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jueves, 21 de abril de 2022

Corporations more powerful than the state

Can democracy really exist when corporations are more powerful than the state? Click on the following link to find out what history has shown: https://youtu.be/zPIhMJGWiM8

Many countries, including our own, were shocked to discover that the United States (US) is the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, and that Cuba, a nation subjected to a US blockade for over 60 years, was not! But yet, 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. Is our so-called “beacon of democracy” serving us, or her corporations? 

If the US government is serving its people, why does the world regard it as the biggest threat to peace? Why don’t US citizens have universal health care like all citizens of industrialized nations do? Do you know that the US’ gross domestic product (GDP) is 21 trillion dollars a year, while China’s GDP 2 thirds that amount at 14 trillion. And yet, Chinese citizens give their government an approval rating of over 95%, versus US citizens giving our government an approval rating of 40%!

The US media will never tell you this, because they are US corporations. But, as you can see, something is definitely wrong!

Do US citizens have a government for the people?  

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