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jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2024

“Champion of democracy” hates rule of law

The United States (US), the self-proclaimed “champion of democracy” has no respect for the rule of law. The US is opposed to the International Court of Justice, and its own Constitution. Please click on this link to show how the US continues to illegally and unconditionally support the artificial colonial settler regime of Israel, as it continues its genocidal campaign against the indigenous people of Palestine: https://youtu.be/sK9dmK8p0n0

The global south, which make up 85% of the world’s population, supports Palestine, whereas only 15%, the global north, supports US imperialism. This is why, the world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace.

The US is even the biggest threat to its own people, as 38 million Americans live in poverty, and 60%, what used to be the middle class, live from paycheck to paycheck. And while all that happens, 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. That is, instead, being the champion of oligarchy!

The People’s Republic of China, who does support international law, has already eradicated poverty since 2020, despite having 4 times the US’ population!

Moreover, the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. The US, therefore, and under both major political parties, has become a pariah state!

The US so-called “Rules Based Order (RBO)” is an attempt to replace international law, so that the US could do whatever it wants. What is today happening in Gaza is the true face of the US’ RBO.

The US is the champion of pariah states.

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