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sábado, 22 de enero de 2022

Isn’t all life precious?

Isn’t it depressing to realize that we have allowed a system where 99% of the world’s people are worst off after the pandemic, while the wealth of the top 10 richest people have doubled? Isn’t that evidence that many governments have a fundamental disrespect for morality? Click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/GHtY2VsMPZo

If you were one of those 10 richest people, would you be totally insensitive to world poverty? Would you feel any morale obligation to find a solution to the economic inequality of the rest of humanity?

The answer to economic inequality isn’t to tax the richest 10 people one time at 99% like the video suggested. The real answer is to substitute a system that would never allow that to happen in the first place! But, for that to happen, the 99% of the people will have to fight hard!

Life is too precious to look the other way!

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