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lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2024

4 Boricuas fighting for independence

Four Boricua nationalists risk their lives for our independence. Please click on this link to learn about them: https://youtu.be/mnRzAY7tYN0

Boriken still remains to this day a United States (US) colony after 126 years. Today, two thirds of Boricuas live away from our national territory, and half of those remaining in Boriken, live in poverty.

The US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. That means that, instead of the US being the self-proclaimed “champion of democracy”, it is actually the champion of imperialism!

So, why should Puerto Ricans vote in the colonial political elections in Puerto Rico this November, when everybody knows that no matter which candidate wins, the US will be the winner?

Doesn’t it make better sense if the 9 million Boricuas worldwide, taking the example of our 4 Puerto Rican nationalists, engage in permanent resistance to force the US government to comply with international law?

Elections will never end our enslavement.

A Boricua tsunami resistance would!   

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