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miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2024

Zionist's cancer spreads to Lebanon

The United States (US) decided in 1992 to disregard its own Constitution and international law, when it called for insuring that no rivals develop that may challenge its hegemony. This is why, in 2024, the US has given Israel 18 billion dollars to carry out its crimes against humanity. Israel is crucial for the US in order to try to remain hegemon. The document, known in the Pentagon as the Defense Planning Guidance, is the genesis of what US refers to the “Rules Based Order”. Please click here to read that document in its entirety: https://www.nytimes.com/1992/03/08/world/us-strategy-plan-calls-for-insuring-no-rivals-develop.html

The US claims that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Why should anyone believe that from the one that the world regards as the biggest threat to peace? On the contrary, Hezbollah is the one fighting US imperialism! Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/IoyuwuXFG2c

If we really believe in democracy, we must get the mad people who created the “Rules Based Order” out of the US government.

The US doesn’t not stand for liberty and justice for all. 

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