuas han abandonado a nuestro territorio nacional (gentrificación), y la mitad de la gente en Puerto Rico vive en la pobreza? 

¡Tomemos control de nuestra independencia!

Surveillance capitalism isn’t democracy

If capitalism puts the wealth of a nation into the hands of only 1% of its citizens, capitalism can’t be the economic system of a democracy. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/FcADchWhwUk

The proof of that is the fact that 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are United States (US) citizens, while 40 million Americans live in poverty, and 201 million Americans live from paycheck to paycheck.

The People’s Republic of China, however, and whom the US claims is not a democracy, has eradicated poverty, despite having 4 times the US’ population. Moreover, over 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government, while only 28% of Americans are satisfied with ours!

How could we be satisfied, when additionally, the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? In the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

While half of the Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico want Puerto Rico to be the 51st state of the Union, the US has consistently ignored them. The US, however, has recently offered Canada to be the 51st state of the Union, which she has never asked for or want. Why didn’t the US offer statehood to Mexico instead, and, in that way, solve its border crossing problem at the same time? Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, of course, do not fit into the US' long-standing doctrine of Maintain America White Forever!

Capitalism is imperialism.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2025

¿Por qué Canadá y no Puerto Rico? / Why Canada and not Puerto Rico?

Estados Unidos (EU) recientemente le ofreció a Canadá ser el estado 51 de la Unión. Canadá, sin embargo, no está interesada. Pero la mitad de los puertorriqueños en Puerto Rico sí. Ellos han estado pidiendo ser el estado 51 por mucho tiempo, pero EU los ignora. ¿Por qué?

Los puertorriqueños son Dred Scott. Él fue un esclavo liberado que demandó a el que fue su amo. La Corte decidió que Scott no tenía derecho alguno que el gobierno le tuviera que respectar.  

EU invadió militarmente a Puerto Rico en 1898 para hacerla su colonia. EU insistió que en el Tratado de Paris que transfirió a Puerto Rico a EU que se usara el lenguaje exacto de la decisión del caso Dred Scott vs Sanford. Esa parte lee, los derechos de los puertorriqueños serán determinados por EU. Así fue como los puertorriqueños se convirtieron en esclavos estadounidenses.

EU nunca tuvo la intención de convertir a Puerto Rico en un estado de la Unión. EU siempre ha querido mantener a Puerto Rico como su colonia para siempre.

Por favor oprima el siguiente enlace para ver un video donde el racismo estadounidense sobre la posibilidad de Puerto Rico convertirse en un estado de la Unión fue completamente ignorado: https://youtu.be/hZYwskvl_iA 

Por eso es que EU se ha negado a cumplir 42 resoluciones de la Organización de Naciones Unidas exigiendo que devuelva inmediatamente la soberanía de Puerto Rico a los puertorriqueños. Mientras tanto, 6 millones de puertorriqueños han abandonado nuestro territorio nacional (gentrificación), y la mitad de los 3 millones de gente en Puerto Rico vive en la pobreza.

EU considera a los puertorriqueños perteneciente a una raza inferior, mientras que los canadienses no.

¡Mantener América Blanca!

The United States (US) recently offered Canada to be the 51st state of the Union. Canada, however, is not interested. But half of the Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico are. They have been asking to be the 51st state of the Union for a long time, but the US ignores them. Why?

Puerto Ricans are Dred Scott. He was a freed slave who sued his former master. The Court ruled that Scott had no right that the US government had to respect.

The US militarily invaded Puerto Rico in 1898 to make her a US colony. The US insisted that the Treaty of Paris that transferred Puerto Rico to the US have the exact language used in the decision of the Dred Scott vs Sanford case. That part read, the rights of the Puerto Ricans shall be determined by the US. That is how Puerto Ricans became US slaves!

The US never intended to make Puerto Rico a state of the Union. The US has always wanted Puerto Rico to remain a US colony forever.

Please click on the following link to watch a video where US’ racism regarding Puerto Rico’s possibility of becoming a US state was totally ignored: https://youtu.be/hZYwskvl_iA   

That is why the US has refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. In the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

The US considers Puerto Ricans as belonging to an inferior race, while Canadians are not.

