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viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024

Why does Russia have nuclear weapons?

Why does the Russian Federation have the most nuclear weapons in the world? She does, because Russia saw how the United States (US), when nobody else had nuclear weapons, used them unnecessarily against Japan at the end of World War II. Therefore, Russia’s formidable nuclear capability is to defend herself from the US Empire. Please click on this link to watch a video about President Putin’s warning to the US: https://youtu.be/8utiEB1P-eU

US oligarchs are running the US, and they are sick people who don’t value human life, as is evident in their unconditional support of the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine. The American people must find a way to remove them from the government. If we don’t, they may kill us all, if they see they can’t dominate the world.

The 2 major US political party candidates for president are puppets of US oligarchs. They only represent the continuation of 38 million Americans living today in poverty, and 60% living from paycheck to paycheck, while 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens!

Third party candidates, however, are advocating for the abolition of US imperialism. Voting for any of them would be the best way to get real democracy, short of a violent revolution.

Oligarchs do not support democracy!

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