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miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2022

Only US benefits from a Russian conflict

The western Europeans (WE) should not allow themselves to be destroyed in a war with Russia to maintain the United States government (USG) as hegemon. Click on the following link for some good advice for WE: https://youtu.be/EgO7PglD7Yk

That is why the world regards the USG as the biggest threat to peace. That is why the USG has 800 military bases all around the world, and wanted one more in Ukraine.

That is why the USG refuses to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter that prohibits colonialism since the end of World War II. And that is why the USG has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Do you know that the UN is currently in its 4th International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0   

The USG is not about democracy. The USG is about its 1% of US citizens trying to dominate the world. That was exactly what US Major General Smedley Butler (book: War is a Racket) and US President Eisenhower (Military Industrial Complex) warned us about.   

Don’t allow the US to destroy the world!

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