Maintain America White!

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2025

US' war against Americans

The United States (US) has declared war against its own citizens by deporting people, and putting tariffs on foes and allies. Please click on the following link to learn more: 

40 million Americans already live in poverty, and 201 million live from paycheck to paycheck. Thus, President Trump will instead make Americans lesser rather than greater.

Even US oligarchs, whom the US governs for, are being hurt by Trump's executive order fanaticism. Trump's supporters regret ever having voted for him, since they too are suffering.  

Many believe that a civil war is very possible between the haves and the haves not. The best way to make America great would be to make US imperialism impossible. After all, it is illegal!

Make America finally lawful!

US fights freedom

United States (US) Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth says that the US stands for freedom. The world, however, believes that the US is the greatest threat to peace. Please click on the following link to learn why: https://youtu.be/HOg-dqGd6Jk

Hegseth believes that the US should not only topple the government of the People's Republic of China and fight the left at home, but should also go to war against one quarter of the world's population who are muslims.  

Hegseth believes that God has chosen the US and Israel, and that their bond will strengthen more in the future. It is important to mention that the US today is unconditionally supporting the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against international law. How could God be in favor of that?

The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN's resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. In the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people living in Puerto Rico live in poverty. Why does the US deny freedom for the Puerto Ricans? 

Why doesn't the US provide freedom for its own people? While 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, 40 million Americans live today in poverty, and 201 million live from paycheck to paycheck. No wonder today many oligarchs are in President Trump's administration? 

US' "freedom" is imperialism. 

Puerto Rico isn't for Ruerto Ricans

Why isn't Puerto Rico for the Puerto Ricans? Please click on the following link to find out: https://youtu.be/6sPRFvWOBwo

When Puerto Rico finally got its sovereignty from Spain in 1897, the United States (US) militarily invaded her in 1898 to make Puerto Rico its colony.

The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN's resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. In the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people living in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

US imperialism does not benefit 100% of US citizens on the mainland. We know that because 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while 40 million Americans live today in poverty, and 201 million live from paycheck to paycheck. Therefore, the US is not the champion of democracy, but rather the champion of plutocracy! Why do you think so many oligarchs are in President Trump's administration? 

The People's Republic of China, on the other hand, could legitimately make the claim of being the champion of democracy, because she has, since 2020, eradicated poverty, despite having 4 times the US' population! Moreover, while only 28% of Americans are satisfied with their government, over 90% of Chinese are satisfied with theirs!

Only Puerto Ricans can make Puerto Rico for themselves, just like only Americans can make America for themselves. 

Imperialism isn't democracy!

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2025

US authoritarianism

The United States (US) claims that the People's Republic of China is authoritarian, although it has already eliminated poverty, despite having 4 times the US' population. The US, however, claims to be the champion of democracy, although it has 40 million Americans living in poverty, and 201 million living from paycheck to paycheck. Moreover, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. 

Please click on the following link to understand for whom US capitalism is designed to benefit: https://youtu.be/z-5tXWhUWvg

It is more obvious today than ever that the US has a government of, by, and for oligarchs, by the fact that 19 oligarchs are participating in President Trump's administration. 

That is why the US is supporting the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against international law.

That is why the US continues to ignore the almost unanimous United Nations' (UN) call to lift the US' illegal blockade against Cuba.

And that's' why the US consistently refuses to comply with 42 UN resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. In the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory, and half of the 3 million people living in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

The world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace. You can't get more authoritarian than that!

Where's the evidence of US democracy? 

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2025

Kick US out of UN

President Trump withdrew the United States (US) from the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council. The UN should have never allowed the US into the UN for not meeting the basic requirement of being a peace loving nation. That is confirmed by the fact that the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace! Please click on the following link to watch Trump signed that executive order: https://youtu.be/YzGvtDjIjjo

Trump says that the UN could be doing a lot more. The truth, however, is that it is because of the US itself that the UN is unable to do more.

The US has been the major obstacle in achieving a ceasefire in Gaza, against the overwhelming desire of the international community. 

The US is the one who is unconditionally supporting the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine ahgainst international law.

