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lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024

Capitalism breeds world wars

Why do the United States (US) and its allies hate socialism? They do, because socialism hampers their perpetuation of imperialism. If we study the cause of World War I, it becomes clear that capitalism, if not controlled, will destroy humanity! Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/LJlRIHUfsxs

Today, the US and its allies seek to destroy the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, because they practice win-win relationships among nations.

The US and its allies, who practice a win-lose relationship among nations, are today supporting the genocide of the indigenous people of Palestine against international law. Although the US claims to be the “champion of democracy”, the world knows better, as it considers the US, on the contrary, as the biggest threat to peace.  

World War I occurred, because imperial powers competed with each other for colonies and world markets. The Bolshevik Revolution declared capitalism an enemy of humanity. That is why capitalists’ nations tried to quickly overthrow the Russian Revolution, and have since always regarded Russia as their enemy.   

Capitalism is the people’s enemy!

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