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domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024

US: debt trap champion

The United States (US) has created, since 1945, a network of institutions to rob other nations of their sovereignty. Nations, thus, become victims of US imperialism, and end up working exclusively for the benefit of US oligarchs, while being forced to neglect the needs of their own citizens. Please click on this link for more: https://youtu.be/M0Ef_hbNsBs 

The US even harms its own citizens by practicing financial capitalism that exclusively favors oligarchs. In order to keep US workers’ wages down, the US does not practice industrial capitalism, as it once did from 1945 to 1970 during President Roosevelt’s New Deal. The New Deal was to prevent Americans from following Russia’s socialist economic model that was outperforming the US.

The US today is the world’s mafia, trying to hide behind the façade of being the champion of democracy. The US hates any nation that tries to govern for its own people. Those nations are the ones that the US imposes unilateral and illegal economic sanctions.

De-dollarization is the most effective way for the 75% of the world that wants to avoid falling prey to US imperialism, because it impedes the US’ ability to steal the wealth of the global majority.

The People Republic of China, whom the US considers its enemy, has eradicated poverty since 2020, despite having 4 times US’ population. We are talking about 850 million Chinese, which makes up almost 3 times the entire population of the US! If China is not a democracy, nobody is!

Can the new multi-polar world order, led by the BRICS nations, create the democracy that the global majority long for? We hope so! Of course, there is always the possibility that the neoconservatives, who are sick people, might decide to press the red button, and kill us all.

US wants to enslave the world.

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