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sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

China outperformed the greatest nation

The Peoples’ Republic of China has outperformed, for the past 30 years for her people, the United States (US). Many believe that China will soon replace the US as the most important economy in the world. Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/CydroIVRT_I

The US government (USG) does not work for its people. That is why the USG militarily invaded Puerto Rico to make her its colony. That benefits the 1% of US citizens.

But to benefit them, the USG had to violate the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism. Colonialism is a crime against humanity. Therefore, the USG has been committing that crime for the past 76 years!

As if that weren’t enough, the USG has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otzBslJLbI0

The only area in which the USG is outperforming China is in its representation of the wealthiest US citizens. But is that what the 99% of us want our government to do?

When President Roosevelt instituted his “New Deal” to save the people from the Great Depression of the 1930’s, the 1% tried to topple his administration. Major General Smedley Butler alerted the US government of that, but the plotters were never punished. Are you aware that President George W. Bush’s grandfather was one of the conspirators?

Are we ready to engage in permanent resistance to make the USG represent all of its citizens? That will not happen on its own. And if we were to succeed, we would have to protect that government, because the 1% will want to go back to the good old days! https://todosunidosdescolonizarpr.blogspot.com/

Are we determined to have a real democracy?

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