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jueves, 30 de julio de 2020

“US is a government for white men”

Andrew Johnson became president of the United States (US) after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He was a southern white supremacist. He said that, “as long as I am president, the US government (USG) will be for white men.” Click on the following link to watch a video containing a history that few people know: https://youtu.be/xzL2Brhg9aQ

That is why in 1898, President William McKinley ordered the military invasion of Puerto Rico to make her a US colony.

That is why in 1945, President Harry S. Truman decided to commit a crime again humanity by refusing to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter that prohibits colonialism.

And that is why all of the presidents from Truman to Trump have been accomplices of the USG’s crime against humanity by ignoring 39 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. http://webtv.un.org/watch/5th-meeting-committee-of-24-special-committee-on-decolonization/6051725003001/

How can we make the USG a government of, by and for 100% of the people? The only way would be by engaging in resistance today, resistance tomorrow and resistance forever! We must, because those who believe that the USG is a government for white men, don’t want LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! http://www.todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Did Abraham Lincoln preserve the Union?

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