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domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2019

Does the US stand for "Justice For All"?

Click on the following link for a brief summary of the history of the United States of America to help you answer this question: https://mtwsfh.blogspot.com/2011/04/1952-ike-project-torturing-albizu.html?fbclid=IwAR1xIn_S5pxYrRUJyXq-8qB8N64XARUvGmzqNvykI5pmH66aiSqJvSghbEY.

Why isn’t this history taught in schools? Don’t citizens in a democracy need the truth, so that they could make wise decisions in the election booth?

Would you believe that the United Nations’ (UN) annual hearing on Puerto Rico decolonization is not reported in the New York City press, although over 700,000 of its residents are Puerto Rican? That hearing has to do with the United States Government (USG) committing a crime against humanity by refusing to comply with the UN’s Charter that specifically prohibits colonialism, and 38 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. http://webtv.un.org/watch/5th-meeting-committee-of-24-special-committee-on-decolonization/6051725003001/

Who does the world believe is the biggest threat to world peace? Click on the following link to read about a survey that answers that. What is most impressive about it is that, the winner wins by a landslide! https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/08/07/polls-us-greatest-threat-to-peace-world-today/

Join the permanent resistance to force the USG to comply with international law, because if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697349163904877/
Be part of the solution.

1 comentario:

  1. 1950-52: PUERTO RICO. The Truman regime decides once and for all to destroy the Puerto Rican independence movement which is inconveniently trying to end the U.S. colonial occupation of the nation of Puerto Rico. U.S. Secretary of "Defense", Louis Johnson, travels to Puerto Rico and meets with U.S. military leaders and the U.S. puppet "governor" to plot the destruction of the movement led by Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos of the Puerto Rico Nationalist Party (PNP).

    PNP agents in the governor's office learn of the plan and try to warn Puerto Ricans of the impending clampdown. Operating under the same guiding principles as the "free" press in the U.S., Puerto Rican newspapers in the U.S. colony refuse to carry the story. To get the message out, the PNP organizes a campaign of public meetings. Police stop a PNP caravan of cars near Panuelas. Four nationalists and two police die in the resulting firefight.

    In what is allegedly the American revolutionary tradition, Albizu Campos calls on the people of Puerto Rico to take up arms to win their freedom from their colonial oppressors. Resistance fighters attack police headquarters in Jayuya, set fire to the building and destroy the occupation government offices in the town. They proclaim the Second Republic of Puerto Rico and raise the revolutionary flag. The U.S. launches a bombing campaign against Puerto Rico as National Guard troops advance against Puerto Ricans on the ground. Armed revolts break out in Arecibo, Mayaguez and Naranjito. In Utuado, U.S. forces massacre independence fighters who surrender to them. In San Juan, independence fighters attack the governor's palace. Police beseige Albizu Campos in his house for two days before the nationalists finally surrender.

    In the aftermath of the uprising, the U.S. launches a reign of further oppression of the people of Puerto Rico. Three thousand Puerto Ricans are arrested, including virtually all known members of the PNP, and even many members of the reformist Puerto Rican Independence Party which has always rejected armed struggle against the American occupation. Police are issued blank arrest warrants to seize anyone they choose. The trials last for three years. Almost all of the accused are convicted and condemned to prison. In some cases, people are reportedly imprisoned simply because they had shouted "Viva Puerto Rico Libre!" and we can't be havin' none of that.

    Occupation police, working with the FBI, develop a huge blacklist of independence supporters who, along with their families and employers are harassed and victimized for years. In 1988, when the blacklist is challenged in court, it is discovered to contain more than a hundred thousand files.

    America's most vicious retribution is saved for Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos, who simply refuses to surrender his beliefs to the occupiers of his country. He is sentenced to seventy two years in prison for attempting to exercise his theoretical rights of free speech by making twelve pro-independence speeches. He is tortured by his American captors with massive doses of X-rays resulting in horrific radiation burns, a technique pioneered by a team of Nazi war criminals imported and hired for their invaluable skills by the U.S. government following World War Two.