The US is the one who has consistently refused to lift its illegal economic blockade against Cuba.

And, the US is the one who has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. In the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory, and half of the 3 million people living in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

The US has no business being in the UN! 

Recortes a veteranos

Denunciamos enérgicamente el despido miles de empleados federales de la Administración de Veteranos. Ésto es una agenda vil de la administración del presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump y de su asesor Elon Musk, trillonario inescrupuloso, para eventualmente privatizar los servicios. De esa manera buscan enriquecer a las industrias del sector privado. Por años hemos denunciado los deficientes servicios de salud física y mental que se le ofrecen a la clase veterana en Puerto Rico. Estás órdenes ponen aún más en riesgo la salud y la vida de una clase veterana que ya sufre demasiado. Impacta no solamente al veterano sino también a sus familiares. El presupuesto anual del Departamento de Defensa es de $887 mil millones de dólares para el año fiscal 2024- 2025. ¿ A qué no reducen la compra de armamentos y de equipo bélico? ¿ A qué no reducen los fondos asignados para el reclutamiento militar? Sencillo: porque la prioridad no son los militares. La prioridad no son los veteranos. La prioridad es continuar con la agenda bélica para el control geopolitico de Estados Unidos y de sus aliados. Exigimos que se exima a la Administración de Veteranos de los recortes. Que se detenga el despido de miles de empleados de Veteranos. Que en vez de recortar los servicios, se expandan y mejoren la calidad. http://madrescontralaguerra.blogspot.com

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2025

Who's next after Gaza

Most of humanity  is against the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, simply because it is wrong. If genocide is allowed to occur anywhere, you could easily be next. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said it this way. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/k17q7hdVsTA

Who are the wrong people for those who practice genocide? They are the opposite of the rich people. Oligarchs believe only they have the right to live!

The United States (US) is unconditionally supporting the genocide in Gaza against international law. That means that the US can't be the champion of democracy, as it proclaims. The US is, as the world correctly believes, the biggest threat to peace!

The US is even a threat to its own citizens, as 40 million live in poverty, and 201 million live from paycheck to paycheck. Conversely, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are Americans. 

If oligarchs are willing to do that to their own fellow citizens, it's no wonder that the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

Those commiting genocide must be stopped.

Criminals can't bring peace!

Desparate attempt to remain hegemon

The United States (US) is willing to sacrifice its own citizens in order to maintain US oligarchs controlling the entire world. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/ANqHCejgUTM

The US, therefore, has never believed in democracy, human rights, or the rule of law. The US only  believes that oligarchs have a right to live.

When a US president gets elected that goes against that, US oligarchs try to coup that president. Such was the case of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He enraged oligarchs by making them pay for his "New Deal" policy. US Major General Smedley Butler alerted the US government that oligarchs planned to 'coup Roosevelt',  but the government refused to do anything against the oligarchs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot

US oligarchs were also not happy with President John F. Kennedy, because he refused to endorse Operation Northwoods that would have harmed US citizens in order to blame it on Fidel Castro. This time, the oligarchs succeeded in removing Kennedy from office. https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=92662&page=1

Citizens must fight for our own survival. 

"Democracy" for only oligarchs

The United States' (US) "democracy" is not to benefit 100% of its citizens. If it were, why would 40 million US citizens be living today in poverty, and 201 million living from paycheck to paycheck? Please click on this link to learn more about this: https://youtu.be/gW8EyV_jsr8

The fact that 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens, while 99% of us are excluded from the so-called "American Dream" means that the US is a plutocracy.

The US has never complied with international law, because that would hinder US' oligarchs from making as much money as possible. 

That is why the US provoked a proxy war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine, and why it is supporting the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine against international law. 

Moreover, the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations' resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico's sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people living in Puerto Rico live in poverty.

The US saying that it is the champion of democracy doesn't make it true. Only 28% of US citizens are satisfied with our government. Conversely, and contrary to the US' claim that China is autocratic, over 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government. The People's Republic of China has never boasted of being the champion of democracy, although it has a legitimate right to do so. China has already eradicated poverty since 2020, despite having 4 times the US' population!
"Democracy" for only oligarchs is correctly called plutocracy.